A multiplex PCR method for detection of
Yan ZHANG, Wenxiang YANG, Yaning LI, Daqun LIU, Ting ZHANG
A multiplex PCR method for detection of
A multiplex PCR assay system was developed for the detection of Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm), which combined two tests in one reaction mixture. Cmm-specific primers PSA-4/PSA-R and Solanum lycopersicum–specific primers NS-7-F/NS-8-R (internal PCR control primer) were combined in one PCR reaction mixture with Cmm and plant DNA as template. The primer sets could amplify the target product successfully. Different combinations and concentrations of primers and annealing temperatures were tested, respectively. The detection level of the optimized multiplex PCR assay was up to 5×102 cfu·mL-1. To verify the applicability of this system, it was employed to detect Cmm in tomato seeds and plantlet samples. Seeds mixed with Cmm and diseased plantlets were detected successfully. The multiplex PCR system will avoid false-negative results and provide a reliable method for the detection of Cmm.
Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. michiganensis (Cmm) / molecular detection / multiplex PCR / internal PCR control / false negative
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