Software approaches for resilience of high performance computing systems: a survey

  • Jie JIA , 1,2 ,
  • Yi LIU 1,2 ,
  • Guozhen ZHANG 1,2 ,
  • Yulin GAO 1,2 ,
  • Depei QIAN 1,2
  • 1. School of Computer Science and Engineering, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China
  • 2. Sino-German Joint Software Institute, Beihang University, Beijing 100191, China

Received date: 16 Feb 2022

Accepted date: 06 Sep 2022


2023 Higher Education Press


With the scaling up of high-performance computing systems in recent years, their reliability has been descending continuously. Therefore, system resilience has been regarded as one of the critical challenges for large-scale HPC systems. Various techniques and systems have been proposed to ensure the correct execution and completion of parallel programs. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of existing software resilience approaches. Firstly, a classification of software resilience approaches is presented; then we introduce major approaches and techniques, including checkpointing, replication, soft error resilience, algorithm-based fault tolerance, fault detection and prediction. In addition, challenges exposed by system-scale and heterogeneous architecture are also discussed.

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Jie JIA , Yi LIU , Guozhen ZHANG , Yulin GAO , Depei QIAN . Software approaches for resilience of high performance computing systems: a survey[J]. Frontiers of Computer Science, 2023 , 17(4) : 174105 . DOI: 10.1007/s11704-022-2096-3

1 Introduction

In the past decades, the performance of high-performance computing (HPC) systems has been increasing continuously. At the same time, the system scale has also grown rapidly. E.g., according to the TOP500 list of supercomputers, the number of processor cores of Frontier and Fugaku [1] reaches 8,730,112 and 7,630,848 respectively. Future HPC systems consist of tens of thousands of nodes and tens of millions of processor cores homogeneously/heterogeneously, exposing much more severe challenges to system resilience.
Theoretically, the reliability of a HPC system depends on the reliability of individual components and the number of components. Considering that the reliability of components is relatively stable under current manufacturing techniques, it can be concluded that the bigger the system scale becomes, the higher the probability of failure is. According to statistics, Peta-scale HPC systems’ MTBF (Mean Time Between Failures) is about 15 hours [2]. On the one hand, considering the rapid increase of system scale, the MTBF of exa-scale HPC systems will be several hours or even less. On the other hand, due to the long-running characteristic of HPC applications, the execution of HPC applications will more likely be interrupted by different kinds of failures. Therefore, it is crucial to provide resilience approaches to guarantee parallel programs’ correct execution and completion.
Resilience involves multi-layers of HPC systems. Various methods and systems have been proposed, either in hardware, software, or hybrid, in which the software/hybrid approaches mainly focus on system-/application-level reliability. This paper surveys software resilience approaches for HPC systems. The main contributions of this paper are as follows:
1) This paper provides a comprehensive and systematic survey of existing software resilience approaches for HPC systems. The approaches are introduced and summarized according to a classification that covers not only traditional fault-tolerant methods but also newer techniques such as silent data corruption and ABFT methods. We believe this survey can help researchers understand the progress and the overall picture of HPC software resilience.
2) This paper discusses challenges for software resilience approaches regarding recent developments of HPC systems, mainly in scalability and heterogeneous architecture. In addition, we discuss the emerged challenge of the fail-slow fault, which arises along with the scaling-up of supercomputers and needs more attention in the future.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 introduces the background of resilience. Section 3 presents a taxonomy of software approaches for HPC resilience. Sections 4 – 8 introduce different resilience approaches, including checkpointing, replication, soft error resilience, algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT), fault detection and prediction. Finally, Section 9 summarizes the challenges of current resilience approaches and concludes the paper.

2 Background

2.1 Resilience problem of HPC systems

With the scaling up of HPC systems in recent years, the reliability has been descending continuously. Research [3] has demonstrated that the MTBI (Mean Time Between Interrupt) will decrease along with increasing nodes in a HPC system. Besides, the growth of system scale is accompanied by the increase of clock frequency, and the number of processor cores and sockets in one node [4]. Currently, the world’s state-of-the-art exa-scale supercomputer Frontier has more than 9,400 CPUs and 37,000 GPUs. However, with more components equipped in a supercomputer, the reliability will get worse. eλit is the exponential distribution of failure probability for one component in parallel execution is formulated as Eq. (1), where Rp is the reliability of a HPC system, m is the number of components connected in parallel in a HPC system [5]. Furthermore, the development of the processors also brings shrinking of manufacturing techniques which causes more soft errors [6].
A study on the failure of large-scale HPC systems in the past decade demonstrates that the newer generation of HPC systems might have smaller MTBF than the previous generation, mainly due to the increased number of nodes [7]. However, the failure rate can also increase, even ruling out the impact of the number of nodes in the system. The detailed comparison is shown in Tab.1. The table shows that the average MTBF of several Peta-scale HPC systems, XT5, XK6, and XK7, is about 15 hours. Particularly, if we compare the MTBF of Jaguar XT4 and XT5, both of which are built with AMD processors but with a different number of nodes, we can see that the MTBF decreases along with the increase of system scale. According to [2], the probability of application-failure increases by 20x when scaling applications from 10,000 to 22,000 nodes.
Tab.1 The MTBF of different HPC systems [7]
System MTBF(hours) Cores Nodes
Jaguar XT4 36.91 31,328 7,832
Jaguar XT5 22.67 149,504 18,688
Jaguar XK5 8.93 298,592 18,688
Titan XK7 14.51 560,640 18,688

