Transformation of the view on crimes in modern
LI Weihong
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China Youth University for Political Sciences, Beijing 100089, China;
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05 Mar 2007
Issue Date
05 Mar 2007
The view on crimes has progressed from the past monism to the present pluralism. In modern China, the concept of crime is in pluralism. The so-called pluralism here means the many concepts of crime not only co-exist macroscopically within a society, but also microcosmically within a single social member. The pluralism of the concept of crime provides us with a multiangular cognition for the complicated phenomena of crime. As a process of the transformation of the view on crime, it has developed from absolutism to relativism, from scientism to humanism, from conservatism to liberalism, from structuralism to progressivism, and from the pattern of state control to the pattern of social control.
LI Weihong.
Transformation of the view on crimes in modern
China. Front. Law China, 2007, 2(1): 98‒115
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