Damping effects of a stay cable attached with a viscous damper and a high damping rubber damper considering cable bending stiffness and damper support flexibility

Duy Thao Nguyen, Si Quanh Chau, Hoang Nam Phan

Advances in Bridge Engineering ›› 2024, Vol. 5 ›› Issue (1) : 0. DOI: 10.1186/s43251-024-00123-7
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Damping effects of a stay cable attached with a viscous damper and a high damping rubber damper considering cable bending stiffness and damper support flexibility

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To mitigate cable oscillations in cable-stayed bridges, a common approach involves using a strategically positioned viscous damper near the cable’s anchorage and bridge deck. However, for longer cables, this method may be insufficient due to installation constraints. In such cases, supplementing the damping system with a high-damping rubber (HDR) damper near the cable’s anchorage point on the bridge tower becomes imperative to enhance the cable’s damping ratio. Conventional designs often overlook crucial factors like viscous damper support stiffness and stay cable bending stiffness when integrating dampers into cable-stayed structures. This study presents findings on achieving an effective damping ratio in stay cables by using both a viscous damper and an HDR damper, considering the influence of viscous damper support stiffness and stay cable bending stiffness. The results indicate that the combined deployment of these dampers achieves a damping efficiency approximately equivalent to the sum of their individual effects. Importantly, decreased viscous damper support stiffness significantly affects the damping effectiveness, leading to a rapid decline in the stay cable’s damping ratio. While stay cable bending stiffness also influences the damping ratio, its impact is relatively less pronounced than that of viscous damper support stiffness. The study outcomes enable a more accurate prediction of the achievable damping ratio for a stay cable with additional components, considering both damper support stiffness and stay cable bending stiffness. Furthermore, the study explores parameters of both the viscous damper and HDR damper, such as the viscous coefficient, loss coefficient, HDR damper stiffness, and damper placement, evaluating their influence on the first damping ratio of the stay cable. The survey results provide valuable insights for determining optimal parameters for both dampers, maximizing the damping efficiency of cable-stayed bridges.


Viscous damper / Cable damping ratio / High-damping rubber damper / Viscous damper support stiffness / Bending stiffness

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Duy Thao Nguyen, Si Quanh Chau, Hoang Nam Phan. Damping effects of a stay cable attached with a viscous damper and a high damping rubber damper considering cable bending stiffness and damper support flexibility. Advances in Bridge Engineering, 2024, 5(1): 0 https://doi.org/10.1186/s43251-024-00123-7


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