Comparative QTL mapping of resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus in maize based on bioinformatics

LÜ Xiangling1, LI Xinhai2, XIE Chuanxiao2, HAO Zhuanfang2, JI Hailian2, SHI Liyu2, ZHANG Shihuang2

Front. Agric. China ›› 2008, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4) : 365-371.

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Front. Agric. China ›› 2008, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4) : 365-371. DOI: 10.1007/s11703-008-0081-8

Comparative QTL mapping of resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus in maize based on bioinformatics

  • LÜ Xiangling1, LI Xinhai2, XIE Chuanxiao2, HAO Zhuanfang2, JI Hailian2, SHI Liyu2, ZHANG Shihuang2
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The development of genomics and bioinformatics offers new tools for comparative gene mapping. In this paper, an integrated QTL map for sugarcane mosaic virus (SCMV) resistance in maize was constructed by compiling a total of 81 QTL loci available, using the Genetic Map IBM2 2005 Neighbors as reference. These 81 QTL loci were scattered on 7 chromosomes of maize, and most of them were clustered on chromosomes 3 and 6. By using the method of meta-analysis, we identified one “consensus QTL” on chromosome 3 covering a genetic distance of 6.44 cM, and two on chromosome 6 covering genetic distances of 16 cM and 27.48 cM, respectively. Four positional candidate resistant genes were identified within the “consensus QTL” on chromosome 3 via the strategy of comparative genomics. These results suggest that application of a combination of meta-analysis within a species with sequence homology comparison in a related model plant is an efficient approach to identify the major QTL and its candidate gene(s) for the target traits. The results of this study provide useful information for identifying and cloning the major gene(s) conferring resistance to SCMV in maize.

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LÜ Xiangling, LI Xinhai, XIE Chuanxiao, HAO Zhuanfang, JI Hailian, SHI Liyu, ZHANG Shihuang. Comparative QTL mapping of resistance to sugarcane mosaic virus in maize based on bioinformatics. Front. Agric. China, 2008, 2(4): 365‒371


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