Multi-effective characteristics and advantages of acupuncture in COVID-19 treatment
Lifen Wang, Xiyou Hu, Lianqi Geng, Ningcen Li, Yong Chen, Jingyu Zhang, Xinru Yuan, Lihong Huang, Dongsheng Ba, Jinyu Lian, Xiaoyan Lyu, Zelin Chen, Yue Zhang, Bo Chen
Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine ›› 2023, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (2) : 83-95.
Multi-effective characteristics and advantages of acupuncture in COVID-19 treatment
Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is a major disease that threatens human life and health. Its pathogenesis is complex and still not fully clarified. The clinical treatment is mainly supportive and lacks specific treatment methods. Acupuncture treatment can inhibit immune inflammatory reactions, neuroinflammatory reactions, oxidative stress levels, and hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis activity, improve lung function, and relieve migraine, fatigue, anxiety, and depression. However, whether acupuncture treatment is suitable for treating these symptoms in patients with COVID-19 still needs to be investigated. For this review, the literature was systematically searched for multiple databases to summarize the mechanisms of acupuncture treatment for COVID-19-related symptoms and complications. A complex network analysis of acupoints and symptoms was also performed to clarify acupoint selection in the acupuncture treatment of symptoms related to COVID-19. The evidence indicates that acupuncture can improve the respiratory, digestive, nervous, and mental and psychological symptoms related to COVID-19 by inhibiting immune inflammatory reactions, regulating intestinal flora, mitochondrial function, oxidative stress level, cardiomyocyte apoptosis, neurotransmitter release, and HPA axis activity, and alleviating basic diseases such as diseases of the vascular system. Acupuncture can improve various clinical and concomitant symptoms of COVID-19; however, its mechanism of action is complex and requires further study.
Acupuncture / COVID-19 / Inflammatory factor storm / Multi-efficiency
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