Directional transduction of male sterile gene of NIAN type in wheat

NIU Na, ZHANG Gaisheng, CAO Yue, ZHANG Yu, WEI Fang

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Front. Agric. China ›› 2008, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (4) : 386-390. DOI: 10.1007/s11703-008-0077-4

Directional transduction of male sterile gene of NIAN type in wheat

  • NIU Na, ZHANG Gaisheng, CAO Yue, ZHANG Yu, WEI Fang
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A new method for producing a NIAN type wheat maintenance line with the male sterile gene rfv1 was described. That is the variety Xinong Fp1, a 1BL/1RS translocation line, as the acceptor and Triticum macha var. subletschchumicum, a non-1BL/1RS translocation line, as the donor, a directional substitution backcross was made and confirmed by chromosome of root tip preparations and SDS-PAGE analysis. The male sterile gene rfv1 of Triticum macha var. subletschchumicum was transferred to the genome of Xinong Fp1. A new NIAN type wheat maintenance line with the male sterile gene rfv1 was bred. The method described was successful in breeding a new male sterile type for hybrid wheat production.

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NIU Na, ZHANG Gaisheng, CAO Yue, ZHANG Yu, WEI Fang. Directional transduction of male sterile gene of NIAN type in wheat. Front. Agric. China, 2008, 2(4): 386‒390


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