Part on Green and Low-Carbon Development of China's Environmental Code System Response and Institution Implementation in Sustainable Development
ZHANG Zhongmin
Part on Green and Low-Carbon Development of China's Environmental Code System Response and Institution Implementation in Sustainable Development
The sustainable development integrity, national development goals, and legislative status quo have determined that the Green and Low-Carbon Development Part must be designed and incorporated into the China's Environmental Code (Code). The theoretical evolution in the action field, system composition, value function, and operation mechanism of the Environmental Law, as well as the practice development of the Environmental Protection Law legislation, enforcement, and judicial practices have laid a solid theoretical and practical foundation for the incorporation of green and lowcarbon development into the Code. The institutional layout of green and low-carbon development should respect and highlight its own traits. Furthermore, it is important to stress communication and coordination with other parts of the Code, follow the laws of energy development and utilization, and satisfy the inherent requirements of raw material reduction, reuse, and recycle. The layout method should abide by the general principle of general first, specific second; domestic first, international second; defined first, undefined second with decomposition goals of carbon peaking and carbon neutrality as an exception. The layout effect of the flexibility first, rigidity second is pursued. The chapters of General Provisions, Cleaner Production Green Circulation, Green Consumption, Support and Supervision, and International Cooperation, and Climate Change Response, are specifically designed. Efforts are made to improve new systems, such as strategies and standards for green and low-carbon development, green logistics, energy performance contracting, green finance, carbon emissions trading, and energy early warning.
Green and Low-Carbon Development Part / the Environmental Code / sustainable development
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