Rhizoplane microbiota of superior wheat varieties possess enhanced plant growth-promoting abilities
Received date: 04 Jul 2016
Accepted date: 02 Oct 2016
Published date: 26 Dec 2016
BACKGROUND: Microbes affect the growth of plants. In this study, the diversity and plant growth-supporting activities of wheat rhizospheric bacteria were examined.
METHODS: Sampling was performed thrice at different phases of plant growth. Microbes associated with the rhizoplane of three wheat varieties (Seher, Lasani, and Faisalabad) were cultured and assessed for their plant growth-promoting abilities based on auxin production, hydrogen cyanide production, phosphate solubilization, and nitrogen fixation.
RESULTS: Bacterial load (CFU/mL) declined, and the succession of bacterial diversity occurred as the plants aged. Most auxin-producing bacteria and the highest concentrations of auxin (77 µg/mL) were observed during the second sampling point at the tillering stage. The Seher variety harbored the most auxin-producing as well as phosphate-solubilizing bacteria. Most of the bacteria belonged to Bacillus and Pseudomonas. Planomicrobium, Serratia, Rhizobium, Brevundimonas, Stenotrophomonas, and Exiguobacterium sp. were also found.
CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the rhizoplane microbiota associated with higher-yield plant varieties have better plant growth-promoting abilities as compared to the microbiota associated with lower-yield plant varieties.
Key words: wheat; microbiota; rhizoplane; auxin; phosphate solubilization
Ayesha Siddiqa , Yasir Rehman , Shahida Hasnain . Rhizoplane microbiota of superior wheat varieties possess enhanced plant growth-promoting abilities[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 2016 , 11(6) : 481 -487 . DOI: 10.1007/s11515-016-1426-y
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