Comparison of different chain n-fatty acids in modern plants on the Loess Plateau of China
Jinzhao LIU, Zhisheng AN
Comparison of different chain n-fatty acids in modern plants on the Loess Plateau of China
n-Fatty acids (n-FAs) are widely investigated in lake sediments, yet less attention has been given to soil sedimentary n-FAs primarily derived from terrestrial plants. In this study, we performed an analysis of n-FA distributions in modern plants on the Loess Plateau, China. It showed that n-FAs were generally dominated by n-C16, and that short-chain (C16–C20), medium-chain (C22–C26) and long-chain (C28–C32) n-FAs accounted for 49.7%, 33.7% and 16.6%, respectively. The LTR (long-chain/total ratio), and medium-chain EOP (even/odd predominance) are likely to differentiate between dicots and monocots in modern plants. It is believed that this study will promote the paleo-application of soil sedimentary n-FAs on the Loess Plateau.
n-fatty acids / terrestrial higher plants / Chinese Loess Plateau
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