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2023年, 第17卷  第5期
Min HONG, Zhiyong WANG, Zhangqin SHI, et al. Three-dimensional composite Li metal anode by simple mechanical modification for high-energy batteries. P569–584
Compared with traditional graphite or newly-emerged Si-based electrode, Li metal is recognized as one of the most promising anode materials for next generation high energy density batteries on account of its ultrahigh theoretical capacity and lowest redox potential. But the “hostless” deposition problem lacks focus and remains unsolved. [展开] ...

ISSN 2095-1701 (Print)
ISSN 2095-1698 (Online)
CN 11-6017/TK
Postal Subscription Code 80-972
原刊名 Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China
2018 Impact Factor: 1.701
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  • 2023年, 第17卷 第5期 出版日期:2023-10-15
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    Rise of aluminum-chalcogen batteries: A promising path to sustainable energy storage
    Lei ZHANG, Binwei ZHANG, Xiaoyi DOU, Wei YAN
    Frontiers in Energy. 2023, 17 (5): 567-568.
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    Three-dimensional composite Li metal anode by simple mechanical modification for high-energy batteries
    Min HONG, Zhiyong WANG, Zhangqin SHI, Zheng LIANG
    Frontiers in Energy. 2023, 17 (5): 569-584.
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    Lithium (Li) metal is believed to be the “Holy Grail” among all anode materials for next-generation Li-based batteries due to its high theoretical specific capacity (3860 mAh/g) and lowest redox potential (−3.04 V). Disappointingly, uncontrolled dendrite formation and “hostless” deposition impede its further development. It is well accepted that the construction of three-dimensional (3D) composite Li metal anode could tackle the above problems to some extent by reducing local current density and maintaining electrode volume during cycling. However, most strategies to build 3D composite Li metal anode require either electrodeposition or melt-infusion process. In spite of their effectiveness, these procedures bring multiple complex processing steps, high temperature, and harsh experimental conditions which cannot meet the actual production demand in consideration of cost and safety. Under this condition, a novel method to construct 3D composite anode via simple mechanical modification has been recently proposed which does not involve harsh conditions, fussy procedures, or fancy equipment. In this mini review, a systematic and in-depth investigation of this mechanical deformation technique to build 3D composite Li metal anode is provided. First, by summarizing a number of recent studies, different mechanical modification approaches are classified clearly according to their specific procedures. Then, the effect of each individual mechanical modification approach and its working mechanisms is reviewed. Afterwards, the merits and limits of different approaches are compared. Finally, a general summary and perspective on construction strategies for next-generation 3D composite Li anode are presented.

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    Production of hydrogen from fossil fuel: A review
    Shams ANWAR, Xianguo LI
    Frontiers in Energy. 2023, 17 (5): 585-610.
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    Production of hydrogen, one of the most promising alternative clean fuels, through catalytic conversion from fossil fuel is the most technically and economically feasible technology. Catalytic conversion of natural gas into hydrogen and carbon is thermodynamically favorable under atmospheric conditions. However, using noble metals as a catalyst is costly for hydrogen production, thus mandating non-noble metal-based catalysts such as Ni, Co, and Cu-based alloys. This paper reviews the various hydrogen production methods from fossil fuels through pyrolysis, partial oxidation, autothermal, and steam reforming, emphasizing the catalytic production of hydrogen via steam reforming of methane. The multicomponent catalysts composed of several non-noble materials have been summarized. Of the Ni, Co, and Cu-based catalysts investigated in the literature, Ni/Al2O3 catalyst is the most economical and performs best because it suppresses the coke formation on the catalyst. To avoid carbon emission, this method of hydrogen production from methane should be integrated with carbon capture, utilization, and storage (CCUS). Carbon capture can be accomplished by absorption, adsorption, and membrane separation processes. The remaining challenges, prospects, and future research and development directions are described.

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    A comprehensive review of wind power based power system frequency regulation
    Zhang WEN, Liangzhong YAO, Fan CHENG, Jian XU, Beilin MAO, Rusi CHEN
    Frontiers in Energy. 2023, 17 (5): 611-634.
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    Wind power (WP) is considered as one of the main renewable energy sources (RESs) for future low-carbon and high-cost-efficient power system. However, its low inertia characteristic may threaten the system frequency stability of the power system with a high penetration of WP generation. Thus, the capability of WP participating in the system frequency regulation has become a research hotspot. In this paper, the impact of WP on power system frequency stability is initially presented. In addition, various existing control strategies of WP participating in frequency regulation are reviewed from the wind turbine (WT) level to the wind farm (WF) level, and their performances are compared in terms of operating principles and practical applications. The pros and cons of each control strategy are also discussed. Moreover, the WP combing with energy storage system (ESS) for system frequency regulation is explored. Furthermore, the prospects, future challenges, and solutions of WP participating in power system frequency regulation are summarized.

