Mar 2025, Volume 2 Issue 1

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  • Leo Gu Li, Yi Ouyang, Zhen-Yao Zhuo, Albert Kwok Hung Kwan

    The use of ceramic waste in concrete/mortar production as aggregate replacement or cement replacement has been under consideration in the last decade to find an effective way to tackle the growing hazard of ceramic waste disposal. In this study, the authors reutilize ceramic polishing waste (CPW) as a filler to replace an equal volume of cement paste in mortar while keeping the mixture proportions of the cement paste unchanged, i.e., in a new way as paste replacement. This mixture design strategy allows a larger amount of CPW to be added to substantially reduce the paste volume, cement and carbon footprint. The mortar mixes so produced had been subjected to carbonation and water absorption tests, and the results showed that as paste replacement, the CPW can significantly enhance the carbonation and water resistances, in addition to the environmental benefits of reducing waste, cement and carbon footprint. Regression analysis of test results indicated that for carbonation resistance, the cementing efficiency factor of the CPW was around 0.5, whereas for water resistance, the cementing efficiency factor was higher than 1.0 at low CPW content and lower than 1.0 at high CPW content.

  • Xuebin Chen, Zhiwu Chen, Guoji Xu, Xianrong Zhuo, Qinghua Deng

    Massive coastal bridges were damaged in Hurricanes Ivan (2004) and Katrina (2005), and considerable efforts have been devoted to the studies of wave forces acting on bridge decks since then. When the hurricane and tsunamis approach the coastal zones, the mean water level is elevated, making it possible for the incident wave to hit the bridge deck directly. The study of wave force acting on the bridge deck is essential for the investigation of bridge failure mechanism, and a literature review of wave forces with experimental and numerical methods after Hurricanes Ivan and Katrina is presented in this paper. Though the experiments and numerical models can not fully simulate the wave-deck interaction as in realistic conditions, remarkable progress has been achieved, and some significant findings help the researchers to further understand the failure mechanism of the bridge deck. Emphasis is given to the studies that have significantly improved our understanding of the topic. Challenges associated with the existing studies and suggestions for future studies are presented for a deeper understanding of the failure mechanism of the bridge deck, and more countermeasures are expected to protect the bridge deck under extreme wave forces.

  • Xu Chen, Jianzhong Li

    Costal bridge systems usually contain tall piers with heights over 40 m, due to the engineering site exposed to deep water circumstances. Note that the conventional seismic isolation devices (e.g., isolation bearings) are not that effective for tall piers, since their dynamic performance is significantly affected by the distributed mass and vibration modes of columns; therefore, base isolation design philosophy could be a promising alternative for mitigating seismic demands of this type of bridges. This paper mainly investigates the efficiency of rocking foundations in improving seismic performance of tall pier bridges, with the results presented in the format of fragility curves. Finite element model of the prototype tall pier bridge is developed, and the responses subjected to near-fault motions are obtained using nonlinear time history analysis. Probability seismic demand models and fragility curves are then developed accordingly, based on which the performance of tall pier bridges are assessed. The results show that employment of rocking foundations could significantly reduce the demands of tall piers and the probability of being damaged. Before the initiation of uplifting at pier base, the behavior of rocking piers resembles that of conventional ones with integrated foundation. While rocking initiates under strong excitations, the demands of rocking piers reduce drastically compared with integrated ones and tend to be similar under different motions, which benefits the post-earthquake performance assessment of these bridges.

