Received date: 27 Mar 2013
Accepted date: 15 Apr 2013
Published date: 01 Aug 2013
The perinucleolar compartment (PNC) is a unique nuclear substructure, forming predominantly in cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo. PNC prevalence (percentage of cells containing at least one PNC) has been found to positively correlate with disease progression in several cancers (breast, ovarian, and colon). While there is a clear association between PNCs and cancer, the molecular function of the PNC remains unclear. Here we summarize the current understanding of the association of PNCs with cancer and its possible functions in cancer cells.
Yiping WEN , Chen WANG , Sui HUANG . The perinucleolar compartment associates with malignancy[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 2013 , 8(4) : 369 -376 . DOI: 10.1007/s11515-013-1265-z
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