The application of the Median Voter Theory to the
formulation of policies for the citizenization of
peasant workers—An empirical study on 436
peasant workers in Wuhan
Corresponding author: The Median Voter Theory is an important theory in the neo-political
economics. It can be applied to solve the collective choice paradox and analyze
the policy making for the citizenization of peasant workers. Adopting the
method of factor analysis, this paper makes an empirical study on peasant
workers’ preference for citizenization. We find that there is a paradox of future
residence preference and self-identification in peasant workers. On this basis,
peasant workers are divided into 5 subgroups, and it is found that the median
undecided peasant workers are the median voters. Based on the analysis of the
median undecided peasant worker’s complaints and appeals, it is proposed that
the country should strengthen the vocational training system, establish a social
security system, expand the agricultural reform and promote educational reform
to facilitate the citizenization of peasant workers.
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