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About open access

Articles published in our Open Access journals are made permanently free for everyone to access immediately upon publication, and are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribution, and production  in any medium, provided the original Copyright-owner(s) and the source are credited.
Open access enables scientific research papers to be published online and made accessible to anyone with no restrictions and at no cost. By making information freely available in this way, open access accelerates research and learning. At the same time, it increases the visibility, usage and impact of authors’ work. This publishing model also removes permission barriers: unrestricted use of all  published material is made possible thanks to flexible intellectual property regulations for authors.
How it works
Open access to research implies that the published scientific papers are in a digital format, online, free of charge, and free of most copyright and licensing restrictions.
However, publishing still has costs that need to be covered. These include publishing and review process coordination, English  language proof-reading and corrections, typesetting, Author and Editor support, indexing and archiving, promotional activities, online publishing technology, digital presentation and preservation, promotion and dissemination of your work, printing and express delivery of one hard copy of the publication which is sent directly to the contributing Editors and Authors.  For a publisher to sustain open access to all of its publications, it is necessary to defray the editorial and production costs by collecting Article Processing Charges (APC) from Authors, Authors’ institutes, or research funding bodies. 
Open access publishing offers the same indexing, archiving, searching and linking capabilities that are a part of conventional publishing.
Benefits of open access
Open access makes knowledge available to all, without the barrier of affordability and without restrictions on using it to inform and develop related areas of research. 
· Accelerated discovery. With open access, researchers can read and build on the findings of others without restriction. 
· Public enrichment. Much scientific and medical research is paid for with public funds. Open Access allows taxpayers to see the results of their investment. 
· Improved education. Open Access means that teachers and their students have access to the latest research findings throughout the world.
Open Access Policy

Our OA Journal articles published in edited volumes are distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported License (CC BY 4.0), a license which allows for the broadest possible reuse of published material.
This is a human-readable summary of (and not a substitute for) the license. Under this license, authors retain ownership of the copyright for their content, but allow anyone to download, reuse, reprint, modify, distribute and/or copy the content as long as the original authors and source are cited. No permission is required from the authors or the publishers.
Appropriate attribution can be provided by simply citing the original article.
For any reuse or redistribution of a work, users must also make clear the license terms under which the work was published. This broad license was developed to facilitate free access to, and unrestricted reuse of, original works of all types. Applying this standard license to your own work will ensure that it is freely and openly available in perpetuity.
In general, the open access publishing model employed by publisher eliminates subscription charges and pay-per-view fees, hence enabling readers to access research at no cost. In order to sustain operations and keep publications freely accessible, publishers levy Article Processing Charges (APC) for accepted articles, which helps them cover the costs of editorial workflow  and production of journals. 
However, our OA journal articles are sponsored by the supervisors and organizers, so for now we charge no APC.
Waiver policy
Waiver policy is set up for those who cannot afford the publication fees. Only after a manuscript has been accepted for publication, can the corresponding author submit the waiver request form by contacting the assigned publishing process manager. 
Our OA journals are free of charge for all authors now.


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