CFD modeling of orthogonal wave-current interactions in a rectangular numerical wave basin

Kai Wei, Kaiyu Hu

Advances in Bridge Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1) : 0.

Advances in Bridge Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1) : 0. DOI: 10.1186/s43251-024-00129-1
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CFD modeling of orthogonal wave-current interactions in a rectangular numerical wave basin

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Sea-crossing bridges are subject to long-term simultaneous wave and current loadings throughout thier life cycle. The wave-current interaction makes the hydrodynamic load calculation difficult and challenging, especially in simulating the noncollinear wave-current interactions between waves and currents due to potential disturbances such as wall reflections within the observational zone. Therefore, in this study, a numerical flume was built based on the Reynolds time-average (RANS) equation and k-ε turbulence model using the computational fluid dynamics (CFD) software Flow-3D to investigate noncollinear wave-current interaction numerical simulation methods. The collinear wave-current interactions were then numerically simulated using the inflow boundary and mass source wave generation method, and the developed numerical flume was validated with experimental results based on a large-scale wave-current flume. Furthermore, a three-dimensional numerical simulation of complex noncollinear wave-current interactions was developed. The developed rectangular numerical basin based on the collinear wave-current flume was validated with theoretical results regarding wavelength variations in a noncollinear wave-current interaction field. Finally, the effective observation zone of orthogonal wave-current interactions was explored. This study is important for advancing bridge hydrodynamic research into noncollinear wave-current interactions.


Sea-crossing bridge / Numerical simulation / Orthogonal wave-current interactions / Noncollinear wave-current interactions / Observation zone

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Kai Wei, Kaiyu Hu. CFD modeling of orthogonal wave-current interactions in a rectangular numerical wave basin. Advances in Bridge Engineering, 2024, 5(1): 0


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National Natural Science Foundation of China(52222804)