2.2 Malfunctions of HPC systems

The cause of malfunctions in a HPC system could be very complicated. In the system layer, previous studies usually use the terminology of faults, errors, and failures to describe the malfunction [810]. The comparison of these concepts is shown in Tab.2. This section will briefly discuss the impact of malfunctions and the most common types of errors and failures.
Tab.2 The terminology of HPC malfunctions
Concept Explaining
Fault Root cause of an error, usually physical defects or software bugs
Error Deviation from the expected result
Failure Fails to deliver correct service
The frequency and type of failures can be different in different HPC systems [7, 1113]. Tab.3 summarizes the most common abnormal states in HPC systems. Overall, the abnormal states of HPC systems can be divided into two classes. One class is commonly called the fail-stop failure, which indicates failures that cause the system or application to stop working. The other is the soft error that makes the system or application produce incorrect results instead of crashing or stopping working. This kind of error is also called the fail-continue error.
Tab.3 Abnormal states of HPC systems
Class Meaning Typical examples Explanation
Fail-stop failure Hardware and/or software stop working Kernel panic Kernel error from which the operating system cannot quickly recover.
Node heartbeat fault Exception when accepting the heartbeat from other nodes.
Traps Segmentation faults, trap invalid opcode.
GFS failure Failure of the global file system.
Scheduler Internal bugs of job scheduler.
Acc failure Failure of accelerators or co-processors.
Storage failure Storage system fails to work.
Node hardware failure Node fails due to power/cooling-system error, damage of hardware components, etc.
Interconnect conjunction Network connection is congested.
Soft error / Fail-continue error System still works but the execution of application incorrect SDC Undetected silent data corruption.
CFE Control flow error.
MCE Memory check exception.
From [14, 15], one can see that the distribution of failures and errors can be varied among different HPC systems. Software-related errors dominate in some HPC systems like Blue Waters [16]. But in other HPC systems such as Jaguar XT4, Jaguar XT5, Jaguar XK6, and Titan [17], hardware-related errors are equally or more dominant across systems. As we look inside a HPC system, the failure events are proven to have temporal recurrence properties [1820]. Except for temporal recurrence, spatial recurrence properties also exist. Some nodes are easier to fail due to hardware impairment or an imbalanced load schedule.

3 Classification of resilience approaches

Tab.4 gives the classification of typical resilience methods and their characteristics.
Tab.4 Classification of typical resilience approaches
Resilience method Checkpointing Replication Soft error resilience ABFT Fault detection and prediction
Redundancy data System memory or application data space Process data and message N/A Checksum of algorithm N/A
Recovery method Failure-rollback Forward recovery Error-restart Error-restart N/A
Overhead/cost Medium High Medium Low Low
Generality Systems and applications Systems and applications Systems and applications Applications Systems and applications
Ease of use or deployment Easy Easy Hard Hard Medium
Limitation Scalability Resource consumption and scalability Soft error only Algorithm-dependent Rely on other recovery methods
Both checkpointing and replication can deal with almost all fail-stop failures while keeping transparency to applications. However, replication approach needs to consume at least 2x resources, and therefore is not very attractive for large-scale systems and applications. In addition, checkpointing can be used together with other resilience methods to deal with soft errors. Due to the above reasons, checkpointing is currently the most widely used resilience approach in HPC systems. However, the scalability of checkpointing is not satisfied for large-number of processes. The algorithm-based fault-tolerance, or ABFT, is the most lightweight approach but unfortunately algorithm-dependent, which means different schemes must be proposed for different algorithms. Soft error approaches are dedicated to soft error. Most of them focus on how to detect the soft error, and depend on checkpointing to recover the error. Similarly, fault detection and predication act as an alarm or trigger. Once a fault is detected or predicated, corresponding failure-recovery or proactive actions can be performed.

4 Checkpointing

Checkpointing, or checkpointing/restart (CR), records the snapshots of applications & systems during the execution of applications. In case of failure, it uses the previously saved checkpoint file to resume application execution. Checkpointing can be triggered periodically or by specific events such as a function call in the application or an exception. CR is important for programs that need to run a long time to avoid restarting from the beginning.
The checkpointing concept can be applied at all levels: system-level checkpointing, user-level checkpointing, and ap-plication-level checkpointing. System-level checkpointing is implemented by the kernel. It is convenient to use and provides resilience for all applications. User-level checkpointing is typically implemented in parallel libraries. The user-level resilience doesn't modify the kernel; thus, it is easier to migrate to other HPC systems. Application-level checkpointing means that the user needs to add checkpoint and restart functions in their applications. Usually, it means a lot of engineering. But it also allows the user to design more efficient resilience checkpointing mechanisms for their applications. The comparison of them is shown in Tab.5.
Tab.5 Comparison of different checkpointing level
Checkpointing level System-level User-level Application-level
Explanation Operating system in charge of checkpointing. A user-level library is responsible for checkpointing and links to applications The application itself is in charge of checkpointing.
Typical systems BLCR [21] DMTCP [22] FTI [23]
Checkpointing data Status of entire system Status of entire application user-specified application status
Overhead High Medium Low
Transparency Transparent to applications Application needs to be loaded or linked with checkpoint library Application needs to be modified
Portability Low Medium High
In addition to the classic approaches, there are researches on emerging challenges. One of them is how to support checkpointing on heterogeneous architecture, e.g., GPUs. The other is how to leverage multi-level checkpointing. We will discuss those new areas in section 4.4 and 4.5 respectively.

