
2014 FCS Editorial Board Meeting and Young AE Annual Review Meeting Held

On December 13, 2014, the Editorial Board Meeting of Frontiers of Computer Science (FCS) and Young AE Annual Review Meeting was held in the first lecture hall of the new main building in Beihang University. EIC Prof. Wei Li, Executive EICs Prof. Zhang Xiong and Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou, as well as members of Editorial Board, Profs. Dengguo Feng, Jie Tian, Feiyue Wang, Baowen Xu, and Jian Zhang, together with near one hundred FCS Young AEs from all over the country attended the conference.

Prof. Zhang Xiong first delivered an opening speech in which he extended a warm welcome and summarized the "Young AE Project" in its first year. Prof. Zhi-Hua Zhou presented a detailed report on FCS’s publishing data about the content, authors, etc. and plans for the coming year. Bingxiang Li, from the Natural Science Academic Publishing Department, HEP, gave a thorough introduction to Frontiers series of HEP.

In order to better serve scientists in the field of computer science, the editorial board concluded the work by the Young AEs and gave awards to those outstanding, and recruited 28 new Young AEs. There are two new members joining the Editorial Board, Min-Ling Zhang and Shiguang Shan. Weigang Wu together with 3 others won the " Outstanding Contributions Award" and Yu Huang together with 5 others won the "Excellent YoungAE Award". Prof. Wei Li issued engagement letters and certificates to each one of them. After a tea break, Min-Ling Zhang and Yi Liu each presented a speech on how to serve as AE and improve the quality of the journal, which were both well received by the audience. Towards the end of the meeting, Prof. Wei Li made a passionate speech in which he encouraged the scholar to actively participate in the innovation.

FCS, an international academic journal in English, was launched in February, 2007. FCS publishes latest research findings of computer science. Co-administrated by Higher Education Press and Beihang University, this journal has been indexed by SCI(E) and Ei. To better serve scientists in China and abroad, and build a platform for academic young scholars, the call of “FCS Young AE Project” was started in 2013. The project has attracted many renowned young scholars. As a result of their efforts, during the past years the journal has seen significant progress. Their active participation is the source of the energy that unceasingly moves forward the journal. To keep up with the latest international trends in computer science, FCS constantly recruits new AEs and invites scholars, both at home and abroad, to contribute to the journal. So all young scholars who are dedicated to computer science are more than welcome to join us and build an internationally well-known academic journal of computer science!


Pubdate: 2014-12-14    Viewed: 999