  • Enbo Yu, Huan Wei, Yan Han, Peng Hu, Guoji Xu

    In this study, three machine learning techniques, the XGBoost (Extreme Gradient Boosting), LSTM (Long Short-Term Memory Networks), and ARIMA (Autoregressive Integrated Moving Average Model), are utilized to deal with the time series prediction tasks for coastal bridge engineering. The performance of these techniques is comparatively demonstrated in three typical cases, the wave-load-on-deck under regular waves, structural displacement under combined wind and wave loads, and wave height variation along with typhoon/hurricane approaching. To enhance the prediction accuracy, a typical data preprocessing method is adopted and an improved prediction framework for the LSTM model after the rolling forecast prediction is proposed. The obtained results show that: (a) When making a prediction on data featured with periodic regularity, both the XGBoost and ARIMA models perform well, and the XGBoost model can make predictions multi-step ahead, (b) The ARIMA model can predict just one step ahead based on aperiodic dataset with limited amplitude more accurately, while the XGBoost and LSTM models can predict multi-step ahead with appropriate data preprocessing, and (c) All the three models can predict the data tendency with model updating over time, but the prediction accuracy of the LSTM model is more favorable. The successful application of these three machine learning techniques can provide guidance to resolve engineering problems with time-history prediction requirements.

  • Mi Zhao, Xiaojing Wang, Piguang Wang, Chao Zhang, Xiuli Du

    An accurate frequency domain model is proposed to analyze the seismic response of uniform vertical cylinders with arbitrary cross section surrounded by water. According to the boundary conditions and using the variables separation method, the vertical modes of the hydrodynamic pressure are firstly obtained. Secondly, the three-dimensional wave equation can be simplified to a two-dimensional Helmholtz equation. Introducing the scaled boundary coordinate, a scaled boundary finite element (SBFE) equation which is a linear non-homogeneous second-order ordinary equation is derived by weighted residual method. The dynamic-stiffness matrix equation for the problem is furtherly derived. The continued fraction is acted as the solution of the dynamic-stiffness matrix for cylinder dynamic interaction of cylinder with infinite water. The coefficient matrices of the continued fraction are derived recursively from the SBFE equation of dynamic-stiffness. The accuracy of the present method is verified by comparing the hydrodynamic force on circular, elliptical and rectangle cylinders with the analytical or numerical solutions. Finally, the proposed model is used to analyze the natural frequency and seismic response of cylinders.

  • V. K. Kodur, M. Z. Naser

    This study presents a machine learning (ML) approach to identify vulnerability of bridges to fire hazard. For developing this ML approach, data on a series of bridge fires was first collected and then analyzed through three algorithms; Random forest (RF), Support vector machine (SVM) and Generalize additive model (GAM), competing to yield the highest accuracy. As part of this analysis, 80 steel bridges and 38 concrete bridges were assessed. The outcome of this analysis shows that the ML based proposed approach can be effectively applied to arrive at the risk based classification of bridges from a fire hazard point of view. In addition, the developed ML algorithms are also capable of identifying the most critical features that govern bridges vulnerability to fire hazard. In parallel, this study showcases the potential of integrating ML into structural engineering applications as a supporting tool for analysis (i.e. in lieu of experimental tests, advanced simulations, and analytical approaches). This work emphasizes the need to compile data on bridge fires from around the world into a centralized and open source database to accelerate the integration of ML in to fire hazard evaluation.

  • Yuanzheng Lin, Zhouhong Zong, Jin Lin, Yale Li, Yiyan Chen

    Simply-supported bridges are vulnerable to surface fault rupture as evidenced by several fault-crossing bridges in the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake. To investigate the seismic collapse mechanism of simply-supported bridges crossing the fault, across-fault ground motions are firstly simulated in the present study. In particular, based on a previously developed fault model of the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake, broadband across-fault ground motions at six fault-crossing bridges are simulated using the hybrid deterministic-stochastic method, in which the low- and high-frequency components are computed using the deterministic Green’s function method and the stochastic finite-fault modeling method, respectively. The simulation results indicate that the hybrid deterministic-stochastic method can give reasonable predictions to the across-fault ground motions. Furthermore, utilizing the explicit dynamic finite element (FE) code LS-DYNA, behaviors of a three-span simply-supported bridge under a selected pair of across-fault ground motions are numerically simulated. Numerical results indicate that the structural responses and collapse mechanisms are dominated by the low-frequency ground motions. The large differential static offset across the fault is the main reason for the collapse of the simply-supported bridges. This study contributes understandings for the across-fault ground motions and the collapse mechanism of some bridges in the 1999 Chi-Chi earthquake.