4.1 System-level checkpointing

System-level checkpointing is implemented by the OS kernel. It is transparent for users and needs no modification to user codes. The synchronization between user and kernel space is avoided because the system-level checkpointing is usually implemented in the kernel. Many teams focus on transparently supporting checkpoints for user applications. They typically need to modify kernel modules and user-shared libraries to save an entire state [24, 25].
BLCR (Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart) is a famous system-level checkpointing tool for multi-threaded programs. It allows CR through and modified Linux kernel. Once BLCR is fully initialized, it will spawn a callback thread to block system calls in the kernel. When checkpointing, the callback process sends broadcast signals to allow all threads to enter kernel space. After that, all threads will reach three barriers sequentially to achieve a consistent state. Upon reaching each barrier, relevant data is saved. Finally, each thread returns to the user space and continues execution.
Although BLCR does not support CR of network state, there are some system-level checkpointing works [26, 27] based on BLCR, using BLCR to save system state within the node. They use a global controller acting as a coordinator to control numerous processes so as to support CR of MPI programs. However, this will trigger two serious overheads: the time spent coordinating between processes via messages (coordination overhead); and the time spent saving the state of entire systems to non-volatile storage (memory overhead).
Non-blocking checkpointing try to reduce the coordination overhead by not reaching a globally consistent state. However, in practice, the domino effect among processes becomes unacceptable on restart. Non-blocking checkpointing on HPC parallel programs incurs an overhead close to the blocking approach.
Incremental checkpointing is one of the efficient ways to reduce the memory overhead. There are two kinds of incremental checkpointing, page-based and hash-based. Page-based incremental checkpointing requires OS support to find dirty memory pages [28]. This approach has two limitations. Firstly, it is difficult to meet the requirement for hardware and kernel support on some systems; Secondly, this approach cannot track the dirty bytes in a page. The hash-based incremental checkpointing, on the other hand, finds dirty memory blocks by calculating the hash value of blocks at a smaller granularity [29]. This will take more overhead, obviously. Although incremental checkpointing save memory usage, it consumes more computation in checkpointing, which can be regarded as a space-time tradeoff.

4.2 User-level checkpointing

In user-level checkpointing, the application is either compiled & linked with a modified library that integrates the checkpoint implementation, or loaded using a checkpoint utility to track the processes & threads of the application. The attraction of user-level checkpointing is that there is no need to modify the source code, while the checkpoint overhead is smaller than the system-level checkpointing.
One kind of user-level checkpointing directly modifies the linking parallel library, such as MPI. Thus, users can transparently use the checkpointing when linked with the library. A lot of research teams focus on modifying the MPI library [3036]. Those methods track the message passed by the MPI library. Typically, there are several components in the implementation, including a single process checkpointing library, a process management system, and a library handling checkpointing requests during asynchronous message transportation.
User-level checkpointing support for inter-process communication (IPC) gets and saves the connections of the communication layer on user space, as well as the messages being delivered by these connections. When restoring, on user space, the inter-process connections are first restored and then resend the messages being delivered. Since MPI is implemented based on IPC, tools supporting IPC, such as DMTCP, DejaVu [37], actually support MPI as well. Further, although some user-level checkpointing tools were not originally proposed for HPC systems, they can still be used on HPC with the support for IPC and MPI libraries.
DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded CheckPointing) is a user-level checkpointing tool implemented with libraries. Its own library enables CR support for various applications such as C/C++, python. DMTCP instruments the system call in order to record system calls (fork, exec, ssh, etc.) of the user program. DMTCP uses a global coordinator to which all worker processes connect with sockets. The DmtcpCoordinator sends checkpoint barrier signals to all Dmtcpworkers to achieve a globally consistent state and save checkpoints at runtime. Based on DMTCP, [38] adds the support for Infiniband interconnect which is widely used in HPC with lower runtime overhead. [39] support checkpointing and restarting for HPC applications with combinations of all MPI implementations and interconnect by designing a single code with a split-process approach that allows a process to run two different programs.
The user-level checkpoint software mentioned above needs to recover all nodes’ processes during recovery, which costs a large performance overhead. For MPI, Reinit [4042] uses the method of storing checkpoints on both the local node and other nodes in user space, so that in the case of an error on a few nodes, error nodes can be restarted using checkpoints from other non-error nodes. Instead of DMTCP requiring all nodes to be restored during recovery, the overhead of checkpoints is reduced.

4.3 Application-level checkpointing

Application-level checkpointing (ALC) is controlled by the source code. The kernel is not aware of the checkpointing and restarting procedure. The ALC has a smaller performance overhead and storage overhead compared to system-level checkpointing and better scalability, because only the essential variables and data structures are saved. In addition, the application has more control over when to trigger the checkpointing. Compared with the system-level and user-level checkpointing, ALC is easier to migrate to different platforms. However, users are totally aware of checkpointing and need to modify the source code.
Early researchers [31, 38, 39] typically design a preprocessor and a checkpointing library. They are aimed at MPI or OpenMP applications on HPC, where code that saves variables and memory is inserted into the source program by compilation. They typically allow the programmer to decide the time of checkpointing by inserting function calls for setting checkpoints. One typical ALC library for HPC is FTI [23]. The library provides many application programming interfaces(APIs) for checkpointing. APIs provided by those libraries are fine-grained. The user needs to place the API call in the right place. For MPI support, FTI redesigned a set of interfaces based on the MPI interface and MPI communicator. These FTI interfaces can store MPI process and the information of message passing as checkpoints using Reed-Solomon (RS) encoding based on the MPI call. When the node is faulty, the data lost by the faulty node is recovered by means of RS decoding by the set checkpoint.
Bronevetsky et al. [43] further extends FTI by analyzing the reuse of data structure at the compilation time. In this way, the checkpoint states can be incremental. Only the dirty data structure needs to be saved.
Typically inserting checkpoint-related code into the application’s source code requires extensive engineering efforts. Some researchers try to develop more easily used tools to help insert the checkpointing code. The Domain Specific Language (DSL [44]) automatically inserts the checkpointing code, with which the performance is comparable to the manually modified version. The user only needs to write a high-level specification on when and where to checkpoint.
Ba [45] goes further by analyzing the source code and providing an interactive command for user decisions. This method specially optimizes the memory overhead and supports multiple languages, including C/C++/MPI/OpenMP. The tool is built on top of the ROSE compiler [46]. Ba supports analyzing the checkpointing-and-restart logic, changes of for-loop code, order of function calls, etc.
Craft [47] provides a library for checkpointing specific data types, and the user can extend the data types supported. In addition, Craft uses the asynchronous checkpointing mechanism to reduce overhead and features node-level checkpointing.

