Apr 2017, Volume 18 Issue 3

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    Guo-liang TAO,Ce SHANG,De-yuan MENG,Chao-chao ZHOU

    A control algorithm for a 3-RPS parallel platform driven by pneumatic cylinders is discussed. All cylinders are controlled by proportional directional valves while the kinematic and dynamic properties of the system are modeled. The method of adaptive robust control is applied to the controller using a back-stepping approach and online parameter estimation. To compensate for the uncertainty and the influence caused by estimations, a fast dynamic compensator is integrated in the controller design. To prevent any influence caused by the load applied to the moving platform changing in a practical working situation, the identification of parameters is taken as the initialization of unknown parameters in the controller, which can improve the adaptability of the algorithm. Using these methods, the response rate of the parameter estimation and control performance were improved significantly. The adverse effects of load and restriction forces were eliminated by the initialization and online estimation. Experiments under different situations illustrated the effectiveness of the adaptive robust controller with parameter initialization, approaching average tracking errors of less than 1%.

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    Gaurav BANSOD,Narayan PISHAROTY,Abhijit PATIL

    We propose an ultra-lightweight, compact, and low power block cipher BORON. BORON is a substitution and permutation based network, which operates on a 64-bit plain text and supports a key length of 128/80 bits. BORON has a compact structure which requires 1939 gate equivalents (GEs) for a 128-bit key and 1626 GEs for an 80-bit key. The BORON cipher includes shift operators, round permutation layers, and XOR operations. Its unique design helps generate a large number of active S-boxes in fewer rounds, which thwarts the linear and differential attacks on the cipher. BORON shows good performance on both hardware and software platforms. BORON consumes less power as compared to the lightweight cipher LED and it has a higher throughput as compared to other existing SP network ciphers. We also present the security analysis of BORON and its performance as an ultra-lightweight compact cipher. BORON is a well-suited cipher design for applications where both a small footprint area and low power dissipation play a crucial role.

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    Deng CHEN,Yan-duo ZHANG,Wei WEI,Shi-xun WANG,Ru-bing HUANG,Xiao-lin LI,Bin-bin QU,Sheng JIANG

    Static analysis is an efficient approach for software assurance. It is indicated that its most effective usage is to perform analysis in an interactive way through the software development process, which has a high performance requirement. This paper concentrates on rule-based static analysis tools and proposes an optimized rule-checking algorithm. Our technique improves the performance of static analysis tools by filtering vulnerability rules in terms of characteristic objects before checking source files. Since a source file always contains vulnerabilities of a small part of rules rather than all, our approach may achieve better performance. To investigate our technique’s feasibility and effectiveness, we implemented it in an open source static analysis tool called PMD and used it to conduct experiments. Experimental results show that our approach can obtain an average performance promotion of 28.7% compared with the original PMD. While our approach is effective and precise in detecting vulnerabilities, there is no side effect.

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    Qing-long WANG,Zhi-xue WANG,Ting-ting ZHANG,Wei-xing ZHU

    System of systems engineering (SoSE) involves the complex procedure of translating capability needs into the high-level requirements for system of systems (SoS) and evaluating how the SoS quality requirements meet their capability needs. One of the key issues is to model the SoS requirements and automate the verification procedure. To solve the problem of modeling and verification, meta-models are proposed to refine both functional and non-functional characteristics of the SoS requirements. A domain-specific modeling language is defined by extending Unified Modeling Language (UML) class and association with fuzzy constructs to model the vague and uncertain concepts of the SoS quality requirements. The efficiency evaluation function of the cloud model is introduced to evaluate the efficiency of the SoS quality requirements. Then a concise algorithm transforms the fuzzy UML models into the description logic (DL) ontology so that the verification can be automated with a DL reasoner. This method implements modeling and verification of high-level SoS quality requirements. A crisp case is used to facilitate and demonstrate the correctness and feasibility of this method.

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    Wen-yan XIAO,Ming-wen WANG,Zhen WENG,Li-lin ZHANG,Jia-li ZUO

    Acquiring vocabulary is important when studying English, as it assists in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In this paper, we develop an English webpage corpus (EWC) and create a word frequency list using web crawler technology. By comparing EWC word lists with the British National Corpus (BNC), we find that the BNC word frequency list possesses the feature of timeliness. We also explore primary school students’ English word recognition rates by comparing the word frequency lists of several corpora, including EWC, BNC, SUBTLEX-US, and Subtitle Corpus of Children’s BBC (CBBC). The results show that the word recognition rates for primary school children are relatively low in both general language and specific language register. Motivated by the experiment results, we finally propose some word-selection strategies for compiling English textbooks for Chinese primary school students.

