Received date: 30 Mar 2014
Accepted date: 16 Jun 2014
Published date: 11 Aug 2014
This paper presented original study results concerning the prevalence and clinical characteristics of cognitive impairment associated with brain concussion. The cognitive functions of 80 consecutive patients (mean age= 37.40±11.74 years; 50 men and 30 women) admitted to the hospital with brain concussions were evaluated. Their cognitive scores were compared with 40 age- and education-matched healthy volunteers without history of cranial trauma. Cognitive impairment without dementia was found in 93% of the patients. Cognitive impairment in brain concussion was also characterized by prominent cognitive slowness (bradyphrenia), concentration decrease, free recall insufficiency, and visual-spatial dysfunction. Age and severity of anxiety significantly influence the cognitive performance of patients.
Key words: brain concussion; cognitive impairment
Vladimir ZAKHAROV , Ekaterina DROZDOVA , Nikolay YAKHNO . Cognitive disorder in brain concussion[J]. Frontiers in Biology, 2014 , 9(4) : 332 -337 . DOI: 10.1007/s11515-014-1323-1
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