4.4 Heterogeneous checkpointing

Heterogeneous architecture has been widely used in HPC systems. Unfortunately, the checkpointing with accelerators such as GPUs is often neglected. To our knowledge, CheCUDA [48] is the first work at checkpointing on heterogeneous systems. Due to the fact that we cannot suspend the GPU kernel, when saving checkpoints, it first waits for the GPU kernel to complete, then transfers the data from GPUs to the host and uses BLCR to preserve the status of the host and GPUs.
Garg et al. [49] research transparent checkpointing of GPUs and newer RDMA networks. They proposed a new transparent checkpointing framework based on split processes that use the hardware virtual memory of the host to decouple the computation state from the external subsystem context. The isolation between the application process and external computation systems makes it possible for transparent checkpointing.
Based on DMTCP, CRUM [50] and CRAC [51] are the latest work on Nvidia GPU checkpointing, which implement user-level checkpointing and supports CUDA’s Unified Memory Architecture(UMA) architecture. CRUM uses a proxy process. CRUM first intercepts all CUDA calls, sends the CUDA calls to the proxy process, and the proxy process actually communicates with the GPU. In this way, the program’s data excludes the CUDA context. CRAC takes a novel method of split process. The address space is divided into two parts, the upper half is the CUDA application, and the lower half is the GPU and kernel drivers. Upon checkpoint, only the upper half memory is saved. On restart, reinitialize the lower half and then the lower half restores the upper half memory from the checkpoint file. We could see that CRAC can achieve a much lower overhead than CRUM. However, CRAC only support single-node heterogeneous checkpointing.
Heterogeneous systems need to save all GPU data to the host when checkpointing. If multiple GPUs checkpoint simultaneously, it will cause a bursty buffer and degrade the performance. GPU-snapshot [52] addresses this problem by using the idea of partitioning GPU memory, combining the idea of incremental and asynchronous checkpointing to reduce the total amount and peak of IO. Different from GPU-snapshot, Heterocheckpoint [53] uses pre-copy and non-volatile memory (NVM) to address the problem, which can reduce the bandwidth impact by 60%.

4.5 Multi-level checkpointing

The different levels of checkpointing are not incompatible. They can work together to achieve an optimal solution in terms of overhead and error rates. Vaidya [54] proposes a two-level checkpointing model. The first level is a single process failure tolerance scheme. The processes periodically take checkpoints that need not be consistent with each other. The second level is the global checkpointing scheme. The processes coordinate with each other and ensure that their states saved on the stable storage are consistent with each other. The first level with lower overhead handles the more probable process errors, and the second with higher overhead tolerates the less likely system failures.
Haines et al. [55] combines the advantages of system-level and application-level checkpointing for the applications exhibiting data parallelism. System-level checkpointing can detect hardware failure and kernel failure. The application-level checkpointing is used as a complement for reliability when the system-level checkpointing fails to work.
Many studies have conducted a fine-grained analysis of the efficiency, frequency, and other checkpointing issues. Di [56] gives a theoretical analysis on the best checkpointing configuration with two levels. One checkpoint deals with soft errors like transient memory errors. Another checkpoint deals with hardware crashes. Benoit [57] further extends the theoretical analysis to the situation of multiple levels and derives the optimal checkpointing frequency in each level. An error at level l destroys all lower level checkpoints (from 1 to l1) and requires a rollback to a checkpoint at level l or higher. The overhead of a k-level checkpointing HPC system can be described in Eq. (2), where λl and Cl are the error rate and checkpointing cost at level l, respectively. Based on Eq. (2), Benoit also proposes a dynamic programming algorithm for choosing the optimal checkpointing levels considering the actual situation.

5 Replication

The replication technique is a space-time tradeoff technique that increases resources used with decreased recovery time. It uses multiple redundant copies of process/computation to achieve resilience, enabling the program to finish in close to normal execution time. Replication is one of the few technologies that can handle both fail-stop and fail-continue errors. It handles fail-stop errors by executing each copy independently and handles fail-continue errors by comparing the results of copies. Replication is easy to understand and can significantly improve the mean time to interrupt (MTTI) of applications [58]. It is mostly used for reliability assurance of vital parts of large-scale computing. There are two major types of replication: process-pairs and N modular redundancy (NMR).
Process-pairs are at the process level. Process-pairs consist of two types of processes: a primary process and a backup process, where the backup process is a clone of the primary process. The processes of each process-pair run simultaneously on different processors. Note that the primary process also needs to transfer messages to the backup process through MPI. By doing so, the backup process can continue to work when the primary process crashes. This allows the application to continue executing even if the primary process fails. In principle, process-pairs consume twice the number of resources than the un-replicated execution. The output of a process-pair is usually dependent on the primary process. Sometimes, although the backup process is correct with the incorrect primary output, the consequence is still wrong. Therefore, in some areas, process-pairs can be combined with checkpointing. When the output of the primary process and the backup are different, we can roll back to the nearest checkpoint and restart.
NMR is at the computation level. NMR creates N identical modules (usually N = 3) that run simultaneously, and determines the output by a voting principle. Therefore, the result with the highest amount of N modules becomes NMR’s final output. As we can see, the larger the N is, the more reliable the system is. NMR is widely used to detect fail-continue failures [59], such as the silent data corruption (SDC). NMR can improve reliability significantly but with the highest cost among available resilience approaches.
Replication is widely used for resilience efforts in MPI applications. rMPI [60] transparently provides replication for MPI applications. rMPI library is inserted between an application and an MPI library that uses the MPI profiling interface at the linked time. In the case of dual redundancy, the program is started on 2n computing nodes, and n denotes the original execution scale. The application can see rank 0 to rank n–1, and rMPI uses the remaining nodes to conduct redundancy. Each redundant node is maintained by rMPI and duplicates the work of its active partner. To avoid the divergence results from the non-deterministic MPI functions (e.g., receive operations with wildcard, probe operation for the incoming messages), rMPI library coordinates and duplicates messages between redundant nodes and forces an active node and its mirror to return the same values for the MPI function to the application. However, synchronization protocol and additional messages cause very serious overhead.
MMPI [61] proposes a protocol set of redundant execution for MPI applications. It has different replication partitioning and comparison schemes. MMPI depends on cumbersome source code modification for implementing these redundancy protocols.
The biggest disadvantage of redundancy is that it consumes more resources and is less efficient. The hot issue of replication for HPC is to reduce the volume of replication. Hussain [62] demonstrates through experiments that partial replication typically yields higher performance with different node failure rates than full replication. Elliott et al. [63] combine partial replication with checkpointing. They proved by fault injection within MPI applications that the proper degree of redundancy and checkpointing frequency achieves the maximum performance. In their experiments, 2x redundancy worked excellently. George [64] adaptively and dynamically alters the number of replicated process sets based on the fault prediction to minimize energy usage. However, the partial replication scheme needs to be customized according to the HPC applications, and optimal partial replication is an NP-hard problem. So partial replication cannot make good generality.

