Germplasm and breeding research of tea plant based on DNA marker approaches

NI Sui1, YAO Mingzhe2, CHEN Liang2, ZHAO Liping2, WANG Xinchao2

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Front. Agric. China ›› DOI: 10.1007/s11703-008-0043-1

Germplasm and breeding research of tea plant based on DNA marker approaches

  • NI Sui1, YAO Mingzhe2, CHEN Liang2, ZHAO Liping2, WANG Xinchao2
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Tea is the most popular non-alcoholic and healthy beverage worldwide. Tea production contributes greatly to the economy and the job opportunities for many countries in Asia and Africa. Meanwhile, the germplasm of tea, with a huge potential for the future of the whole tea industry, is presently one of the most valuable and fundamental materials for tea breeding and tea biotechnology. DNA molecular markers have been proven to be robust and valuable approaches in the studies of genetic diversity and variation, molecular identification, molecular phylogenetics, genetic stability and integrity of tea germplasm, and the genetic linkage map for breeding of tea. In this paper, a brief prospect on the molecular marker studies of tea has been summarized. The purpose is to provide an effective way for undertaking a massive tea germplasm appraisal and evaluation, to develop new applicable and cheap DNA markers, to establish a high density genetic linkage map and analyze the agronomically important QTLs, and finally, to facilitate the marker assisted early selection and shorten breeding procedures in tea.

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NI Sui, YAO Mingzhe, CHEN Liang, ZHAO Liping, WANG Xinchao. Germplasm and breeding research of tea plant based on DNA marker approaches. Front. Agric. China,


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