  • Liang Zong, Gang Shi

    The existing fatigue assessment approaches were mainly conducted on the component level. The interaction of local component damage and the global response cannot be well addressed. In this study, three-dimensional (3D) fatigue crack propagation analysis approach based on global-local numerical model was implemented, and examined to be accurate and effective through a series of systematic experimental data obtained by Fisher. Afterwards, the approach was introduced into a typical steel truss bridge for realizing more refined fatigue assessment from the global structural level. The fatigue performance of the longitudinal steel welded beam in the steel truss bridge was investigated based on global-local model and local model respectively. It was found that there is no difference in terms of the fatigue crack growth mechanism between the simulation between global-local model and local model due to that the stress level of the whole structure is relatively low. At last, the effect of heavy haul train operation on the fatigue performance of the steel truss bridge was analyzed. It was observed that the residual life of the longitudinal steel welded beam would have an obvious reduction when the axle load was increasing. The research work in this study presents a technical solution for the fatigue assessment of the global structure and can provide beneficial reference for relevant practical engineering projects.

  • Deming Zhu, Yaohan Li, You Dong, Peng Yuan

    Coastal highway bridge is an essential component of the transportation system but threatened by natural hazards such as hurricanes. Damaged highway bridges result in not only transportation disruption, but also tremendous financial, societal, and life loss. Therefore, vulnerability and loss assessments of bridges under hurricane events are becoming primary concerns for decision-makers. This study provides an elaborate framework to assess the vulnerability and long-term loss of coastal bridges subjected to hurricane hazards based on three-dimensional (3D) numerical analyses. A 3D Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) numerical model is established to investigate wave-bridge interaction and a Finite Element (FE) model is established for the bridge to calculate structural responses under wave impacts. Based on the numerical results, the effects of wave force and overturning moment on structural capacity are studied and a probabilistic vulnerability model is developed. Structural demand, capacity, and limit states are determined, respectively. Uncertainties associated with wave parameters, structural capacity, and material properties, and the resulting consequences are considered. Then, fragility curves are calculated, and long-term damage loss is assessed. The proposed approach can benefit the management and design of coastal bridges against the impacts of hurricane hazards.

  • Weiting Chen, Xuemeng Bai, Tengfei Xu, Shanshan Ke, Kailai Deng, Haiqing Xie

    This paper proposes a novel twin-column pier with a steel shear link (SSL) installed in the cap beam to reduce seismic damage in the transverse direction. The SSL interrupts the rigid cap beam and relieves the coupled deformation of the two columns. Benefits of the yieldable SSL in the event of a strong earthquake are the longer effective deformation of a column and limited axial compressive load. A benchmark reinforced-concrete bridge is employed in a seismic performance evaluation to verify the damage reduction performance of the novel twin-column pier with an SSL. Five numerical models, calibrated in a physical component test, are built in ABAQUS; that is, one original bridge and four novel bridges with different SSLs and accompanying configurations. Modal analysis shows that introducing the SSL does not change the overall structural dynamic characteristics. The nonlinear dynamic analysis results indicate that adopting the SSL effectively reduces the peak compressive strain of the reinforced-concrete column, but energy dissipation from the SSL is negligible compared with the total inputted seismic energy. There is no evident change in the macro seismic response of the twin-column pier when using the SSL, such as overall drift and structural damping ratio. Moreover, a transverse continuous main girder is suggested for realizing an additional restoring moment at the column top, which further reduces compressive strain.

