Three-dimensional quantum wavelet transforms

  • Haisheng LI ,
  • Guiqiong LI ,
  • Haiying XIA
  • College of Electronic and Information Engineering, Guangxi Normal University, Guilin 541004, China

Received date: 11 Nov 2021

Accepted date: 19 Sep 2022


2023 Higher Education Press


Wavelet transform is being widely used in the field of information processing. One-dimension and two-dimension quantum wavelet transforms have been investigated as important tool algorithms. However, three-dimensional quantum wavelet transforms have not been reported. This paper proposes a multi-level three-dimensional quantum wavelet transform theory to implement the wavelet transform for quantum videos. Then, we construct the iterative formulas for the multi-level three-dimensional Haar and Daubechies D4 quantum wavelet transforms, respectively. Next, we design quantum circuits of the two wavelet transforms using iterative methods. Complexity analysis shows that the proposed wavelet transforms offer exponential speed-up over their classical counterparts. Finally, the proposed quantum wavelet transforms are selected to realize quantum video compression as a primary application. Simulation results reveal that the proposed wavelet transforms have better compression performance for quantum videos than two-dimension quantum wavelet transforms.

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Haisheng LI , Guiqiong LI , Haiying XIA . Three-dimensional quantum wavelet transforms[J]. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2023 , 17(5) : 175905 . DOI: 10.1007/s11704-022-1639-y

1 Introduction

Quantum principles provide significant improvements for information processing [1,2] and enable fast quantum algorithms for factorization [3], mapping [4], and database search [5,6]. The quantum circuit model is an essential quantum computer model [7] and promotes the efficient implementation of quantum algorithms such as quantum image processing [8-12] and quantum machine learning [13].
Classical wavelet transform [14] was widely used in information processing, such as image watermarking [15]. Its quantum counterpart, quantum wavelet transform (QWT), has also been used in quantum watermarking [16] and quantum image compression [17]. The QWT classifies as one-dimensional or multi-dimensional according to the types of data it acts on is one-dimension or multi-dimension [17]. The one-dimensional Haar QWT (1D-HQWT) and the one-dimensional Daubechies D4 QWT (1D-D4QWT) have been proposed and implemented by quantum circuits [18-21]. Using generalized tensor products [22], we have designed the multi-level 1D-HQWT and 1D-D4QWT [23], quantum wavelet packet transform [24], and two-dimensional quantum wavelet transforms [17]. The complexity of the classical fast wavelet transform is O(2n) [25]. In contrast, the above quantum wavelet transforms can be implemented by O(n3) basic operations. Thus, quantum wavelet transforms achieve exponentially speed up in comparison with their classical counterparts.
3D classical wavelet transform has been used currently in 3D image processing. For instance, 3D-WT can be directly applied to the 3D images themselves to realize the compression of 3D images [26]. Furthermore, 3D-WT expanded the 2D-WT to treat volumetric data and outperformed 2D-WT in volumetric image processing [27]. In addition, 3D-DWT is also a common technique for a spectral-spatial approach, which has the advantage of extracting the spatial and spectral information simultaneously [28]. Therefore, we believe that the quantum version of 3D-WT, 3D quantum wavelet transform (3D-QWT), has potential applications for 3D image processing, such as video compression and classification.
The 3D-WT for separable 3D wavelets can be implemented by 2D-WT followed by 1D-WT [29], but the corresponding 3D-QWT is not easy to be realized. Because the controlled operation entangles the different dimensions, a 3D-QWT cannot be implemented by combining a 2D-QWT and a 1D-QWT. I.e., the 3D-QWT is not simply a tensor product of three separable 1D-QWTs or a tensor product of one separable 1D-QWT and one 2D-QWT. Therefore, the algorithm for the 3D-QWT needs to be redesigned.
Inspired by the implementation method of the 2D quantum wavelet transform [17], we propose the multi-level 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT in this paper. To build a complete framework of the QWT, we design the implementation circuits for the inverses of 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT, respectively. Complexities of the proposed 3D-QWTs reveal that they are exponentially faster than their classical counterparts. We discuss quantum video compression as a primary application of the proposed 3D-QWTs. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed wavelet transforms have better compression performance for quantum videos than two-dimension quantum wavelet transforms.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the background of quantum video representation and quantum wavelet transform. Section 3 presents the multilevel three-dimensional quantum wavelet transforms. In Section 4, we propose quantum video compression for the proposed 3D quantum wavelet transforms. Section 5 gives the simulation results and comparison analysis. Finally, conclusions and future works are drawn in Section 6.

