Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering >
Graph-based semi-supervised learning
Received date: 25 Sep 2010
Accepted date: 15 Dec 2010
Published date: 05 Mar 2011
The recent years have witnessed a surge of interests in graph-based semi-supervised learning (GBSSL). In this paper, we will introduce a series of works done by our group on this topic including: 1) a method called linear neighborhood propagation (LNP) which can automatically construct the optimal graph; 2) a novel multilevel scheme to make our algorithm scalable for large data sets; 3) a generalized point charge scheme for GBSSL; 4) a multilabel GBSSL method by solving a Sylvester equation; 5) an information fusion framework for GBSSL; and 6) an application of GBSSL on fMRI image segmentation.
Changshui ZHANG , Fei WANG . Graph-based semi-supervised learning[J]. Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, 2011 , 6(1) : 17 -26 . DOI: 10.1007/s11460-011-0130-6
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