  • Zhou Daocheng, Zhang Bo, Xue Sisi, Wei Chengxun, Ou Jinping

    There is a debate over whether the sea-crossing bridges undergo dynamic motions when exposed to wave loads. In order to verify the dynamic effect of the tower of sea-crossing bridge under wave load, an experimental study on dynamic effect of a freestanding tower of sea-crossing bridge is accomplished in this paper. Firstly, a test model for a typical bridge tower of pile group foundation under wave load is established by using a scale of 1:100. Secondly, a typical sea condition is designed for the response test of the bridge tower under wave load. The test results indicated that obvious vibration of top the tower occurs when the wave load period is close to the natural vibration period of the structure, and both displacement and base shear are amplified. The results in this paper will provide an important reference for whether the dynamic effect of wave load should be considered in the designs of bridge structure under wave load.

  • Ali Ahmed

    Deficiencies of the four spectral formats i.e., 2%/50-yr, 5%/50-yr, 10%/50-yr and AASHTO (American Association of State Highway Officials) 2009 demand modification of the spectral formats for bridge design application in Canada. Among them the 10%/50-yr spectrum is dropped from current investigation as its difference with Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code (CHBDC) 2006 is too large to modify. This study introduces an approach calibrating on the values of elastic seismic response coefficient to provide a new shape of the Canadian bridge design spectrum based on modified 2%/50-yr, modified 5%/50-yr and modified AASHTO spectral formats. A Digital Visual Fortran program was prepared to determine the optimum values of the modification factors incorporated into the three spectral formats calibrated on the data of 389 cities of Canada. Thus, here it is developed the strategies of modifying the three spectral formats based on the best probability level for CHBDC using site-specific Uniform Hazard Spectrum (UHS). Finally, select the most suitable spectral format to apply for the design base shear calculations for the bridges of Canada.

  • Jiang Yi, De’en Yu

    This paper investigated the nonlinear seismic performance of an existing cable-stayed bridge longitudinally subjected to a set of simulated near-fault ground motion pulses. An elaborated non-linear finite element model of the bridge was established which particularly considered cable sag effect, material nonlinearity of the tower and the deck. Through non-linear dynamic response analyses, seismic responses of the tower, deck and cables were evaluated at the yield and ultimate state of the structure. In particular, the yield and ultimate state of the structure were defined in the text based on damage levels of the structure and structural integrity requirement. It is revealed that the pulse period (T p), by determining the relative contribution of multiple modes of the structure, strongly affected the damage process of the structure. As T p was close to the period of first vertical vibration of the deck, the responses of the deck and cables were largely excited so that the deck might yield prior to yield of the tower, the cables failed prior to the ultimate state of the tower, and the deck suffered most of the damage despite of the yielding of the tower.

  • Hongyu Jia, Kang Jia, Caizhi Sun, Yanqiang Li, Chao Zhang, Shixiong Zheng

    The objective of this paper is to expediently expose the seismic performance pertinent to demand and capacity of general long-span suspension bridges crossing active faults. Firstly three dimensional finite element model of the ordinary long-span suspension bridge is established based on the powerful and attractive finite element software ANSYS. Secondly a series of appropriate fault ground motions with different target final permanent displacements (Tectonic displacements or ground offset) in the direction perpendicular to the fault plane are assumed and applied to the employed long-span suspension bridge. And then the Newmark method is utilized to solve the equation of motion of the long-span suspension bridge structure subjected to fault ground motions in the elastic range. Finally some important conclusions are drawn that the final permanent displacements in the direction perpendicular to the fault plane has significant influence on the seismic responses and demands of general long-span suspension bridges crossing active faults. And the resultant conclusions deliver explicitly and directly specifications and guidelines for seismic design of ordinary long-span suspension bridges across fault-rupture zones.

  • Nailiang Xiang, Yoshiaki Goto, M. Shahria Alam, Jianzhong Li

    Economical laminated elastomeric bearings are well-adopted options for load transmission components of bridges from superstructure to substructure. In most cases, the design of such elastomeric bearings primarily depends on the requirements from service-level conditions such as superstructure thermal movements, with little consideration of extreme loads like earthquakes. However, bridge elastomeric bearings are very likely to be subjected to earthquake hazards, particularly for bridges located in high seismic regions. This study presents an overview of the observed typical damages of bridge elastomeric bearings in the past major earthquakes mainly in China and Japan. Comparisons of different damage patterns are conducted based on the different installations of bridge elastomeric bearings (bonding or un-bonding). The effect of bearing installation methods on the overall seismic behavior of bridges is also discussed. A desirable installation method for bridge elastomeric bearings against strong earthquake loads is recommended, which is expected to overcome the critical limitations of current design practice.