2 Background knowledge

For clarity, we briefly introduce the quantum video representation of NASS proposed in [9]. In addition, we describe the perfect shuffle permutation, the generalized tensor product, and 1D quantum wavelet transforms.

2.1 Normal arbitrary superposition state (NASS)

The computational basis states |0, |1, and their dual states 0| and 1| can be expressed as
A basis state |k in a 2n-dimensional Hilbert space and its dual state k| are defined as
where the decimal number k (k=0,1,,2n1) is expressed as k=j=0n1kj×2j with k0,k1,,kn1{0,1}, and is a tensor product symbol.
A 2n×2m×2h video can be represented by NASS as follows:
where |x, |y, and |t denote the video’s X-axis, Y-axis, and time-axis. θx,y,t encodes the value of the pixel on the coordinate (x,y,t).
NASS can be prepared by the initialization method based on quantum circuits [30]. A quantum circuit consists of quantum gates [7]. Some basic gates and their corresponding matrices are shown in Fig.1 [23].
Fig.1 Notations for some basic gates

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Two controlled gates with n control qubits and m target qubits are defined by [23,31,32]
where U2m and I2m are 2m×2m unitary and identity matrices, respectively.
When n=1, m=1, and U2m=X in Eqs. (4) and (5), we obtain controlled-NOT gates in Fig.2. Furthermore, C23(X) is a Toffoli gate that can be used to realize quantum algorithms such as quantum arithmetic operations [33,34].
Fig.2 Quantum controlled-NOT gates. Control quantum bits can be 0 (indicated by white dots) or 1 (indicated by black dots)

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2.2 Perfect shuffle permutations and generalized tensor products

A perfect shuffle permutation Pn,m is defined by [22]
with k=vn+z, l=vm+z, 0v, z<m, 0v, and z<n. δx,y is the Kronecker delta function, i.e., δx,y=0 if xy, otherwise δx,y=1.
We give two examples of the perfect shuffle permutation as follows:
where P2,2 is a Swap gate. The implementation circuits for P2n1,2 and P2,2n1 are presented in Fig.3.
Fig.3 The implementation circuits of P2n1,2 and P2,2n1. Circuits in the dashed boxes in (a) and (b) realize P2n2,2 and P2,2n2, respectively

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A generalized tensor product AB is given by [22]
where the two sets A={A0,A1,,Am1} and B= {B0,B1,,Bn1} contain m matrices with the size n×n and n matrices with the size m×m, respectively. Diag(A) and Diag(B) are block-diagonal matrices.

2.3 1D quantum wavelet transforms

A single-level 1D-HQWT and its inverse are defined by [17,18,20,23] di
with n>1 and W2H=(W2H)1=H. The circuits for W2nH and (W2nH)1 are presented in Fig.4.
Fig.4 The circuits for the single-level 1D-HQWT and its inverse. (a) W2nH; (b) (W2nH)1

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We give a single-level 1D-D4QWT and its inverse as follows [17,23]:
with Q2n=(I2n1X)({Q2n1,I2n1},I2), Q2n1=({Q2n11,I2n1}I2)(I2n1X), Q2=Q21=X, and
The circuits for the single-level 1D-D4QWT and its inverse are presented in Fig.5.
Fig.5 The circuits for the single-level 1D-D4QWT and its inverse. (a) D2np; (b) F2n; (c) (D2np)1; (d) F2n1

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3 Multi-level 3D quantum wavelet transforms

The section gives the general theory for the multi-level 3D-QWT and the explicit forms of the multi-level 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT.

3.1 The theory for the multi-level 3D-QWT

A video consisting of 2h frames of the size 2n×2m can be represented as
where the matrix Λ2n,2mp encodes the p-th frame.
Let a 2n×2m×2h video A0 be the input. Then, as an example of the multi-level 3D wavelet transform, we illustrate the decomposition scheme of a 2-level 3D classical wavelet transform in Fig.6 [35].
Fig.6 The decomposition scheme of the classical 2-level 3D wavelet transform

