Capital punishment, criminals and enemies

  • Renmin University of China Law of School, Beijing, 100872, China

Published date: 05 Jun 2006


Right of life and life are different concept. The former is endowed w by state beforehand, which is proved through his behavior that he is deserved to own the right of life. The one who thoroughly offend the basic norm in the law is the enemy of our realistic world. If only the enemy still have danger to threaten the society, he should be executed to death penalty, and deprived of his life , but will not happen the problem of miscarriage of justice and inhumanity. The criminal s behavior just only denies part of norm in the law, however, who still is mankind and should possess of mankind s dignity, so we must abolish death penalty on them, miscarriage of justice is another reason of course.

Cite this article

FENG Jun . Capital punishment, criminals and enemies[J]. Frontiers of Law in China, 2006 , 1(2) : 210 -220 . DOI: 10.1007/s11463-006-0005-6