  • Wen-Yu He, Fan-Cheng Meng, Wei-Xin Ren

    Cable force estimation is essential for security assessment of cable-stayed bridges. Cable force estimation methods based on the relationship between cable force and frequency have been extensively studied and used during both construction phase and service phase. However, the effect induced by inclination angle of the cable is not included in the establishment of frequency-cable force relationship as horizontal cable model is normally employed. This study aims to investigate the influence of the inclination angle on vibration based cable force estimation and provide practical formulas accordingly. Firstly numerical examples of fixed-fixed and hinged-hinged cables are simulated to illustrate the necessity of considering the inclination angle effect on the modal parameters and cable force estimation for inclined cables with small sag. Then practical formulas considering the inclination angle effect to estimate the cable force of fixed-fixed and hinged-hinged cables via the fundamental frequency are established accordingly. For the inclined cables with unknown boundary conditions, the coefficients reflecting boundary condition are predicted via the practical formulas for fixed-fixed and hinged-hinged cables. And the cable force considering the influence of inclination angle and unknown boundary conditions is obtained by iteration method. Finally, numerical examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method.

  • Suiwen Wu, Junfeng Jia, Chiyu Jiao, Junfei Huang, Jianzhong Li

    Skew bridges with seat-type abutments are frequently unseated in earthquakes due to large transverse displacements at their acute corners. It is believed these large displacements are due to in-plane rotation of the superstructure. Lack of detailed guidelines for modeling of skew bridges, many current design codes give empirical expressions rather than theoretical solutions for the additional support length required in skew bridges to prevent unseating. In this paper, a parametric study has been carried out to study the influence of skew angle, aspect ratio and fundamental periods of bridges on the additional support length requirements of single-span bridges due to skew using a shake table experiment validated Simplified Method, which is capable of simulating gap closure based on response spectrum analysis. This method is developed based on the premise that the obtuse corner of the superstructure engages the adjacent back wall during lateral loading and rotates about this corner until the loading reverses direction. A design response spectrum specified in AASHTO LRFD Specifications was employed to represent the design-level earthquakes. The results show the additional length required to prevent unseating due to skew increases with the skew angle in an approximately linear manner when the angle is less than a critical value and decreases for angles above this value. This critical skew angle increases with the aspect ratio approximately in a linear manner and shows negligible dependence on the fundamental periods of the bridges, and combination of span length and width. In addition, the critical skew angle varies between 58° and 66°, when the aspect ratio is varied from 3.0 to 5.0. The results also show that the empirical formulas for minimum support length requirements of skew bridges in current codes and specifications can not accurately reflect the influence of skew.

  • Qingfeng Guan, Jingliang Xia, Faguang Leng, Yongxiang Zhou

    As a special type of cement that can provide construction with aesthetics, white Portland cement (WPC) is restricted by the high cost of its production. To reduce the consumption of WPC and carbon dioxide emissions without degrading the properties of mortar, this work produced various mortar mixes by replacing an equal volume of the paste (the total volume of WPC and water) with blast furnace ferronickel slag (FNS), the by-product of ferronickel smelting. The workability, 28-day compressive strength, carbonation depth, water permeability, and drying shrinkage test were conducted, and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) test was used to characterize the pore structure. The results show that the paste replacement method is eco-friendlier and more effective than the traditional cement replacement technology in utilizing FNS to reduce WPC consumption, which may promote the development of white concrete construction.