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Applying a single-level 3D classical wavelet transform named wt3D to the video A0, we obtain
where A1, B1, C1, D1, E1, F1, G1 and L1 are 2n1×2m1×2h1 sub-videos shown in Fig.6.
Similarly, we have
Thus, the successive applications of the single-level wavelet transform implement the multi-level 3D wavelet transform. For instance, applying the 2-level 3D wavelet transform to the video A0, we get
To realize the multi-level 3D-QWT, we firstly define Tn,m,hj and Rn,m,hj as follows:
with s=n+m+h and j2, where W2nj+1, W2mj+1 and W2hj+1 are 2nj+1×2nj+1, 2mj+1×2mj+1, and 2hj+1×2hj+1 wavelet kernel matrices.
The inverses of Tn,m,hj and Rn,m,hj are calculated by
with s=n+m+h.
Then, we design circuits for Tn,m,hj and Rn,m,hj and their inverses in Fig.7.
Fig.7 Circuits for Tn,m,hj and Rn,m,hj and their inverses. (a) Tn,m,hj; (b) Rn,m,hj; (c) (Tn,m,hj)1; (d) (Rn,m,hj)1

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Two operators for i-level quantum wavelet transform are given by
with s=n+m+h and
Assume that the function f() is equivalent to the quantum circuit implementing the storage of the video A2n×2m×2h. I.e., we store the video in the NASS state |Ψn,m,h (see Eq. (3)) using
with the vector
where θx,yj encodes the element of the matrix Λ2n,2mj on the position (x,y).
We give the following theorem for an i-level 3D-QWT with i1:
Theorem 1. The i-level 3D quantum wavelet transform can be expressed by Qsi(2n,2m,2h)Qfi(2n,2m,2h), i.e.,
where W3Di(A2n,2m,2h) denotes an i-level 3D classical wavelet transform.
Proof From Eqs. (19) and (20), we obtain that Qs1(2n,2m,2h)Qf1(2n,2m,2h)=W2nW2mW2h. Therefore, Qs1(2n,2m,2h)Qf1(2n,2m,2h) is a single-level 3D-QWT, and it is also a single-level 3D quantum wavelet packet transform in [32], i.e.,
where the matrices Ai, Bi, Ci, Di, Ei, Fi, Gi and Li are shown in Fig.6.
For i2, we give the proof of the following equation:
Using Eqs. (7), (8), and (21), we calculate
and obtain
It means that the Eq. (26) holds for i=2.
Thus, for j2, we have
Suppose that Qfi1(2n,2m,2h)f(A2n,2m,2h) satisfies Eq. (26) for i3, we infer
Combining Eqs. (20), (29), and (30), we conclude that the Eq. (26) holds.
Due to
using Eq. (26), we obtain
with i2.
Therefore, Qsi(2n,2m,2h)Qfi(2n,2m,2h) is an i-level 3D-QWT.                      □
According to Eqs. (19), (20), and Theorem 1, we design circuits for Dn,m,hj, Ln,m,hj, and the i-level 3D-QWT in Fig.8. Fig.8 shows that the i-level 3D-QWT is implemented by a non-iterative method.
Fig.8 Circuits for the i-level 3D-QWT. (a) Dn,m,hj; (b) Ln,m,hj; (c) The i-level 3D-QWT

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3.2 Implementations of the multi-level 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT

The Haar and Daubechies D4 wavelet transforms are the two well-known wavelet transforms. Therefore, this section gives an iterative method for constructing the multilevel 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT.

3.2.1 The multi-level 3D-HQWT

Substituting the Haar wavelet kernel matrix W2nH (see Eq. (9)) into Eqs. (15) and (20), we obtain the iterative version of Dn,m,hj for 3D-HQWT:
with s=n+m+h and j3.
Replacing Dn,m,hj in Eq. (19) with Dn,m,hHj, we obtain
with s=n+m+h.
Similarly, we also have
Thus, the iteration of the i-level 3D-HQWT is given by
with s=n+m+h and the initial value
Using Eq. (36), we design the circuit for the multi-level 3D-HQWT in Fig.9. We from Fig.9 infer the inverse transform of the 3D-HQWT in Fig.10.
Fig.9 The implementation circuits for the multi-level 3D-HQWT. (a) Hn,m,hi,i2; (b) Hni+1,mi+1,hi+11

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Fig.10 The implementation circuits for the inverse of the multi-level 3D-HQWT. (a) (Hn,m,hi)1,i2; (b) (Hni+1,mi+1,hi+11)1

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For instance, we present the detailed circuit for H4,5,53 in Fig.11.
Fig.11 The circuit for H4,5,53. The circuit in the dashed box implements H3,4,42

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3.2.2 The multi-level 3D-D4QWT

