Studies on isolated microspore embryoid induction of C. annuum L.

  • Ting YIN ,
  • Song TIAN ,
  • Shuangxia LUO ,
  • Xueping CHEN ,
  • Yanhua WANG ,
  • Shuxing SHEN
  • College of Horticulture, Agricultural University of Hebei, Baoding 071001, China

Received date: 13 Apr 2010

Accepted date: 07 May 2010

Published date: 05 Dec 2010


2014 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


A system to improve isolated microspore embryoid induction rate of pepper (Capsicum annuum L.) was studied in this paper. The results showed that low-temperature pretreatment, growth regulators combinations, activated carbon concentrations, and preculture temperatures were critical factors affecting embryoid formation of isolated pepper microspores in vitro. One day after pretreatment of the buds at 4°C, the anthers that differentiated and developed into embryos were cultured in double-layer medium system for one week at 7°C and then went on culturing at 28°C in darkness. All the seven genotypes of the tested pepper responded to this protocol. The embryoid induction rate of the best genotype increased from 81.11% to 147.22%. This protocol can be used as a potential tool for producing doubled haploid plants for pepper breeding.

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Ting YIN , Song TIAN , Shuangxia LUO , Xueping CHEN , Yanhua WANG , Shuxing SHEN . Studies on isolated microspore embryoid induction of C. annuum L.[J]. Frontiers of Agriculture in China, 2010 , 4(4) : 438 -442 . DOI: 10.1007/s11703-010-1028-4


This research was supported by the Key Scientific and Technological Project of Hebei Province, China (No. 06220110D).
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