Published date: 15 Dec 2020
With nine main theses that are interspersed with each other, this paper explores and articulates some of the most important questions in natural law theory. The theses include: I. In investigating facts, one finds reasons to choose an honest self-discipline; II. Deliberating, one finds reasons similarly directing one to other intrinsic goods; III. Taken integrally, these goods and principles acquire the force of moral precepts; IV. Those precepts, natural moral law, depict our nature (humanity) in its flourishing; V. Nature and natures are best explained by free, intelligent transcendent creation; VI. Creation and other gifts past and present deserve our gratitude; VII. Natural moral law and historical revelation are two channels of information; VIII. Secular and spiritual communities are distinct and respectfully self-governing; IX. Natural moral law defines human rights but rightfully extends beyond them.
Key words: natural law; practical reason; historical revelation; moral precepts
John Finnis . Natural Law: Practical Reason and Creative Information[J]. Frontiers of Law in China, 2020 , 15(4) : 373 -389 . DOI: 10.3868/s050-009-020-0022-2
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