Cognitive disorder in brain concussion
Vladimir ZAKHAROV, Ekaterina DROZDOVA, Nikolay YAKHNO
Cognitive disorder in brain concussion
This paper presented original study results concerning the prevalence and clinical characteristics of cognitive impairment associated with brain concussion. The cognitive functions of 80 consecutive patients (mean age= 37.40±11.74 years; 50 men and 30 women) admitted to the hospital with brain concussions were evaluated. Their cognitive scores were compared with 40 age- and education-matched healthy volunteers without history of cranial trauma. Cognitive impairment without dementia was found in 93% of the patients. Cognitive impairment in brain concussion was also characterized by prominent cognitive slowness (bradyphrenia), concentration decrease, free recall insufficiency, and visual-spatial dysfunction. Age and severity of anxiety significantly influence the cognitive performance of patients.
brain concussion / cognitive impairment
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