6 Soft error resilience

The soft error, also called fail-continue error, is a kind of fault different from the fail-stop errors. That is, the system and application will not crash or stop running in the case of soft errors. Instead, they produce incorrect outputs. The soft error is generally caused by bit-flipping in memory or processor due to radiation or hardware error. The rate of bit-flipping can increase significantly due to the adoption of fabrication miniaturization, aging of silicon, and the dynamic power management cycles [65, 66]. According to the error behavior in programs, the soft errors can be divided into two types: the control flow error (CFE) and the silent data corruption (SDC).

6.1 Control flow error

CFEs are caused by the transient and permanent faults that occurred in hardware components (e.g., program counter, address circuits or memory subsystem), which will affect the correctness and predictability of instruction execution sequence in processors.
Control-flow checking (CFC) is a critical method for monitoring program execution flow by dividing the program into basic blocks and assigning a pre-computed signature for each block. Afterward, obtain the runtime signature during program execution and compare these two signatures to determine whether an illegal jump happens. The schemes are used to generate signatures for basic blocks by various methods. For example, generate a unique global static signature for every basic block or compute given the block code in compile time, then re-compute a runtime signature during program execution. Suppose one CFE happens during program execution, resulting in an illegal jump inside a basic block. In that case, the sequence of instructions executed differs from the one obtained at compile-time, such that divergence appears between the pre-computed and the re-computed signatures. Therefore, this CFE can be detected at the end of a basic block by comparing signatures. The CFC can be realized by hardware-based or software-based approaches. Since hardware-based approaches are beyond the scope of this survey, we only introduce software-based approaches.
The software-based error detection technique employs encoded signatures (SWTES) [67] assumes that the program is divided into several blocks containing basic blocks and partition blocks. It defines and considers seven types of CFEs between these blocks during the program execution. This technique is based on the signature assignment for each block and signature comparison at the end of these blocks. It consists of two primary parts, i.e., the labeling algorithm and the signature generating step. The block signature self-checking (BSSC) [68] method assigns a signature for each basic block and checks for control flow at the end of the block. It calls a subroutine at the start of the block used to push the address of its first instruction as the signature to the top of the stack or store it in a static variable. Another subroutine is invoked at the end of the block to compare the embedded signature and the one preserved by the entry routine. The control-flow error detection through assertions (CEDA) [69] method allows extra instructions embedded into the program automatically at compile-time for constantly updating the run-time signature, which will be compared with the pre-assigned signature. Due to the different ways of calculating signatures, CEDA inserts fewer instructions and brings less overhead but higher efficiency.
After detecting a CFE, control should be transferred back to the block where the illegal branch happens. However, it is not enough to just correct the CFE because the program may fail due to the data corruption caused by the CFEs.
The automatic correction of CFEs (ACCE) divides the program code into functions with one or more basic blocks. ACCE uses CEDA to detect CFEs, automatically executes a predefined function termed as error-handler, and transfers the control to this function, next transfers to the basic block where the illegal jump happens. Automatic correction of control-flow errors with duplication (ACCED) is an extension of ACCE. It is used to detect data corruption and correct it by duplicating instructions. However, not all data corruptions can be detected, and this method results in serious performance overhead (more than 100%).
Although there are some researches [70] for automatic detection & correction of CFEs, the complexity and overhead of CFEs correction make them not applicable to large-scale HPC systems. The feasible solution is combining CFE detection approaches with checkpointing. Considering checkpointing as a CFEs correction approach, we can roll back to the previous checkpoint after detecting CFEs.

