Effect of exercise on inhibitory control is dose-dependent for adolescents

Xin Li, Zhengzhen Wang, Yan Wang, Xiaotong Li, Dongfeng Li

Sports Medicine and Health Science ›› 2022, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 54-60.

Sports Medicine and Health Science ›› 2022, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 54-60. DOI: 10.1016/j.smhs.2021.10.005
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Effect of exercise on inhibitory control is dose-dependent for adolescents

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Adolescence is an important stage for brain maturation. To investigate the effect of different exercise doses on inhibitory control in adolescents aged 12 to 14-year old, an after-school exercise program was offered 5 days per week for 12 weeks during a school semester. Thirsty-four adolescents (17 boys) from the first six classes were randomly divided into low-dose exercise group (LE group, one 30-min aerobic exercise bout per day, n ​= ​16) and high-dose exercise group (HE group, two 30-min aerobic exercise bouts per day, n ​= ​18), while 23 adolescents (10 boys) in the control group (CON, zero 30-min exercise bout, n ​= ​23) were from the last two classes. All the participants in different classes received the same physical education with the same contents, duration, and intensity at class. All the participants completed flanker tests and cardiorespiratory tests before and after exercise intervention. The HE group showed more significant improvements on inhibitory control and V˙O2peak than CON (p ​< ​0.05). Changes in physical activity (PA) were significantly correlated with changes in interference scores (Spearman rho ​= ​-0.30, p ​< ​0.05), V˙O2peak (Spearman rho ​= ​0.31, p ​< ​0.05), and BF percentage (Spearman rho ​= ​-0.32, p ​< ​0.05). This study demonstrated that effect of exercise on inhibitory control in adolescents is dose-dependent, which highlights the need to focus on the exercise dose in daily life for improving cognition among adolescents.


Long-term exercise interventions / Cardiorespiratory fitness / Dose-response / Adolescents / Inhibitory control / Cognition / Physical activity

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Xin Li, Zhengzhen Wang, Yan Wang, Xiaotong Li, Dongfeng Li. Effect of exercise on inhibitory control is dose-dependent for adolescents. Sports Medicine and Health Science, 2022, 4(1): 54‒60 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.smhs.2021.10.005


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The authors would like to acknowledge the contribution of Chun SUN (Department of Physical Education, Shandong Normal University, China) and Mengdie WANG (Beijing Sport University, China) who helped monitor the adolescents doing exercise. The authors also thank Dr. Xijuan LUO (Department of Physical Education, Sun Yat-sen University, China) for her advice on the statistical analyses, and Dr. Di CUI (Department of Physical Education, Hunan Univeristy, China) for her editorial contributions. The authors would also like to gratefully acknowledge the contributions of the adolescents and teachers in conducting this study. This work was supported by National Key Research and Development Program Major Prevention and Control Research on Chronic Non-communicable Diseases (2016YFC1300202).




