Assessment of the combining ability and authentication of F1 hybrids using SSR markers in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)

  • Muhammad Shahzad AHMED 1 ,
  • Ihsan KHALIQ 1 ,
  • Jehanzeb FAROOQ , 2 ,
  • Shahid Iqbal AWAN 3 ,
  • Nisar AHMED 4 ,
  • Faisal Saeed AWAN 4
  • 1. Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • 2. Cotton Research Institute, Ayub Agricultural Institute, Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • 3. Department of Plant Breeding & Molecular Genetics, University of Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Rawalakot, Pakistan
  • 4. Centre of Agricultural Biochemistry and Biotechnology (CABB), University of Agriculture, Faisalabad, Pakistan

Received date: 13 Nov 2010

Accepted date: 24 Dec 2010

Published date: 05 Jun 2011


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


Six wheat genotypes (three female and three male) were crossed for the study of some quantitative traits in wheat. Analysis of variance showed a highly significant difference for all the characters except flag leaf area, which was significant. Testers revealed that LU26S was the best general combiner only for plant height. Mehraj showed a good general combining ability effect on plant height, flag leaf area, peduncle length, and 1000-grain weight. Farid 2006 was the best male parent as general combiner for plant height, peduncle length, spike length, number of grains per spike, and grain yield per plant. The wheat parental lines revealed that 9381 was the best general combiner for plant height, flag leaf area, peduncle length, 1000-grain weight, and grain yield per plant. Whereas 9428 was the best general combiner for flag leaf area, spike length, and number of spikelets per spike. Among crosses, LU26S × 9272, LU26S × 9381, Mehraj × 9272, and Mehraj × 9381 showed a significant effect of specific combining ability (SCA) on grain yield per plant. Other crosses with significant and positive SCA effects were LU26S × 9272 on plant height and 1000-grain weight grain yield per plant, LU26S × 9428 on peduncle length, and Mehraj × 9381 on plant height and grain yield per plant. These crosses with significant effects of general combining ability (GCA) on grain yield per plant can be used in the development of new varieties. These crosses with nonadditive genes would give transgressive segregants. For yield improvement, vigilant selection of the potent transgressive segregants through family selection would be valuable for yield enhancement. A total of 15 SSR primers of Xgwm series and 5 of X series were used to find out the codominant loci in the hybrid and single dominant loci in parents. Out of 15 primers only, Xgwm-314 gave the polymorphic banding pattern. This primer showed the polymorphic dominant loci in the parents (LU26S, Mehraj, 9272 and 9381) and codominant loci midway between these parents. Therefore, this SSR primer was used to confirm the two best performing hybrids (LU26S × 9272 and Mehraj × 9381) on the bases of positively significant effects of GCA and SCA on plant height, 1000-grain weight and grain yield per plant, and other economically important traits. The two hybrids namely LU26S × 9272 and Mehraj × 9381 can be used in the further breeding program for the development of high yielding varieties.

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Muhammad Shahzad AHMED , Ihsan KHALIQ , Jehanzeb FAROOQ , Shahid Iqbal AWAN , Nisar AHMED , Faisal Saeed AWAN . Assessment of the combining ability and authentication of F1 hybrids using SSR markers in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.)[J]. Frontiers of Agriculture in China, 2011 , 5(2) : 135 -140 . DOI: 10.1007/s11703-011-1080-8

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