Research articles

Cytological effects of different mutagens in soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merrill]

  • Ph, D Scholar-cum-Research Associate, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, Kisan (P. G.) College, Simbhaoli, Ghaziabad, (U. P.), 245201, India;

Published date: 05 Dec 2009


The effect of gamma rays, ethyl methane sulphonate, and their three combinations on various cytological parameters in M1 generation was studied in two soybean cultivars, Pusa-16 and PK-1042. Combined treatments exhibited high meiotic abnormalities in Pusa-16 as compared with the individual treatments of ethyl methane sulphonate and gamma rays. In PK-1042 the highest frequency of meiotic abnormalities was exhibited by gamma rays, while in Pusa-16 the frequencies of univalents were high as compared with other meiotic abnormalities. Fragments/bridges, laggards, ring and rod bivalents were other types of meiotic abnormalities that were noticed in both the cultivars. The frequencies of irregular cells in the two cultivars were high in combined treatments followed by ethyl methane sulphonate and gamma rays. The highest percentage of pollen sterility was exhibited by the combined treatments and the lowest was exhibited by gamma rays. In Pusa-16, the increase in doses of gamma rays and ethyl methane sulphonate increased the pollen sterility percentage, while in the combined treatments, the increase was noticed up to the intermediate dose and then gradually decreased at higher doses. On the other hand, in PK-1042 the increase in ethyl methane sulphonate dose increased sterility percentage, while no definite trend was noticed in gamma rays and combined treatments.

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Mudasir Hafiz KHAN, Sunil Dutt TYAGI, . Cytological effects of different mutagens in soybean [ Glycine max (L.) Merrill][J]. Frontiers of Agriculture in China, 2009 , 3(4) : 397 -401 . DOI: 10.1007/s11703-009-0065-3

