Effects of phosphate fertilizer and manure on Chinese cabbage yield and soil phosphorus accumulation

LIAO Wenhua, LIU Jianling, Wang Xinjun, JIA Ke, MENG Na

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Front. Agric. China ›› 2008, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (3) : 301-306. DOI: 10.1007/s11703-008-0026-2

Effects of phosphate fertilizer and manure on Chinese cabbage yield and soil phosphorus accumulation

  • LIAO Wenhua, LIU Jianling, Wang Xinjun, JIA Ke, MENG Na
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The yield response of Chinese cabbage to phosphate fertilizer and manure was studied. The effect of over-application of phosphate fertilizer and manure on plant total phosphorus content and phosphorus accumulation in soil was also investigated. The experiment was arranged in a plastic barrel in the field for two years. Application of phosphate fertilizer at the rates of 150–600 mg·kg-1 gave a yield increase of 14.9%–21.5% of Chinese cabbage. Application of manure at the rates of 33.3–133.2 g·kg-1 gave a yield increase of 18.2%–25.9% of the crop. There was no significant difference of yield response at the rates of 150, 300 and 600 mg·kg-1 phosphate fertilizer, and no significant yield response to the application of phosphate fertilizer after applying manure. The total P content in Chinese cabbage was increased gradually with the rate increase of phosphate fertilizer and manure. Phosphorus was absorbed luxuriously by the plant with over-application phosphate fertilizer and manure. The content of total-P, Olsen-P, water-soluble P, biological available P in the soil was increased with the rate of phosphate fertilizer and manure. Organic phosphorus in the soil was increased by the application of manure. Olsen-P had high correlations with water-soluble-P and biological available-P, but there was a poor relationship between Olsen-P and organic-P.

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LIAO Wenhua, LIU Jianling, Wang Xinjun, JIA Ke, MENG Na. Effects of phosphate fertilizer and manure on Chinese cabbage yield and soil phosphorus accumulation. Front. Agric. China, 2008, 2(3): 301‒306 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11703-008-0026-2


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