6.2 Silent data corruption

In silent data corruption (SDC), bit-flipping occurs in application data (e.g., a matrix) which will not cause abnormal behavior but produce error results. Therefore, SDC is more difficult to detect than the CFE.
Given the definition of SDC, it cannot be detected at low-level hardware or software stacks. One approach to detect the SDC is outlier detection. The idea of this approach is: higher-level software can discover outliers by leveraging properties of the data dynamics, and these outliers indicate the appearance of data corruption. [71] proposes an SDC detection meth-od based on data monitoring, by which it learns normal dynamic of their datasets and quickly locate abnormalities. [72] utilizes historical data to build a trend model of data change for predicting the data point’s value in the next iteration(temp-oral or spatial neighbor point next to the current one) and then compares the predictive value with the actual value derived from program execution. Therefore, SDC can be determined if the difference between the two values is beyond a given threshold.
Another approach combines the replication mechanism with message verification to detect SDC. Most of them are implemented in MPI-layer. This kind of approach assumes that any data corruption in a process will cause contaminated messages which will be transmitted to other processes. Therefore, data corruption can be detected by comparing the messages of the equivalent ranks from different replications. Typical works include rMPI [60], MMPI [61], VoplexMPI [73] and MR-MPI [74]. rMPI and MMPI are introduced in Section 5.
Berrocal [75] proposes a partial replication mechanism to reduce the overhead of full replication in SDC detection. It consists of two adaptive algorithms. In one of them, the number of the processes to be replicated is invariant through the whole execution. In another, this number can change dynamically. To improve the overall recall rate and, meanwhile, lead to a small overhead on time and space, the processes expected to be replicated should be chosen carefully according to their data behaviors.
Tab.6 Software solutions for SDC challenge
Approach Advantages Disadvantages
Checkpoint/restart No hardware features required, less or no program modification Requires large storage space and high time overhead
Replication Simple and straightforward High overhead, including running time, computing resources
ABFT Low-overhead Required program code modifications, and poor portability
The third approach tracks access to memory pages and uses the hash-value of pages to detect data corruption in those pages. To some extent, this approach is a software-implemented page-level memory checking mechanism. Typical works include LIBSDC [76], FlipSphere [77], and Mini-ckpt [78].
LIBSDC [76] protects against SDC in memory at the system level. It intercepts access operations to memory pages and triggers signals if these pages are within the scope of protection. The handler of the signal is responsible for computing a hash value of the memory page, then comparing this value with the last known good one to see whether divergence appears. This method is only suitable for DRAM but not for other components (e.g., CPU, registers, and logical devices). Besides, it lacks the corresponding mechanism to determine whether the divergence is caused by SDC or calculation operations.
Based on LIBSDC, FlipSphere [77] traces page accesses by using MMU and removes the least recently used page permissions when a new page is accessed, to provide software-based level protection.
Mini-ckpt [78] considers that applications cannot continue if SDC happens in the memory occupied by the operating system and causes kernel panic. For avoiding rollback, recovery, and calculation loss, mini-ckpt records the kernel state information of the running application to non-volatile memory. Afterward, restart the kernel and recover the target application’s execution state. This method requires modifications to the operating system kernel. The overhead it introduced relies on the procedure of the error handler after a kernel panic.
Here, we make a comparison of checkpoint/restart, replication and ABFT in SDC challenge, shown in Tab.6, and ABFT will be presented in the next section.

7 Algorithm-based fault tolerance

Considering that for most scientific applications, the execution process is multiple calls of a limited number of underlying algorithms due to their generality. The algorithm-based fault tolerance (ABFT) indicates resilience approaches dedicated to specific algorithms. It is based on the relationship between the input data and checksum of a particular algorithm to detect and correct errors. If the checksum is incorrect, an error has occurred. The first ABFT scheme [79] uses a row-column checksum to detect and correct errors in matrix operations such as multiplication, transpose, and LU decomposition on multiprocessor systems. Compared to checkpointing and replication, ABFT can ensure resilience with the lowest cost. Unfortunately, it is algorithm-specific, which requires extra effort to design different schemes for different algorithms. Compared with checkpointing or replication, ABFT is lower in overhead and easier in computation complexity. However, ABFT can only deal with errors with limited corruption.

7.1 ABFT for linear algebra

On the basis of ABFT for matrix multiplication, [8082] extend ABFT to matrix decomposition and basic linear algebra operations such as LU, QR, Cholesky. These schemes are for offline problems. Offline means that the detection and correction of errors occur after the matrix operation and can be used for general matrix decomposition problems without considering specific algorithms. Although offline ABFT techniques usually have a minimal runtime overhead, they cannot prevent the propagation and accumulation of errors. When the number of failures exceeds the checksum correction capability, matrix re-computation is required, so ABFT is insufficient to provide fault tolerance for large-scale long-running applications.
Therefore, [83, 84] focus on online variants of matrix multiplication. Online means that fault detection and correction are performed continuously during the computation, not only at the end of the computation. Online variants need to design ABFT schemes based on specific matrix algorithms to detect and correct errors timely to prevent error propagation. For example, [83] uses the iterative method for the Krylov subspace to dynamically verify the orthogonal relationship and residuals of the program during the calculation.
Besides ABFT for dense linear algebra, recent work also concerns sparse matrix. Many scientific applications on HPC usually involve sparse linear algebra, so it is important to develop the ABFT scheme for sparse linear algebra. Due to the different data structures of sparse matrices (e.g., CSR, COO), traditional ABFT schemes are not suitable for sparse matrices. Recent researches reduce the runtime cost of error detection and correction for the data structures and calculation characteristics of the sparse matrix for SpMV [85], PCG [86], etc.
It should be pointed out that many ABFT studies mainly focus on fault tolerance at the integrated circuit level rather than HPC systems. In HPC systems, most parallel matrix algorithms, such as Cannon, Fox, High Performance Linpack (HPL), etc., divide the matrix into blocks and assign blocks to different nodes and processes to achieve scalability and flexibility. Therefore, we cannot directly use traditional ABFT mechanisms based on checksums of rows and columns on HPC systems.
Zhu [87] proposes a matrix fault-tolerant mechanism for large-scale parallel systems based on block-checksum. He divides the matrix into blocks and adds checksums in each block. These blocks are then put into the parallel matrix multiplication. In the mathematical operations, the computation of block-checksum is 1/k of the original row-column ABFT, where k is the size of the block. However, the larger the k, the more prone to rounding errors. To achieve a balance between accuracy and efficiency, he proposes an approach to selecting the appropriate size of blocks. Furthermore, the blocked-based checksum is used to implement FT-PBLAS [88], a fault-tolerant version of PBLAS.

