WANG Yijun1, DENG Dexiang1, BIAN Yunlong1, XU Mingliang2
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1.Agricultural College, Yangzhou University; 2.National Maize Improvement Center of China, China Agricultural University;
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05 Dec 2008
Issue Date
05 Dec 2008
Transposable elements are widely distributed in eukaryotes. Due to its high copy numbers, high forward mutation rate and preferential insertion into low-copy DNA sequences, among others, the Mutator system has been widely used as a mutagen in genomic research. The discovery, classification, transposition specificity and epigenetic regulation of Mutator transposons were described. The application of Mutator tagging in plant genomic research was also presented. The role of Mu-like elements in genome evolution was briefly depicted. Moreover, the direction of Mutator transposon research in the future was discussed.
WANG Yijun, DENG Dexiang, BIAN Yunlong, XU Mingliang.
Maize Mutator transposon. Front. Agric. China, 2008, 2(4): 396‒403
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