Distribution and fate of DCX/PSA-NCAM expressing cells in the adult mammalian cortex: A local reservoir for adult cortical neuroplasticity?
Received date: 30 Jan 2016
Accepted date: 09 May 2016
Published date: 05 Jul 2016
The expression of early developmental markers such as doublecortin (DCX) and the polysialylated-neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM) has been used to identify immature neurons within canonical neurogenic niches. Additionally, DCX/PSA-NCAM+ immature neurons reside in cortical layer II of the paleocortex and in the paleo- and entorhinal cortex of mice and rats, respectively. These cells are also found in the neocortex of guinea pigs, rabbits, some afrotherian mammals, cats, dogs, non-human primates, and humans. The population of cortical DCX/PSA-NCAM+ immature neurons is generated prenatally as conclusively demonstrated in mice, rats, and guinea pigs. Thus, the majority of these cells do not appear to be the product of adult proliferative events. The immature neurons in cortical layer II are most abundant in the cortices of young individuals, while very few DCX/PSA-NCAM+ cortical neurons can be detected in aged mammals. Maturation of DCX/PSA-NCAM+ cells into glutamatergic and GABAergic neurons has been proposed as an explanation for the age-dependent reduction in their population over time. In this review, we compile the recent information regarding the age-related decrease in the number of cortical DCX/PSA-NCAM+ neurons. We compare the distribution and fates of DCX/PSA-NCAM+ neurons among mammalian species and speculate their impact on cognitive function. To respond to the diversity of adult neurogenesis research produced over the last number of decades, we close this review by discussing the use and precision of the term “adult non-canonical neurogenesis.”
Key words: aging; cognition; doublecortin; piriform cortex; plasticity; neurogenesis
Richard König , Bruno Benedetti , Peter Rotheneichner , Anna O′ Sullivan , Christina Kreutzer , Maria Belles , Juan Nacher , Thomas M. Weiger , Ludwig Aigner , Sébastien Couillard-Després . Distribution and fate of DCX/PSA-NCAM expressing cells in the adult mammalian cortex: A local reservoir for adult cortical neuroplasticity?[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 2016 , 11(3) : 193 -213 . DOI: 10.1007/s11515-016-1403-5
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