Reliability polynomial chaos metamodel for the dynamic behaviour of reinforced concrete bridges

Hicham Lamouri, Mouna EL Mkhalet, Nouzha Lamdouar

Advances in Bridge Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1) : 0.

Advances in Bridge Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1) : 0. DOI: 10.1186/s43251-024-00137-1
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Reliability polynomial chaos metamodel for the dynamic behaviour of reinforced concrete bridges

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The approximation of complex engineering problems and mathematical regressions serves as the authentic inspiration behind the artificial intelligence metamodeling methods. Among these methods, polynomial chaos expansion, along with artificial neural networks, has emerged at the forefront and become the most practical technique. Previous studies have highlighted their robust capabilities in solving complex problems and their wide utilization across numerous applications, particularly in structural analysis, optimization design problems, and predictive models of uncertainty outcomes. The aim of this article is to present a methodology that introduces their implementation of for structural engineering, primarily focusing on reinforced concrete bridges. The proposed approach consists of demonstrating the applicability of the polynomial chaos to evaluate the dynamic behavior of two-span reinforced concrete bridges through a predictive model of natural vibration properties for eigenvalues modal analysis. Subsequently, response spectral method is conducted according to the Moroccan guide for bridge seismic design and the prescription of the EUROCODE 8 within the context of reliability assessment using Monte Carlo simulation. The efficacy of the proposed approach is illustrated by a comparison between the predicted vibration properties and the resulting values obtained through finite element modal analysis and artificial neural networks. The polynomial chaos process is based on a collected dataset of multiple reinforced concrete bridges sourced from technical studies offices and the Regional Administration of the East, affiliated with the Moroccan Ministry of Equipment and Water. Finally, this work contributes to the field by enhancing predictive modeling and reliability evaluation for bridge engineering using artificial intelligence metamodels.


Reinforced concrete bridges / Polynomial chaos expansion / Structural reliability / Bridge engineering / Structural dynamics / Monte Carlo simulation

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Hicham Lamouri, Mouna EL Mkhalet, Nouzha Lamdouar. Reliability polynomial chaos metamodel for the dynamic behaviour of reinforced concrete bridges. Advances in Bridge Engineering, 2024, 5(1): 0


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