Compared with the Haar wavelet, Daubechies wavelets, such as the Daubechies D4 wavelet, can be used to identify the missing frequency change part of the Haar wavelet transform. Similarly to the 3D-HQWT, we give the iterative formula of the i-level 3D-D4QWT as follows:
with s=n+m+h and the initial value
The circuits for the multi-level 3D-D4QWT and its inverse transform are presented in Fig.12 and Fig.13. For clarity, we illustrate an example of the 3-level 3D-D4QWT with n=4,m=5,h=5 in Fig.14.
Fig.12 The implementation circuits for the multi-level 3D-D4QWT. (a) Fn,m,hi with i2; (b) Fni+1,mi+1,hi+11

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Fig.13 The implementation circuits for the inverse of the multi-level 3D-D4QWT. (a) (Fn,m,hi)1 with i2; (b) (Fni+1,mi+1,hi+11)1

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Fig.14 The circuit for F4,5,53. The circuit in the dashed box implements F3,4,42

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3.3 The complexity analysis and comparison

3.3.1 The complexity analysis

A quantum circuit may consist of basic operations, such as single-qubit gates and controlled not-gates (CNOT) [7,31]. Therefore, the complexity of the quantum circuit can be regarded as the total number of basic operations [17,31]. For instance, the complexity analysis in [17] shows that the complexities of the controlled-H, controlled-S0, controlled-S1, and controlled-Swap gates with n qubits are all O(n).
Through the analysis for circuits in Fig.9 and Fig.11, we conclude that the i-level 3D-HQWT at most comprises O((n+m+h)2) controlled-Swap gates and O((n+m+h)) controlled-H gates. Therefore, the complexity of the multi-level 3D-HQWT is O((n+m+h)3). Similarly, we calculate that the complexity of the multi-level 3D-D4QWT is also O((n+m+h)3). In contrast, the fast classical wavelet transform needs at least the linear complexity for 2n+m+h data [25]. I.e., the complexity of the fast classical wavelet transform is greater than O(2n+m+h). Thus, our proposed multi-level 3D-QWTs can offer an exponential speed-up over classical wavelet transforms.

3.3.2 The comparison of multi-level 3D-QWTs and 2D-QWTs

For clarity, we give two 3-level 1D-HQWTs H43 and H53 in Fig.15 [23], and a 3-level 2D-HQWT H4,53 in Fig.16 [17].
Fig.15 The circuits for 3-level 1D-HQWTs H43 and H53. (a) H43; (b) H53

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Fig.16 The circuit for the 3-level 2D-HQWT H4,53

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Comparing circuits in Fig.11, Fig.15, and Fig.16, we infer that the multi-level 3D-HQWT cannot be decomposed into three 1D-HQWTs, or a 1D-HQWT and a 2D-HQWT. The reason is that controlled operations entangle three dimensions of 3D-HQWT. Therefore, the proposed method for the multi-level 3D-HQWT is different from the technique for the 2D-HQWT in [17]. A similar conclusion can be drawn for the multi-level 3D-D4QWT.

4 Primary application: quantum video compression

Quantum state estimation (QSE) is an essential technique for quantum information processing [36]. The task of QSE is to retrieve the information of a quantum state by a series of measurements. Similarly, quantum image compression algorithms based on the multi-level 2D-QWTs were presented to reduce the number of quantum measurements [17]. We propose a method for quantum video compression in Algorithm 1 by modifying the quantum image compression algorithm.
Quantum compression ratio (QCR) is defined by
where m1 amplitudes of the compressed state |Ψn,m,hc must be retrieved accurately from quantum systems. Therefore, Algorithm 1 can reduce the number of quantum measurements by about (11/Qr)×100 percent to retrieve a classical video from quantum systems.

5 Simulations

5.1 Simulations of the multi-level 3D-QWTs in MATLAB

In this section, we simulate multi-level 3D-QWTs with a classical computer running in MATLAB R2017a and Windows 10 with 128GB RAM.
Suppose that the NASS state |Ψ6,6,5=f(Λ26,26,25) stores a 64×64×32 video Λ26,26,25. Q1i and Q2i are the matrix forms of quantum circuits for the i-level 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT, respectively. Q3i and Q4i denote the inverses of Q1i and Q2i. Applying Q1i and Q2i to |Ψ6,6,5, we implement the i-level wavelet decompositions of 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT, respectively. Simulation results of a 64×64×8 video are illustrated in Fig.17 and Fig.18, which has done two levels of transformation. Applying Q3i and Q4i to transformed videos, we realize the wavelet reconstructions of 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT.
Fig.17 Simulation results of the first two levels of the 3D-HQWT. (a) A 64×64×8 original video; (b) the transformed video for the 1-level 3D-HQWT; (c) the transformed video for the 2-level 3D-HQWT

