Establishment of core collection for Chinese tea germplasm based on cultivated region grouping and phenotypic data
Xinchao WANG, Liang CHEN, Yajun YANG
Establishment of core collection for Chinese tea germplasm based on cultivated region grouping and phenotypic data
Tea is an important economic crop in China. About 2665 accessions of tea germplasm (Camellia spp.) are conserved in the China National Germplasm Tea Repository. However, only a small fraction of the collections have been exhaustively used in tea plant improvement programs. The objective of the present study was to develop a core collection of tea plant to enhance the utilization of genetic resources in improvement programs and simplify their management. For this purpose, based on the cultivated region grouping and phenotypic trait data, a core collection of tea plant was established using logarithm proportion and Ward’s cluster method. Approximately 20% of the accessions were then randomly selected from these distinct groups to form a core collection of 532 accessions. Different statistical methods including comparison of mean using Newman-Keuls test, variance using Levene’s test, and frequency distribution using Chi-square test for the traits validated that the variation present in the initial collection was retained in the core collection. The Shannon-Weaver diversity index for different traits was also similar in the core and initial collection. The phenotypic correlations among different quantitative traits that may be under the control of coadapted gene complexes were also preserved in the core collection. This core collection will play an important role in the utilization of tea germplasms.
tea plant (Camellia sinensis) / germplasm / core collection / cultivated region / phenotypic trait
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