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    Erfan SHAGHAGHI,Mohammad Reza JABBARPOUR,Rafidah MD NOOR,Hwasoo YEO,Jason J. JUNG

    The importance of using adaptive traffic signal control for figuring out the unpredictable traffic congestion in today’s metropolitan life cannot be overemphasized. The vehicular ad hoc network (VANET), as an integral component of intelligent transportation systems (ITSs), is a new potent technology that has recently gained the attention of academics to replace traditional instruments for providing information for adaptive traffic signal controlling systems (TSCSs). Meanwhile, the suggestions of VANET-based TSCS approaches have some weaknesses: (1) imperfect compatibility of signal timing algorithms with the obtained VANET-based data types, and (2) inefficient process of gathering and transmitting vehicle density information from the perspective of network quality of service (QoS). This paper proposes an approach that reduces the aforementioned problems and improves the performance of TSCS by decreasing the vehicle waiting time, and subsequently their pollutant emissions at intersections. To achieve these goals, a combination of vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) and vehicle-to-infrastructure (V2I) communications is used. The V2V communication scheme incorporates the procedure of density calculation of vehicles in clusters, and V2I communication is employed to transfer the computed density information and prioritized movements information to the road side traffic controller. The main traffic input for applying traffic assessment in this approach is the queue length of vehicle clusters at the intersections. The proposed approach is compared with one of the popular VANET-based related approaches called MC-DRIVE in addition to the traditional simple adaptive TSCS that uses the Webster method. The evaluation results show the superiority of the proposed approach based on both traffic and network QoS criteria.

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    Suppression of the dynamic oscillations of tie-line power exchanges and frequency in the affected interconnected power systems due to loading-condition changes has been assigned as a prominent duty of automatic generation control (AGC). To alleviate the system oscillation resulting from such load changes, implementation of flexible AC transmission systems (FACTSs) can be considered as one of the practical and effective solutions. In this paper, a thyristor-controlled series compensator (TCSC), which is one series type of the FACTS family, is used to augment the overall dynamic performance of a multi-area multi-source interconnected power system. To this end, we have used a hierarchical adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system controller-TCSC (HANFISC-TCSC) to abate the two important issues in multi-area interconnected power systems, i.e., low-frequency oscillations and tie-line power exchange deviations. For this purpose, a multi-objective optimization technique is inevitable. Multi-objective particle swarm optimization (MOPSO) has been chosen for this optimization problem, owing to its high performance in untangling non-linear objectives. The efficiency of the suggested HANFISC-TCSC has been precisely evaluated and compared with that of the conventional MOPSO-TCSC in two different multi-area interconnected power systems, i.e., two-area hydro-thermal-diesel and three-area hydro-thermal power systems. The simulation results obtained from both power systems have transparently certified the high performance of HANFISC-TCSC compared to the conventional MOPSO-TCSC.

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    Hui-pin LIN,Xiao-guang JIN,Liang XIE,Jin HU,Zheng-yu LU

    This paper proposes a new variable-mode control strategy that is applicable for LLC resonant converters operating in a wide input voltage range. This control strategy incorporates advantages from full-bridge LLC resonant converters, half-bridge LLC resonant converters, variable-frequency control mode, and phase-shift control mode. Under this control strategy, different input voltages determine the different operating modes of the circuit. When the input voltage is very low, it works in a full-bridge circuit and variable frequency mode (FB_VF mode). When the input voltage rises to a certain level, it shifts to a full-bridge circuit and phase-shifting control mode (FB_PS mode). When the input voltage further increases, it shifts into a half-bridge circuit and variable frequency mode (HB_VF mode). Such shifts are enabled by the digital signal processor (DSP), which means that no auxiliary circuit is needed, just a modification of the software. From light load to heavy load, the primary MOSFET for the LLC resonant converter can realize zero-voltage switching (ZVS), and the secondary rectifier diode can realize zero-current switching (ZCS). With an LLC resonant converter prototype with a 300 W rated power and a 450 V output voltage, as well as a resonant converter with 20–120 V input voltage, the experiments verified the proposed control strategy. Experimental results showed that under this control strategy, the maximum converter efficiency reaches 95.7% and the range of the input voltage expands threefold.

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    Sepehr TABRIZCHI,Nooshin AZIMI,Keivan NAVI

    A lot of research has been done on multiple-valued logic (MVL) such as ternary logic in these years. MVL reduces the number of necessary operations and also decreases the chip area that would be used. Carbon nanotube field effect transistors (CNTFETs) are considered a viable alternative for silicon transistors (MOSFETs). Combining carbon nanotube transistors and MVL can produce a unique design that is faster and more flexible. In this paper, we design a new half adder and a new multiplier by nanotechnology using a ternary logic, which decreases the power consumption and chip surface and raises the speed. The presented design is simulated using CNTFET of Stanford University and HSPICE software, and the results are compared with those of other studies.

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    Ping YANG,Chao-peng WU,Yi-lu GUO,Hong-bo LIU,Hui HUANG,Hang-zhou WANG,Shu-yue ZHAN,Bang-yi TAO,Quan-quan MU,Qiang WANG,Hong SONG

    Estimation of unknown parameters in exponential models by linear and nonlinear fitting methods is discussed. Based on the extreme value theorem and Taylor series expansion, it is proved theoretically that the parameters estimated by the linear fitting method alone cannot minimize the sum of the squared residual errors in the measurement data when measurement noise is involved in the data. Numerical simulation is performed to compare the performance of the linear and nonlinear fitting methods. Simulation results show that the linear method can obtain only a suboptimal estimate of the unknown parameters and that the nonlinear method gives more accurate results. Application of the fitting methods is demonstrated where the water spectral attenuation coefficient is estimated from underwater images and imaging distances, which supports the improvement in the accuracy of parameter estimation by the nonlinear fitting method.