  • Lei Tong, Rongxia Wang, Dongsheng Wang

    The box girder of the Miaoziping Bridge, a three-span prestressed concrete continuous rigid-frame bridge, suffered a serious crack in its box section’s web near the 1/6 to 1/2 length of the side span and the middle-span length of 1/4 to 3/4, as a result of the 2008 Wenchuan earthquake, which also caused large lateral residual displacements at both ends of the side span. In this study, eight strong-motion records near the bridge site and two other records (El Centro and Taft) are selected as inputs for time-history analysis of the bridge. The cantilever construction process and initial stress of the box girder are considered in a bridge model for seismic numerical simulation. Further, the simulation results are compared with the actual earthquake damage. The cracking mechanism, influencing factors and control of the girder crack damage are discussed. The high-stress zones of the box girder agree with the seismic damage observed, even various seismic inputs are considered. The findings reveal that the maximum (principal) tensile stress of the girder exceeds the tensile strength of the concrete under the seismic excitations, and cracks occur. Under various input directions of ground motions, the proportion of the main girder stresses induced by the earthquake shows differences. After the failure of the shear keys in the transverse direction of the bridge, the stresses of the girder decrease in the mid-span. However, the beams at both ends of the side spans revealed large lateral displacements. Considering that the uplift of the beam ends, stress and axial torque of the girder’s side span are greatly reduced. Setting bi-directional friction pendulum bearings on the transition pier is an effective damping measure to control web cracking of the mid-span and lateral drifts of the beam ends.

  • Man Liao, Bin Wu, Xianzhi Zeng, Kailai Deng

    In the seismic design of long-span bridges, the classic bi-linear model was used to simulate the frictional restoring force of the rubber bearings. However, in actual earthquake, the rubber bearing suffered fluctuating axial pressure in earthquake, even separated from the beam when vertical component of the earthquake was too strong. Employing the bi-linear model for the bearing may incorrectly estimate the seismic response of the bearings, as well as the whole bridge. This paper developed a nonlinear frictional bearing model, which can consider the variation of the frictional restoring force in the bearings, even the separation with the beam in vertical directions. A typical continuous beam bridge was modeled in ABAQUS, and incremental dynamic analysis was conducted for the quantitative comparison of the seismic responses using different bearing models. The intensity measure was selected as the ratio of the peak ground acceleration (PGA) in the vertical direction to the PGA in the horizontal direction. The analysis results indicated that the different bearing model led to the significant different seismic response for the bearings and piers, even the vertical component was small. The bi-linear bearing model would underestimate the seismic demand of the bearing and piers.

  • Qiulei Wang, Qi Jiang, Gang Hu, Xiao Chen, Chao Li, Yiqing Xiao

    This paper investigates the effect of fitting fins at the corners of a square cylinder on aerodynamic characteristics of the cylinder via wind tunnel tests and large eddy simulations (LES). Although it has been recognized that the corner fins have a remarkable effect on aerodynamic characteristics of a square cylinder, no study has been carried out to systematically evaluate this effect and reveal the underlying mechanism. Three types of corner fin configurations, i.e. fins fitted only to the leading corners, fins fitted only to the trailing corners, and fins fitted to both leading and trailing corners were studied. It was found that the corner fins significantly influence aerodynamic characteristics, such as mean drag coefficient, fluctuating lift coefficient, and vortex shedding of the cylinder. The influences of these corner fin configurations are very different. In general, the leading and trailing fins have an opposite effect on these characteristics. The mechanisms underlying these effects were clarified based on the flow regime visualized via LES. The interesting findings have practical significances not only for reducing aerodynamic forces and wind-induced vibration of infrastructures, but also for enhancing wind-induced vibration-based energy harvesting.

