An Energy-Autonomous Wearable Fabric Powered by High-Power Density Sweat-Activated Batteries for Health Monitoring

Xiaoling Tong, Tianjiao Hua, Miaoyi Xu, Dongzi Yang, Gang Xiao, Shuo Li, Xiaohui Cao, Yuanlong Shao

Advanced Fiber Materials ›› 2024

Advanced Fiber Materials ›› 2024 DOI: 10.1007/s42765-024-00484-8
Research Article

An Energy-Autonomous Wearable Fabric Powered by High-Power Density Sweat-Activated Batteries for Health Monitoring

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The rapid advancement of personalized healthcare brings forth a myriad of self-powered integrated sweat fabric systems. However, challenges such as alkaline by-products, low open-circuit voltage and output power have made them unsuitable for the continuously powering biosensors. Here, we have designed a sweat-activated polyaniline/single-wall carbon nanotube||Zinc (PANI/SWCNTs||Zn) battery fabric featuring multiple redox states. This innovative battery achieves a high open-circuit voltage of 1.2 V within 1.0 s and boasts an impressive power density of 2.5 mW cm−2 due to the rapid solid–liquid two-phase electronic/ionic transfer interface. In-depth characterization reveals that the discharge mechanism involves the reduction of emeraldine salt to leucoemeraldine without oxygen reduction. By integrating this system seamlessly, the sweat-activated batteries can directly power a patterned light-emitting diode and a multiplexed sweat biosensor, while wirelessly transmitting data to a user interface via Bluetooth. This strategic design offers safety warnings and continuous real-time health monitoring for night walking or running. This work paves the way for the development of an efficient and sustainable energy-autonomous electronic fabric system tailored for individual health monitoring.

Graphical Abstract

Highly power-density sweat-activated PANI/SWCNTs||Zn fiber battery has been fabricated by rapid reduction of emeraldine salt to leucoemeraldine. Through seamless system integration, the thus-fabricated sweat-activated battery pack can power a multiplexed sweat biosensor, demonstrating the feasibility of a sustainable energy-autonomous electronic fabric system for continuous individual health monitoring.

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Xiaoling Tong, Tianjiao Hua, Miaoyi Xu, Dongzi Yang, Gang Xiao, Shuo Li, Xiaohui Cao, Yuanlong Shao. An Energy-Autonomous Wearable Fabric Powered by High-Power Density Sweat-Activated Batteries for Health Monitoring. Advanced Fiber Materials, 2024


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National Natural Science Foundation of China(T2188101); Science Fund for Distinguished Young Scholars of Jiangsu Province(ZXL2021449); Key Laboratory in Science and Technology Development Project of Suzhou(SYG202108)




