CLE peptide-mediated signaling in shoot and vascularmeristem development
Received date: 19 Jul 2017
Accepted date: 12 Oct 2017
Published date: 10 Jan 2018
BACKGROUND: Multicellular organismsrely on the transmission of information between cells to coordinatevarious biological processes during growth and development. Plants,like animals, utilize small peptide ligands as signaling moleculesto transmit information between cells. These polypeptides typicallyact as extracellular messengers that are perceived by membrane-boundreceptors, which then transduce the signal into the recipient cellto modify downstream gene transcription. The CLAVATA3/EMBRYO SURROUNDINGREGION-RELATED (CLE) proteins represent one of the largest and bestunderstood families of small polypeptides in plants. Members of theCLE family play critical roles in mediating cell fate decisions duringplant development, particularly within the unique meristem structuresthat contain stem cell reservoirs acting as sources of cells for continuousorgan formation.
OBJECTIVE: Here we review theroles of CLE family members in regulating the activity of the shootapical meristems that generate the aerial parts of the plants, andof the vascular meristems that produce the sugar- and water-conductingtissues.
METHODS: A systematic literaturesearch was performed using the Google Scholar and PubMed search engines.The keywords “CLE”, “CLV3”, “TDIF”,“meristem”, and “plant stem cells” were usedas search terms. The 95 retrieved articles, dating from 1992, wereorganized by topic and their key findings incorporated into the text.
RESULTS: We summarize our currentunderstanding of how the CLE peptide CLV3 orchestrates the activityof shoot apical meristems, describing its expression, processing andmovement, as well as its intracellular signal transduction pathways,key target genes and downstream gene regulatory networks. We alsodiscuss the roles of CLE peptide signaling in the vascular meristemsto promote procambial cell proliferation and suppress xylem differentiation.
CONCLUSIONS: Signaling pathwaysmediated by CLE peptides are critical for stem cell maintenance anddifferentiation in shoot apical and vascular meristems in plants,exposing CLE genes as potentialtargets for increasing yield and biomass production. While large numbersof CLE genes are being discoveredin plants, only a few have been functionally characterized. We anticipatethat future research will continue to elucidate the roles of the CLEfamily in plant development, and their potential impacts on agricultureand commerce.
Key words: CLE; CLV3; TDIF; WUS; stem cells; procambium
Thai Q. Dao , Jennifer C. Fletcher . CLE peptide-mediated signaling in shoot and vascularmeristem development[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 2017 , 12(6) : 406 -420 . DOI: 10.1007/s11515-017-1468-9
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