Structure, diversity, and regeneration potential of
Nasrullah KHAN, Moinuddin AHMED, Syed Shahid SHAUKAT, Muhammad WAHAB, Muhammad Faheem SIDDIQUI
Structure, diversity, and regeneration potential of
This study reports on the multivariate analysis of the vegetation of Hindukush Range in Pakistan, concentrating on the structure and regeneration potential of BoldItalic and associated tree species. Twenty stands at different locations in the Dir District of the Hindukush Range in Pakistan were chosen for the study. A point centered quarter method for trees and 5 m × 5 m size quadrats were used for the sampling of understorey vegetation, including shrubs, seedlings, and saplings, respectively. The underlying group structure in vegetation was exposed by an agglomerative clustering technique, while major trends were disclosed by DCA ordination. Size class structure and regeneration potential of BoldItalic and associated tree species were also examined, which reflects the future trend of species and, consequently, the forests where they dominate. The relationships between environmental factors and vegetation were investigated.
The arboreal vegetation was mostly dominated by broad leaved species including BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic. Among the understorey vegetation, the abundant species were BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic, BoldItalic seedlings of BoldItalic, BoldItalic, and BoldItalic. At the seedling and sapling stage, the maximum number was observed for BoldItalic (27±5.75 and 38±7.1), followed by BoldItalic (18±2.2 and 12±1.0) and BoldItalic. As far as regeneration status is concerned, 34% species showed good regeneration, 50% species were facing the problem of poor regeneration while, and only 16% species were not regenerating. Five groups of tree vegetation that emerged from Ward’s cluster analysis could readily be superimposed on DCA ordination. These groups were associated with particular elevation and, to a lesser extent, with edaphic variables, such as pH and nutrients. Some of the topographic and edaphic variables, such as soil nutrient, showed significant or weak linear relationships with one or more ordination axes. The size class structure of BoldItalic and associated tree species for individual stands exhibited a few gaps. Relationships between density and basal area were significant, but the density and basal area with altitudinal and slope gradient showed an insignificant relation. Some recommendations are outlined for future research and sustainable management of these forests species.
cluster analysis / DCA ordination / regeneration potential / deteriorating forests / management plan / size class structure / vegetation description
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