Identification of disease resistances in wheat-
Xiuli ZHANG, Jinjin CAI, Joseph M. ANDERSON, Maolin ZHAO, Herbert W. OHM, Lingrang KONG
Identification of disease resistances in wheat-
To identify resistance to Fusarium head blight (FHB), cereal yellow dwarf virus (CYDV), stem rust (Sr), and powdery mildew (Pm) in 24 common wheat (Triticum aestivum)-Leymus multicaulis addition/translocation lines that were developed cytogenetically and to verify the authenticity of these lines using microsatellite (SSR) DNA markers. Resistance to FHB was identified in the wheat-L. multicaulis addition lines, Line 9 and Line 26, which both contained L. multicaulis-specific fragments as shown by SSR markers. The translocation line, Trans 1, and the addition lines, Line 5 and Line 29, have resistance to stem rust (IT 0). Resistance to CYDV was evaluated based on virus titers measured by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The addition line, Line 23, showed low virus titer (0.15), indicating resistance to CYDV. The segregation distribution of CYDV resistance in 98 F2 plants of Line 23/CS showed a significant deviation from 3∶1. Inoculation with a set of 14 differential Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici (Bgt) isolates did not detect powdery mildew resistance in translocation line Trans 1, addition line Line 9 and the amphiploid of wheat-L. multicaulis. However, Line 26 exhibited the resistance response pattern of Kavkaz, which carries Pm8, indicating that Line 26 most likely has the powdery mildew resistance gene Pm8 inherited from its parent lines Feng Kang 7 or Feng Kang 10. Twelve SSR markers, distributed on different homeologous chromosome groups of wheat, which distinguished L. multicaulis addition/translocation chromosomes, were used to verify the presence of L. multicaulis chromatin in the putative wheat-L. multicaulis addition/translocation lines. Of the 24 addition/translocation lines investigated using the 12 polymorphic SSR markers, 18 wheat-L. multicaulis derivatives showed the expected L. multicaulis-specific fragments, indicating that all of these 18 addition/translocation lines would most likely have the introgressed L. multicaulis chromosome(s). Chromosomal rearrangements also were detected in some of the wheat-L. multicaulis introgression lines.
Triticum aestivum / Leymus multicaulis / ELISA / SSR / disease resistance
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