  • Wangqing Wen, Shiwei Li, Aiguo Yan, Jiahua Zeng

    To analyze the time-varying temperature field distribution pattern of ballastless track steel-concrete composite box girders for a high-speed railway at ambient temperature, a numerical model for analyzing the time-varying temperature field of steel-concrete composite box girders was established based on the long-term monitoring data for the internal and external environments of the main girder of the Ganjiang Bridge on the Nanchang-Ganzhou high-speed railway. The influence of factors such as the deck pavement and the ambient wind speed on the time-varying temperature field of the steel-concrete composite box girders were considered. The results showed that there was a significant difference in the vertical temperature gradient patterns on sections at the side web and at the middle web at the same moment in time due to the hindering effect of the track board on the heat exchange between the ambient temperature and the main girder. Increasing the wind speed accelerated the rate of heat exchange between the main girder surface and the environment. In particular, when the internal temperature of the girder was higher than the ambient temperature, the higher the wind speed was, the larger the temperature gradient was. This study lays a foundation for accurate analysis of the structural response of ballastless track steel-concrete composite girder bridges at ambient temperature.

  • Dinh Hung Nguyen, Hong Nghiep Vu, Thac Quang Nguyen

    Increasing the number of small and medium-sized bridges is a need to improve accessibility in rural areas of the Mekong River Delta of Vietnam. Many types of bridge structures can be the suitable selection for rural bridges, on which the overall load of the operating truck is about 100kN. An objective of this paper is to propose a double-tee (DT) girder with the span length varying from 12 m to 15 m for the rural bridge types B and C in the Vietnamese standard. New concrete aggregate using crushed sand and fly ash for the DT girders is also examined to solve the scarcity of natural sand and environmental problem from industrial waste. A full-scale DT girder with a span length of 12 m is tested to confirm the capacity of the proposed design. Result finds out that the concrete sand, which the natural sand is replaced by 90% of the crushed sand and 10% of the fly ash by weight, could be well applied for the proposed DT girders. Another finding is a linear elastic uncracked response of the tested DT girder under loads of a rural vehicle and concrete blocks of 306kN. Therefore, the proposed DT girders are suggested to the rural bridges.

  • Deyi Chen, Shiping Huang, Zhenyu Wang

    Pedestrian-induced footbridge vibration comfort level is a complex problem that has been studied for a long time. However, no consensus has been reached on a quantitative calculation index for assessing vibration comfort level. Only simple comfort limits, rather than specific relationships between comfort level and the vibration endurance capacity of pedestrians, are currently available for assessing vibration comfort level of footbridges. This article aims to propose a sensitivity model for pedestrian-induced vibration comfort calculation based on the vibration endurance capacity of pedestrians and the vibration response of footbridges. The concepts of “human body resistance” and “vibration effect” were established according to the principle of probability and statistics. Mathematical definition of sensitivity was put forward. Calculation expressions for a pedestrian and pedestrians were deduced respectively. A theory of pedestrian-induced footbridge vibration comfort level was proposed. Field survey and experiment were conducted, the results of the field survey demonstrated that sensitivity values were in good agreement with the international vibration comfort standards. Furthermore, the field experiment results showed that the errors between the experimental results and the calculated results were within 6%. The proposed sensitivity theory can be used for pedestrian-induced footbridge vibration comfort quantitative calculation.

  • Tianyong Jiang, Donghai Yu, Min Xiao, Lingyun Li, Lei Wang

    Combination of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) tendon and reinforced concrete encased steel composite (RCESC) beam can improve the workability and the energy dissipation capacity of members. In this paper, three RCESC beams reinforced with steel bars or CFRP bars were designed and fabricated to study the bond-slip behavior between I-shaped steel and CFRP reinforced concrete and the damage states between bond-slip interfaces of the beams. The lead zirconate titanate (PZT) patch as stress wave actuator, the smart aggregates (SAs) were installed in concrete as the sensors to collect the stress wave signal. A method based on piezoelectric active sensing was developed to monitor the bond-slip damage of CFRP-RCESC beam. The changes of responding signals were characterized in time- and frequency- domains. The characteristic information of bond-slip damage was further quantified by wavelet packet energy. Results show the bond-slip resistance of the CFRP-RCESC beams can be improved by increasing reinforcement ratio and elastic modulus of the main bars. The bond-slip damage process of the specimens can be effectively monitored by the active sensing method.