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Fig.18 Simulation results of the first two levels of the 3D-D4QWT. (a) A 64×64×8 original video; (b) the transformed video for the 1-level 3D-D4QWT; (c) the transformed video for the 2-level 3D-D4QWT

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Comparisons of the proposed QWTs and corresponding classical wavelet transforms for a 64×64×32 video presented in Tab.1 reveal that the results for our proposed 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT are equal to the corresponding classical wavelet transforms, disregarding machine computational truncation errors. Combining the complexity analysis in Section 3 and comparisons in Tab.1, we conclude that the proposed quantum wavelet transforms obtain the same results as their classical counterparts with an exponential speed-up.
Tab.1 Comparisons of the proposed QWTs and the corresponding classical wavelet transforms
Level norm(V1W1) norm(V2Λ26,26,25) norm(V3W3) norm(V4Λ26,26,25)
1 7×1012 3.3×1011 3.19×109 3.47×1011
2 3.2×1011 5.9×1011 5.72×109 8.16×1011
3 4.05×1010 3.34×1010 8.24×109 2.371×1010
4 1.527×109 1.636×109 1.238×108 5.515×1010
5 7.746×109 7.876×109
Note: symbols in Tab.1 are listed as follows,
with 1i5 and 1k4, where W3Di(Λ26,26,25,i,db1) and W3Dk(Λ26,26,25,k,db2) denote the classical 3D Haar and D4 wavelet transforms, respectively. f1() is the inverse operation of f() in (21). For instance, we can retrieve the transformed videos V1 and V3 from quantum systems using f1(). norm() is a 2-norm function.

5.2 Simulation experiments of the multi-level 3D-QWTs on IBM quantum experience cloud platform

Since the quantum simulation must be more attractive to readers, we conduct experiments on 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT on the IBM quantum experience (IBM-Q) cloud platform. We obtain probability results through quantum measurement operation to verify the feasibility of the 3D quantum wavelet transform.
The IBM-Q cloud platform currently offers a quantum information software toolkit Qiskit, an open-source quantum computing software development framework, to simulate quantum experiments based on python. The results can be expressed in probability histograms after the quantum circuits run on the quantum simulator and IBM quantum hardware.
Suppose that an 8×8×8 video in Fig.19 is stored in the following NASS state
Fig.19 An 8×8×8 original video

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Then, the NASS state |Ψ3,3,3 is performed by two-level 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT. Nine qubits are required for the quantum circuit. Here, we experiment on IBM-Q’s Qiskit based on python, using IBM-Q’s 32-Qubits ibmq_qasm_simulator and setting the number of executions to a maximum of 8192 shots. The quantum circuit for the 2-level 3D-HQWT is illustrated in Fig.20. The probability histogram of the transformed video is presented in Fig.21.
Fig.20 Quantum circuit of an 8×8×8 video with 2-level 3D-HQWT. (a) The first part of the circuit; (b) the second part of the circuit

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The symbol swap in Fig.20 denotes the Swap gate in Fig.1. Qiskit uses the “append” operation to add the controlled-Swap gates. The input |q240|q241|q248 in Fig.20 corresponds to |x|y|t in (41). It shows that the input for IBM-Q’s Qiskit is the inverse order of the NASS state |Ψ3,3,3. Therefore, we reverse the output binary string for IBM-Q’s Qiskit to get consistent results with the NASS state. For instance, the position “100000000” is the inverse of the fifth value “000000001” along the horizontal axis in Fig.21. It denotes the first pixel's coordinate in the second frame image of the transformed video. Therefore, the probabilities in the histogram denote normalized pixel values on the eight positions “000000000”, “000001001”, “000001000”, “000000001”, “001000001”, “001000000”, “001001000”, and “001001001”. The pixel values on the rest positions of the transformed video are approximately zero. From Eq. (41) and Fig.21, we can infer that the NASS state for the transformed video is
Fig.21 Probability histogram of an 8×8×8 video with 2-level 3D-HQWT after 8192 quantum measurements

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Similarly, we give the quantum circuit and the probability histogram for the 2-level 3D-HQWT on IBM-Q’s Qiskit in Fig.22 and Fig.23. Results in Fig.21 and Fig.23 show that proposed 3D-QWTs are feasible on the IBM-Q cloud platform.
Fig.22 Quantum circuit of an 8×8×8 video with 2-level 3D-D4QWT. The symbols circuit401, circuit393, and circuit397 represent the NOT, S0, and S1 gates, respectively. (a) The first part of the circuit; (b) the second part of the circuit; (c) the third part of the circuit

