Efficient near-infrared emission in lanthanum ion doped double perovskite Cs2NaScCl6 via Cr3+ sensitization under visible light excitation

Weiguo Huang, Hui Peng, Jinling Huang, Ye Yang, Qilin Wei, Bao Ke, Muhammad Sheraz Khan, Jialong Zhao, Bingsuo Zou

EcoMat ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3) : e12437.

EcoMat ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (3) : e12437. DOI: 10.1002/eom2.12437

Efficient near-infrared emission in lanthanum ion doped double perovskite Cs2NaScCl6 via Cr3+ sensitization under visible light excitation

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Herein, we synthesized Cr3+/Ln3+ (Er3+, Tm3+)-codoped rare earth-based Cs2NaScCl6 double perovskite, and the near-infrared emission of Ln3+ can be excited by visible light through the energy transfer (ET) from Cr3+ to Ln3+. Moreover, there are two independent emission bands, which stems from 4T24A2 transition of Cr3+ (970 nm) and f-f transition of Ln3+ (1542 nm for Er3+ and 1220 nm for Tm3+), respectively. Particularly, both compounds have ultra-high photoluminescence quantum yield (PLQY) of 60% for 10%Cr3+/6%Er3+-codoped Cs2NaScCl6 (Er3+ emission: ~26%) and 68% for 10%Cr3+/4.5%Tm3+-codoped Cs2NaScCl6 (Tm3+ emission: ~56%), which can be attributed to the ultra-high ET efficiency from Cr3+ to Ln3+ and the similar ionic activity of Sc3+ and Ln3+ allowing more dopants enter the host lattice. Considering the excellent stability of the samples, we demonstrated Cr3+/Tm3+-codoped Cs2NaScCl6 in the applications of near-infrared imaging and night vision. Finally, we reported 10%Cr3+/4.5%Tm3+/9%Er3+-tridoped Cs2NaScCl6 and further applied it for optical thermometry.


Cr3+ sensitization / energy transfer / green light excitation / lead-free double perovskite / near-infrared emission

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Weiguo Huang, Hui Peng, Jinling Huang, Ye Yang, Qilin Wei, Bao Ke, Muhammad Sheraz Khan, Jialong Zhao, Bingsuo Zou. Efficient near-infrared emission in lanthanum ion doped double perovskite Cs2NaScCl6 via Cr3+ sensitization under visible light excitation. EcoMat, 2024, 6(3): e12437 https://doi.org/10.1002/eom2.12437


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2024 2024 The Authors. EcoMat published by The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.