7.2 ABFT for fail-stop errors

Most traditional ABFTs need to maintain the relationship of checksum during the computation, making them only suitable for fail-continue errors. Because the relationship is not available for fail-stop failures [89]. By using redundant checksum in memory during computation, researchers [90, 91] can recover the failed processor when processing fail-stop failures, and realize diskless checkpointing. For instance, [90] sums the vector data of all processes according to a certain weight to get vector y, and saves vector y to another process; When a process X crashes, the data of X can be recovered by the vector y. In the case of a single process crash, diskless checkpoints can avoid storage overhead and greatly reduce the time required for rollback. It is possible to recover data from multiple processes based on mathematical methods.
Davies et al. [92] demonstrate that the checksum is maintained at each step of the computation for the right-looking LU factorization algorithm. Based on this, they propose a scheme to tolerate the failure-stop Errors of Cholesky decomposition based on HPL’s two-dimensional block-cyclic distribution. After one process crashes, it can recover data from the original matrix and U. Although the scheme is specific to matrix operations, it can offer lower overhead than diskless checkpoints.

7.3 ABFT on heterogeneous architecture

Similar to traditional homogeneous systems, heterogeneous systems often have errors. There have been some studies on ABFT schemes for heterogeneous systems in recent years. These researches fall into two aspects: porting the ABFT scheme from CPU to GPU and increasing the reliability of ABFT on GPU.
Chen [93] proposes an online enhanced ABFT Cholesky decomposition scheme specially designed for heterogeneous system with GPUs. Checksums verification is the key operation in ABFT, and it is relatively expensive on GPU due to its low-performance efficiency. Since GPU kernels can run in parallel, Chen uses multi-concurrent CUDA kernels to accelerate the checksum verification. For the two one-sided matrix decomposition algorithms, including LU and QR, Chen further optimized the kernel of their encoding checksum according to the GPU architecture, which provide a better ABFT solution [94].
GPUs commonly perform lots of floating-point computations, and their results are inevitably prone to rounding errors. Therefore, ABFT for GPU-based systems has to deal with rounding errors in checksums to avoid false positives. A-ABFT [95] uses a probabilistic model for rounding errors occurring in floating point operations to determine error bounds for the comparison of ABFT checksums for matrix multiplication.

8 Fault detection and prediction

Fault detection aims to find faults and perform fault recovery in time in order to prevent further propagation of the fault and reduce the impact on resilience. For example, by using a combination of fault detection and checkpointing, we can roll back to the latest checkpoint as soon as an error is detected.
The goal of fault prediction is to predict faults in advance and make proactive operations (e.g., process migration, save checkpoints). Even better, fault prediction can be used with forward recovery resilience techniques (replication, ABFT), which can counteract the impact of faults by redundant calculations.

8.1 Heartbeat-based fault detection

The most commonly used node-level fault detection technique is the Heartbeat. Each computing node sends heartbeat information to each other or to a controller node periodically to confirm it is alive. Suppose the heartbeat from a node is not received for the pre-defined period. In that case, the node will be regarded as failed, and the controller node may start error handling, e.g., removing the node from the available resources, restarting the job in the failed job.
Many fault detectors are working on the heartbeat mechanism. They usually communicate in an all-to-all way and use the heartbeat information to broadcast fault information within the HPC system. Since the all-to-all communication approach has a scalable problem in large-scale systems, [96] proposes a scalable heartbeat fault detection algorithm based on the gossip protocol, which uses random communication to propagate information instead of all-to-all communication.

8.2 Statistics-based fault detection and prediction

In HPC systems, different kinds of monitoring & performance data are used for system monitoring and management, such as CPU temperature, fan speed, voltage. Deviation of these data often indicates an abnormal state or oncoming failure. For instance, if the CPU temperature continues to rise and exceed a certain threshold, the node is likely to fail in a short time. Modeling these data according to statistics can help us carry out fault detection and prediction.
A widely used method is to measure the performance of a node while executing similar programs and compare them with other nodes. If its performance deviation exceeds the threshold, a fault is considered to occur in that node [97]. [98] models the normal activities of nodes by using the runtime data and then realizes fault detection by comparing the current running state of nodes with the normal activity model. [99] calculates the node system log generation frequency (SG) within a fixed time interval and compares it with similar nodes. If the SG parameter deviates from most nodes by more than a certain threshold, the node is considered to fail. [100] proposed a rule-based fault prediction method, which uses daemon process on each node to read sensors and compares it with the historical value in the system log to predict fault.

8.3 ML-based fault detection and prediction

HPC systems produce various kinds of performance data and system logs that are suitable for machine learning techniques to perform fault detection and prediction.
Various supervised machine learning (ML) algorithms, like neural networks, are trained to detect and recognize system failures on HPC [101, 102]. Supervised machine learning fault detection is efficient and accurate in detecting known faults, but it is difficult to find unknown faults due to the fact that the training data is manually annotated. Dani [103] proposes an unsupervised anomaly detection approach that utilizes the k-means clustering algorithm to analyze logs and find active & failed nodes. [103] relies on the node itself to detect faults and logs the fault, which also limits the types of faults that can be detected.
Fault prediction is performed mainly by classification techniques, such as support vector machines (SVM), decision trees, and logistic regression. [104, 105] use SVM to analyze data and predict disk faults. [106] utilizes the decision tree and logistic regression to predict disk faults, in which the decision tree is the primary classifier while the logistic regression is used to avoid overfitting. Desh [13] uses the long short-term memory (LSTM) neural networks for predicting node-level failures, in which the LSTM is trained with the log event chain that caused the failure as well as the time interval between the log event chain; Experiments show that it can predict the failure 3 minutes in advance.
AIOps (Artificial intelligence for IT Operations) combines big data, ML and advanced operation technologies, and has already started to be used on HPC. During the training phase, it uses ML to learn the normal working patterns of HPCs from their massive data. At runtime, AIOps collects real-time data and analyzes it to detect and predict faults and make automatic intelligent decisions. As a result, AIOps can detect and avoid various faults faster than operation teams, reducing the frequency of failures and shortening HPCs’ MTTR (Mean Time To Repair).

