Study on train safety control of high-speed railway bridge under the action of near-fault earthquake

Hujun Lei, Hancong Feng, Wei Liu

Advances in Bridge Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1) : 0.

Advances in Bridge Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1) : 0. DOI: 10.1186/s43251-024-00131-7
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Study on train safety control of high-speed railway bridge under the action of near-fault earthquake

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In order to study the effect of the velocity pulse on the dynamic response of the train-bridge system of the high-speed railway simple supported beam bridge, the velocity pulse is simulated by the trigonometric function method and superimposed with the far-field earthquake without pulse to synthesize the pulse with different pulse types, pulse periods and pulse peaks. A 10

32m typical high-speed railway simple supported beam bridge is considered an case illustrating study. Then, the dynamic response of train-track-bridge coupling system is calculated by train-track-bridge seismic analysis software TTBSAS. Afterwards, the influence of pulse near-field earthquakes parameters and vertical components on dynamic response of train-bridge system and the safety of the train on the bridge are discussed in detail.The new derailment evaluation index is adopted to evaluate driving safety under earthquakes. The train safety control of simply supported beam bridge under the action of near-field earthquake is studied. The results show that the impact of pulse ground motion on the dynamic response of the train-track-bridge coupling system is significantly higher than that of no-pulse ground motion, especially the impact on the bridge and rail subsystem is more significant than that of train subsystem. Under the excitation of ground motion intensity of 0.05g
0.15g, the safe speed threshold of pulse near-field ground motion is smaller than that of far-field ground motion. When the ground motion intensity is 0.20g
0.30g, the safe speed threshold of pulse near-field ground motion and far field ground motion is 200km/h. So, the pulse near-field earthquake poses a greater threat to the safety of the train on the bridge than the far-field earthquake. Therefore, the influence of pulse near-field earthquakes should be considered in the seismic design. The research results of this paper can provide theoretitcal support for the design of a high-speed railway bridge in the near-field area.


Train-bridge coupling vibration / Near-field earthquake / Velocity pulse / Running safety / Simulation calculation

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Hujun Lei, Hancong Feng, Wei Liu. Study on train safety control of high-speed railway bridge under the action of near-fault earthquake. Advances in Bridge Engineering, 2024, 5(1): 0


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National Natural Science Foundation of China(51608120); Natural Science Foundation of Fujian Province(2020J01883)