  • Shunquan Qin, Kai Wei, Jingxi Qin, Renan Yuan, Leiping Xu, Qilian Dan
  • Wanli Yang, Sijing Li, Junling Liu, Wenbo Wu, Hui Li, Ning Wang

    Solitary wave is often used to simulate tsunami propagating in deep water and breaking solitary wave is often used to simulate tsunami bore propagating in shallow water or on land. The breaking solitary wave force on box-girder, which has been widely used in bridge engineering in coastal areas of China, receives few attentions. This study aims to investigate characteristics and generation mechanism of breaking solitary wave force on box-girder numerically. A numerical wave flume with a 1:20 slope was built firstly, then the solitary wave generation ability, wave deformation and wave breaking on the slope, as well as wave force calculation precision, are validated. The water depth 0.6 m, the slope gradient 1:20 and the distance between slope top and box-girder 2.0 m remain unchanged, while the wave height and clearance changes in different cases. The time histories of horizontal force and vertical force on box-girder can be divided into three and four stages respectively according to their characteristics. The surface of box-girder is decomposed into a series of panels to facilitate exploring tsunami bore force generation mechanism. Results show horizontal force is dominated by static pressure on upstream vertical panels and vertical force is mainly contributed by static pressure on upstream horizontal panels and on panels in the chambers. Tsunami bore overtopping the box-girder deck impacts the top panel vigorously and results in the peak value of negative vertical force.

  • Longfei Xing, Mingjin Zhang, Yongle Li, Zhijie Zhang, Dianguo Yin

    To have a comprehensive understanding of the complex wind environment at a bridge site in the mountainous area, a numerical simulation study of the wind environment under the mean and the fluctuating wind flow conditions was carried out and the results were compared. First, according to the weighted amplitude wave superposition (WAWS) method, the fluctuating wind speed time history was compiled by UDF. And the wind speed time history was added to the inlet boundary of a numerical empty wind tunnel to verify the feasibility of the simulation method of the fluctuating wind. Then, with a bridge in the mountainous area in Yunnan as the engineering background, a numerical simulation study of the wind environment of the bridge site area under the mean wind flow and the fluctuating wind flow was carried out by using FLUENT. The study indicates that Large Eddy Simulation (LES) method more accurate than Reynold average method with a sufficient number of grids and a short enough time step. The average wind characteristics of the bridge site under the mean wind and the fluctuating wind are not much different. The fluctuating wind characteristics at the bridge site are mainly affected by the terrain and the pulsating component of the wind flow. There are different terrain pulsation effects at the bridge site under different incoming flow directions.

  • Renda Zhao, Kaifeng Zheng, Xing Wei, Hongyu Jia, Haili Liao, Xiaozhen Li, Kai Wei, Yulin Zhan, Qinghua Zhang, Lin Xiao, Lingyuan Zhou, Ruili Shen, Hongye Gou, Qianhui Pu, Fang Zhang, Ziyi Xu, Chuanjin Yu

    Bridge construction is one of the cores of traffic infrastructure construction. To better develop relevant bridge science, this paper introduces the main research progress in China and abroad in 2020 from 16 aspects. The content consists of four major categories in 16 aspects. The first part is about the bridge structure, including concrete bridge and high-performance materials, steel bridges, composite girders. The second part is about the bridge disaster prevention and mitigation, including bridge seismic resistance, wind resistance of bridge, train-bridge coupling vibration research, bridge hydrodynamics, the durability of the concrete bridges, fatigue of steel bridge, temperature field and temperature effect of bridge; The third part is about the bridge analyses, including numerical simulation of bridge structure, box girder and cable-stayed bridge analysis theories. The last part is concerning the bridge emerging technologies, including bridge informatization and intelligent bridge, the technology in bridge structure test, bridge assessment and reinforcement, prefabricated concrete bridge structure.