Trigger points and sensitized acupoints: same book, different covers?
Mingsheng Sun, Mingxiao Yang, Jing Rong, Xingsha Ma, Hui Zheng, Dingjun Cai, Ling Zhao, Fanrong Liang
Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine ›› 2021, Vol. 1 ›› Issue (2) : 74-80.
Trigger points and sensitized acupoints: same book, different covers?
Acupoints and trigger points in traditional Chinese medicine represent two different minimally invasive therapy systems-based, respectively, on traditional acupuncture and dry needles. Many studies argue that trigger points and traditional acupoints are conceptually similar because they generally have identical locations on the human body. However, whether trigger points contribute to the formation of the traditional acupuncture technique is controversial. Although many relevant studies have been conducted, this controversy continues to hinder the development of both disciplines. Recently, researchers of Chinese acupuncture have proposed the “acupoint sensitization” theory, which postulates that traditional acupoints may be sensitized by diseases, environments, and therapies. This turns them into a “sensitized state.” Recent studies suggest that trigger points and sensitized acupoints share similar biological properties. To clarify the above-mentioned confusion, we reviewed relevant studies on these two concepts and attempted to analyze their relationship. In this paper, we provide a general summary of acupoint sensitization theory and sensitized acupoints. We then compare trigger points with sensitized acupoints by categorizing their similarities and differences, including location and range, pathological morphology, pain perception, surface temperature effects, and bioelectrical properties. We believe that, because trigger points and sensitized acupoints have many shared properties, they might constitute “the same book with different covers.”
Acupoint sensitization / Biological characteristics / Trigger points
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