Distributed fusion white noise deconvolution estimators

  • Xiaojun SUN ,
  • Zili DENG
  • Department of Automation, University of Heilongjiang, Harbin 150080, China

Received date: 07 Jul 2008

Accepted date: 09 Oct 2008

Published date: 05 Sep 2009


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


The white noise deconvolution or input white noise estimation problem has important applications in oil seismic exploration, communication and signal processing. By combining the Kalman filtering method with the modern time series analysis method, based on the autoregressive moving average (ARMA) innovation model, new distributed fusion white noise deconvolution estimators are presented by weighting local input white noise estimators for general multisensor systems with different local dynamic models and correlated noises. The new estimators can handle input white noise fused filtering, prediction and smoothing problems, and are applicable to systems with colored measurement noise. Their accuracy is higher than that of local white noise deconvolution estimators. To compute the optimal weights, the new formula for local estimation error cross-covariances is given. A Monte Carlo simulation for the system with Bernoulli-Gaussian input white noise shows their effectiveness and performance.

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Xiaojun SUN , Zili DENG . Distributed fusion white noise deconvolution estimators[J]. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2009 , 4(3) : 270 -277 . DOI: 10.1007/s11460-009-0031-0


This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 60874063), the Science and Technology Research Foundation of Heilongjiang Education Department (No. 11523037), and the Automatic Control Key Laboratory of Heilongjiang University.
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