8.4 MPI-based fault detection

Most applications in HPC systems rely on MPI for inter-process communications, so it is possible to detect faults of parallel programs in MPI-layer. Marmot [107] and Umpire [108] utilize the MPI profiling interface to detect program faults (e.g., deadlocks), but they may have problems in scalability and performance for large-scale applications. To improve scalability, SRFD [109] introduces a scalable runtime fault detection mechanism that uses MPI library functions to obtain abnormal runtime information and logically constructs a fault detection tree (FDT) for each process. Depending on the detection period and data structure, Kharbas [110] uses random detection and ring-based periodic detection at the MPI communication layer to detect faults in MPI programs. These fault detection mechanisms can be embedded in the MPI application without any modification to the MPI application.

8.5 Correlation-based fault prediction

The basic idea of correlation-based fault prediction is to estimate the probability of the next fault within a short period by finding the correlation between faults according to the time and type. The system log is usually the main research direction of correlation-based fault prediction. [111] analyzes BlueGene/L’s RAS logs and found the time characteristics (50% of network failures and 35% of I/O failures occurred within 30 minutes of the last failure) and spatial characteristics (6% of nodes suffered 61% of network failures) of failures. Based on this, they proposed a strategy: when a job submits to HPC after one fatal event or two non-fatal events, it is highly likely to fail.
Gainaru [112, 113] combine signal processing to analyze the logs and introduce two fault prediction methods; They extract three kinds of signal events from the logs and carry out anomaly detection based on the signals; By mining the correlation between signals and the spatiotemporal correlation, more than 50% of faults could be predicted in one minute in advance.
Pelaez [114] proposes a distributed online node fault prediction scheme to improve scalability. The idea is to divide the data into regions and assign each region to a specific work node. Then the work node conducts cluster analysis to get clusters and outliers. This method provides good scalability with high accuracy and ensures low data transmission and RAM usage.

9 Challenges and conclusion

9.1 Challenges

● Challenges on scalability
The development of HPC systems not only promotes the performance but also increases the number of processors/cores/nodes. To make full use of the computing resources of the HPC system, there will be massive processes/threads in parallel programs. The increase in the number of nodes and processes/threads poses challenges to the scalability of current resilience approaches.
The challenge on scalability of checkpointing mainly lies in two aspects. Firstly, the globally coordinated checkpointing requires synchronization among processes to achieve a globally consistent state before saving the checkpoint. For large-scale HPC systems, this kind of global communication is time-consuming and inefficient. Secondly, massive processes/threads will generate massive checkpoint data that needs to be saved to the storage-system. When thousands of nodes save checkpoints to shared storage simultaneously, the I/O sub-system will experience severer overloading. Therefore, checkpointing requires further efforts on reducing data volume, optimal checkpoint intervals, and uncoordinated checkpoints to improve scalability.
● Challenges of heterogeneous architecture
Heterogeneous architecture has been widely employed by HPC systems to achieve high-density of performance and to improve power efficiency, which makes software resilience approaches more complicated. Taking GPU as an example, popular GPUs currently have an independent memory space, which needs extra handling for checkpointing, SDC, and ABFT. Other challenges include synchronization between CPU and GPU, coordination of stream processors, saving and restoring GPU status.
Traditional checkpoint approaches and tools are mainly for CPU systems and take no account of heterogeneous systems. Although there are already some checkpointing approaches for CPU-GPU, they have limitations more or less. For instance, checkpointing can only be done between kernel-functions of GPU rather than inside a kernel-function; runtime system of GPU is not open, which brings challenges and limitations to saving & restoring the status of GPU. Furthermore, in addition to GPU, future HPC systems will employ more kinds of heterogeneous architectures to improve power-efficiency, which will bring more challenges to checkpointing.
● Challenges of emerged fail-slow fault
Traditionally, the system faults are classified into fail-stop and fail-continue (i.e. soft error). Current resilience approaches are designed for either or both of them. However, with the scaling-up of HPC systems, there are thousands of millions of processors/components in a system, and researchers have found a new kind of fault, called fail-slow [115], which indicates the abnormal state of slow working of processors/ nodes/components. Causes of fail-slow faults may be related to instable connections between components, aging components, etc.
Although the fail-slow faults do not make applications crash or generate incorrect results, they affect system performance and often cause some strange phenomena. E.g., an application runs quickly in most times, but becomes very slow occasionally, which brings troubles not only to the users but also to system management and maintenance. At present, there is not much research on fail-slow, especially on how to detect and locate it.

9.2 Conclusion

Accompanied with the growth in scale and complexity of HPC systems, resilience has become one of the key challenges for large-scale HPC systems. To tackle this problem, various kinds of methods, systems and tools have been proposed. This paper gives a comprehensive survey of software resilience approaches for HPC systems. Firstly, we present a classification of those methods. Then we summarize the advantages and disadvantages of each method, and introduce the most popular resilience approaches as well as their recent progress and works.
Specifically, as HPC systems become more complex and heterogeneous, we also track the latest work that meets new challenges in each section. We believe our work can help researchers retrieve the main work for the resilience of HPC systems and quickly catch up with the recent advances in each classification.


The research presented in this paper has been supported by the GHFund A (No. ghfund202107010337).
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