Therapeutic Smart Insole Technology with Archimedean Algorithmic Spiral Triboelectric Nanogenerator-Based Power System and Sensors

Alfred Mensah, Shiqin Liao, Jeremiah Amesimeku, Jie Li, Yajun Chen, Yi Hao, Jixing Yang, Qingqing Wang, Fenglin Huang, Yun Liu, Qufu Wei, Pengfei Lv

Advanced Fiber Materials ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (6) : 1746-1764.

Advanced Fiber Materials ›› 2024, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (6) : 1746-1764. DOI: 10.1007/s42765-024-00443-3
Research Article

Therapeutic Smart Insole Technology with Archimedean Algorithmic Spiral Triboelectric Nanogenerator-Based Power System and Sensors

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Clinical diagnosis and early intervention employ pedobarometry, which analyzes gait, posture, and foot health. Athletes utilize smart insoles to track step count, distance, and other parameters to improve performance. Current sensor platforms are bulky and limited to indoor or clinical environments, despite the trend of developing specialized insoles for recuperation and therapy. Hence, we presented a fully flexible, typically portable, and multi-functional insole monitoring technology powered by Archimedean algorithmic spiral TENG-based power system strictly produced from biopolymers such as bacterial cellulose, conjugate-blend of polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS), poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):polystyrene sulfonate (PEDOT:PSS), and more. Along with exceptional mechanical and electrical performance [current density (J SC) ≈ 40–50 μA/cm2 and power density (P D) ≈ 500–600 μW/cm2], the smart insole system exhibited good sensor-human foot interfacial analysis results, proving to be capable of biomechanical analysis of gait, posture, and many other podiatry-related conditions, albeit being soft, portable, and having compatibility potential for IoT integration.

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Alfred Mensah, Shiqin Liao, Jeremiah Amesimeku, Jie Li, Yajun Chen, Yi Hao, Jixing Yang, Qingqing Wang, Fenglin Huang, Yun Liu, Qufu Wei, Pengfei Lv. Therapeutic Smart Insole Technology with Archimedean Algorithmic Spiral Triboelectric Nanogenerator-Based Power System and Sensors. Advanced Fiber Materials, 2024, 6(6): 1746‒1764


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National Natural Science Foundation of China(52003191); Young Elite Scientists Sponsorship Program by CAST(2022QNRC001); Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province(BK20221539); Program of Introducing Talents of Jiangnan University(1065219032210150); Science and Technology Program of Jiangsu Administration for Market Regulation(KJ2024013); National Key R&D Program(2023YFC3605800)