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    Selective preparation for biofuels and high value chemicals based on biochar catalysts
    Hui LI, Changlan HOU, Yunbo ZHAI, Mengjiao TAN, Zhongliang HUANG, Zhiwei WANG, Lijian LENG, Peng LIU, Tingzhou LEI, Changzhu LI
    Frontiers in Energy. 2023, 17 (5): 635-653.
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    The reuse of biomass wastes is crucial toward today’s energy and environmental crisis, among which, biomass-based biochar as catalysts for biofuel and high value chemical production is one of the most clean and economical solutions. In this paper, the recent advances in biofuels and high chemicals for selective production based on biochar catalysts from different biomass wastes are critically summarized. The topics mainly include the modification of biochar catalysts, the preparation of energy products, and the mechanisms of other high-value products. Suitable biochar catalysts can enhance the yield of biofuels and higher-value chemicals. Especially, the feedstock and reaction conditions of biochar catalyst, which affect the efficiency of energy products, have been the focus of recent attentions. Mechanism studies based on biochar catalysts will be helpful to the controlled products. Therefore, the design and advancement of the biochar catalyst based on mechanism research will be beneficial to increase biofuels and the conversion efficiency of chemicals into biomass. The advanced design of biochar catalysts and optimization of operational conditions based on the biomass properties are vital for the selective production of high-value chemicals and biofuels. This paper identifies the latest preparation for energy products and other high-value chemicals based on biochar catalysts progresses and offers insights into improving the yield of high selectivity for products as well as the high recyclability and low toxicity to the environment in future applications.

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    In-MOF-derived In2S3/Bi2S3 heterojunction for enhanced photocatalytic hydrogen production
    Sibi LIU, Yijin WANG, Youzi ZHANG, Xu XIN, Peng GUO, Dongshan DENG, Jahan B. GHASEMI, Miao WANG, Ruiling WANG, Xuanhua LI
    Frontiers in Energy. 2023, 17 (5): 654-663.
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    Transition metal sulfides are commonly studied as photocatalysts for water splitting in solar-to-fuel conversion. However, the effectiveness of these photocatalysts is limited by the recombination and restricted light absorption capacity of carriers. In this paper, a broad spectrum responsive In2S3/Bi2S3 heterojunction is constructed by in-situ integrating Bi2S3 with the In2S3, derived from an In-MOF precursor, via the high-temperature sulfidation and solvothermal methods. Benefiting from the synergistic effect of wide-spectrum response, effective charge separation and transfer, and strong heterogeneous interfacial contacts, the In2S3/Bi2S3 heterojunction demonstrates a rate of 0.71 mmol/(g∙h), which is 2.2 and 1.7 times as much as those of In2S3 (0.32 mmol/(g∙h) and Bi2S3 (0.41 mmol/(g∙h)), respectively. This paper provides a novel idea for rationally designing innovative heterojunction photocatalysts of transition metal sulfides for photocatalytic hydrogen production.

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    Combustion and emissions of RP-3 jet fuel and diesel fuel in a single-cylinder diesel engine
    Tongbin ZHAO, Zhe REN, Kai YANG, Tao SUN, Lei SHI, Zhen HUANG, Dong HAN
    Frontiers in Energy. 2023, 17 (5): 664-677.
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    The combustion characteristics and emission behaviors of RP-3 jet fuel were studied and compared to commercial diesel fuel in a single-cylinder compression ignition (CI) engine. Engine operational parameters, including engine load (0.6, 0.7, and 0.8 MPa indicating the mean effective pressure (IMEP)), the exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rate (0%, 10%, 20%, and 30%), and the fuel injection timing (−20, −15, −10, and −5 ° crank angle (CA) after top dead center (ATDC)) were adjusted to evaluate the engine performances of RP-3 jet fuel under changed operation conditions. In comparison to diesel fuel, RP-3 jet fuel shows a retarded heat release and lagged combustion phase, which is more obvious under heavy EGR rate conditions. In addition, the higher premixed combustion fraction of RP-3 jet fuel leads to a higher first-stage heat release peak than diesel fuel under all testing conditions. As a result, RP-3 jet fuel features a longer ignition delay (ID) time, a shorter combustion duration (CD), and an earlier CA50 than diesel fuel. The experimental results manifest that RP-3 jet fuel has a slightly lower indicated thermal efficiency (ITE) compared to diesel fuel, but the ITE difference becomes less noticeable under large EGR rate conditions. Compared with diesel fuel, the nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions of RP-3 jet fuel are higher while its soot emissions are lower. The NOx emissions of RP-3 can be effectively reduced with the increased EGR rate and delayed injection timing.

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    A methodology for regulating fuel stratification and improving fuel economy of GCI mode via double main-injection strategy
    Haoqing WU, Yaoyuan ZHANG, Shijie MI, Wenbin ZHAO, Zhuoyao HE, Yong QIAN, Xingcai LU
    Frontiers in Energy. 2023, 17 (5): 678-691.
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    Gasoline compression ignition (GCI) combustion faces problems such as high maximum pressure rise rate (MPRR) and combustion deterioration at high loads. This paper aims to improve the engine performance of the GCI mode by regulating concentration stratification and promoting fuel-gas mixing by utilizing the double main-injection (DMI) strategy. Two direct injectors simultaneously injected gasoline with an octane number of 82.7 to investigate the energy ratio between the two main-injection and exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) on combustion and emissions. High-load experiments were conducted using the DMI strategy and compared with the single main-injection (SMI) strategy and conventional diesel combustion. The results indicate that the DMI strategy have a great potential to reduce the MPRR and improve the fuel economy of the GCI mode. At a 10 bar indicated mean effective pressure, increasing the main-injection-2 ratio (Rm-2) shortens the injection duration and increases the mean mixing time. Optimized Rm-2 could moderate the trade-off between the MPRR and the indicated specific fuel consumption with both reductions. An appropriate EGR should be adopted considering combustion and emissions. The DMI strategy achieves a highly efficient and stable combustion at high loads, with an indicated thermal efficiency (ITE) greater than 48%, CO and THC emissions at low levels, and MPRR within a reasonable range. Compared with the SMI strategy, the maximum improvement of the ITE is 1.5%, and the maximum reduction of MPRR is 1.5 bar/°CA.

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