Current development and application of soybean genomics
Received date: 19 Nov 2010
Accepted date: 23 Dec 2010
Published date: 01 Aug 2011
Soybean (Glycine max), an important domesticated species originated in China, constitutes a major source of edible oils and high-quality plant proteins worldwide. In spite of its complex genome as a consequence of an ancient tetraploidilization, platforms for map-based genomics, sequence-based genomics, comparative genomics and functional genomics have been well developed in the last decade, thus rich repertoires of genomic tools and resources are available, which have been influencing the soybean genetic improvement. Here we mainly review the progresses of soybean (including its wild relative Glycine soja) genomics and its impetus for soybean breeding, and raise the major biological questions needing to be addressed. Genetic maps, physical maps, QTL and EST mapping have been so well achieved that the marker assisted selection and positional cloning in soybean is feasible and even routine. Whole genome sequencing and transcriptomic analyses provide a large collection of molecular markers and predicted genes, which are instrumental to comparative genomics and functional genomics. Comparative genomics has started to reveal the evolution of soybean genome and the molecular basis of soybean domestication process. Microarrays resources, mutagenesis and efficient transformation systems become essential components of soybean functional genomics. Furthermore, phenotypic functional genomics via both forward and reverse genetic approaches has inferred functions of many genes involved in plant and seed development, in response to abiotic stresses, functioning in plant-pathogenic microbe interactions, and controlling the oil and protein content of seed. These achievements have paved the way for generation of transgenic or genetically modified (GM) soybean crops.
Key words: genetic map; Glycine max; Glycine soja; soybean genomics; transgenic crop
Lingli HE , Jing ZHAO , Man ZHAO , Chaoying HE . Current development and application of soybean genomics[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 0 , 6(4) : 337 -348 . DOI: 10.1007/s11515-011-1116-8
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