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Fig.23 Probability histogram of an 8×8×8 video with 2-level 3D-D4QWT after 8192 quantum measurements

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5.3 Simulation of quantum video compressions

We simulate the quantum video compressions with a classical computer running in MATLAB R2017a and Windows 10 with 128GB RAM.
Consider the 128×128×32 video in Fig.21(a) as an example of quantum video compressions of multi-level 3D-HQWT (QVC-3D-HQWT) and 3D-D4QWT (QVC-3D-D4QWT). To further compare the multi-level 3D-QWTs and 2D-QWTs, we implement quantum video compressions by quantum image compressions based on the multi-level 2D-HQWT (QIC2DHQWT) and 2D-D4QWT (QIC2DD4QWT) performed separately for 32 frames [17].
Let HM3 and HM2 be the average values of the transformed video for the multilevel 3D-HQWT and 2D-HQWT, respectively. Then, thresholds λjH for QVC-3D-HQWT and βjH for QIC2DHQWT can be calculated by
with j=1,2,,10, ajλa, bjβb, λa={5.95,5.64,5.35,5.05,4.75,4.45,4.15,3.85,3.55,3.25}, and βb={3.90,3.60,3.30,3.00,2.70,2.40,2.10,1.80,1.50,1.20}.
Comparisons of QVC-3D-HQWT and QIC2DHQWT are presented in Fig.24. The horizontal and vertical coordinates denote the peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR) and quantum compression ratio (QCR). In addition, each solid line contains ten points corresponding to threshold values λjH with j=1,2,,10. Similarly, each dashed line comprises ten points related to threshold values βjH with j=1,2,,10.
Fig.24 Comparisons of QVC-3D-HQWT and QIC2DHQWT. HW1=i and HW2=i (i=1,2,3,4,5) denote the i-level 3D-HQWT and 2D-HQWT, respectively

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We calculate thresholds λjD and βjD for QVC-3D-D4QWT and QIC2DD4QWT using
where DM3 and DM2 are the average values of the transformed videos by the multilevel 3D-D4QWT and 2D-D4QWT, respectively. Then, we give comparisons of QVC-3D-D4QWT and QIC2DD4QWT in Fig.25.
Fig.25 Comparisons of QVC-3D-D4QWT and QIC2DD4QWT. DW1=k and DW2=k (k=1,2,3,4) denote the k-level 3D-D4QWT and 2D-D4QWT, respectively

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We summarize the maximal QCRs with PSNR30 for simulation results in Tab.2. Simulation results for QVC-3D-HQWT and QVC-3D-D4QWT are presented in Fig.26.
Tab.2 QCR and PSNR for simulation results
PSNR 30.39 30.40 30.14 30.81
QCR 29.08 12.94 22.06 11.61
Threshold λ6H β4H λ1D β2D
Level 5 5 4 4
Fig.26 Simulation results for QVC-3D-HQWT and QVC-3D-D4QWT. (a) An original video; (b) the compressed video by QVC-3D-HQWT; (c) the compressed video by QVC-3D-D4QWT

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Finally, from Fig.24, Fig.25, and Tab.2, we conclude that the proposed 3D-QWTs have better compression performance than 2D-QWTs [17].

6 Conclusions and future works

In this paper, we have proposed the theory of the multi-level three-dimensional quantum wavelet transform. Then, we have designed the circuits for the multi-level 3D-HQWT and 3D-D4QWT by iterative methods. The complexity analysis showed that the proposed wavelet transforms for videos can be realized with the complexity O((n+m+h)3). Therefore, they can exponentially speed up the wavelet transform computation compared to their classical counterparts. In addition, we have presented a quantum video compression algorithm based on the proposed three-dimensional quantum wavelet transforms. The simulation results revealed that the proposed 3D quantum wavelet transforms are superior to the existing 2D quantum wavelet transforms for quantum video compression. It implies that the proposed 3D wavelet transforms have great potential in quantum video processing.
For future works, we will extend the results to implement quantum versions of other wavelet transforms such as Daubechies D8 wavelet transform [37] and cross wavelet transform [38]. Furthermore, we will integrate the proposed quantum wavelet transforms with quantum machine learning to solve machine learning problems.


This work was supported by the Science and Technology Project of Guangxi (2020GXNSFDA238023), and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No .61762012).
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