Review of accelerated construction of bridge piers - methods and performance
Mohammadreza Kenarkoohi, Munzer Hassan
Review of accelerated construction of bridge piers - methods and performance
Bridges are an essential part of every road and transportation system, and all countries must build bridges to improve their infrastructure. Accelerated bridge construction (ABC) is an innovative approach that has been noticed in recent years to facilitate and accelerate the process of building, repairing, or replacing bridges. This paper underscores the significance of ABC in bridge construction, focusing on its potential to offer speed, safety, and enhanced longevity for bridge pier. Through a comprehensive exploration of prefabricated elements and systems specific to bridge piers, insights into their applicability, advantages, and limitations are presented. A special section is dedicated to the investigation of pier connections under seismic loads. Furthermore, the review contrasts ABC with traditional construction methodologies, highlighting areas of excellence and potential improvement for ABC.
Accelerated bridge construction / Bridge pier / Connections / Seismic performance / Advanced materials
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