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    Jing Wang, Hui-Juan Jin, Yi Lu, Zi-Han Wang, Teng-Yan Li, Lan Xia, Hong-Jun Li, Bin-Bin Wang, Su-Ren Chen
    Protein & Cell, 2024, 15(9): 704-709.
    Zhuoqun Liu, Yuchen Xiao, Jianjun Lyu, Duohui Jing, Liu Liu, Yanbin Fu, Wenxin Niu, Lingjing Jin, Chao Zhang
    Protein & Cell, 2024, 15(9): 633-641.
    Qinchao Hu, Bin Zhang, Yaobin Jing, Shuai Ma, Lei Hu, Jingyi Li, Yandong Zheng, Zijuan Xin, Jianmin Peng, Si Wang, Bin Cheng, Jing Qu, Weiqi Zhang, Guang-Hui Liu, Songlin Wang
    Protein & Cell, 2024, 15(8): 612-632.

    Aging has a profound impact on the gingiva and significantly increases its susceptibility to periodontitis, a worldwide prevalent inflammatory disease. However, a systematic characterization and comprehensive understanding of the regulatory mechanism underlying gingival aging is still lacking. Here, we systematically dissected the phenotypic characteristics of gingiva during aging in primates and constructed the first single-nucleus transcriptomic landscape of gingival aging, by which a panel of cell type-specific signatures were elucidated. Epithelial cells were identified as the most affected cell types by aging in the gingiva. Further analyses pinpointed the crucial role of YAP in epithelial self-renew and homeostasis, which declined during aging in epithelial cells, especially in basal cells. The decline of YAP activity during aging was confirmed in the human gingival tissues, and downregulation of YAP in human primary gingival keratinocytes recapitulated the major phenotypic defects observed in the aged primate gingiva while overexpression of YAP showed rejuvenation effects. Our work provides an in-depth understanding of gingival aging and serves as a rich resource for developing novel strategies to combat aging-associated gingival diseases, with the ultimate goal of advancing periodontal health and promoting healthy aging.

    Le Kang
    Protein & Cell, 2024, 15(8): 553-558.
    Fumiaki Ito, Hanjing Yang, Z. Hong Zhou, Xiaojiang S. Chen
    Protein & Cell, 2024, 15(7): 547-552.
    Mingrui Ding, Weifan Xu, Gaofeng Pei, Pilong Li
    Protein & Cell, 2024, 15(7): 475-492.

    Biomolecular condensation, driven by multivalency, serves as a fundamental mechanism within cells, facilitating the formation of distinct compartments, including membraneless organelles that play essential roles in various cellular processes. Perturbations in the delicate equilibrium of condensation, whether resulting in gain or loss of phase separation, have robustly been associated with cellular dysfunction and physiological disorders. As ongoing research endeavors wholeheartedly embrace this newly acknowledged principle, a transformative shift is occurring in our comprehension of disease. Consequently, significant strides have been made in unraveling the profound relevance and potential causal connections between abnormal phase separation and various diseases. This comprehensive review presents compelling recent evidence that highlight the intricate associations between aberrant phase separation and neurodegenerative diseases, cancers, and infectious diseases. Additionally, we provide a succinct summary of current efforts and propose innovative solutions for the development of potential therapeutics to combat the pathological consequences attributed to aberrant phase separation.

    Chuanle Wang, Yan Huang, Yue Yang, Ruofei Li, Yingying Li, Hongxin Qiu, Jiali Wu, Guang Shi, Wenbin Ma, Zhou Songyang
    Protein & Cell, 2024, 15(7): 493-511.

    Telomeres are specialized structures at the ends of linear chromosomes that protect genome stability. The telomeric repeat-containing RNA (TERRA) that is transcribed from subtelomeric regions can invade into double-stranded DNA regions and form RNA:DNA hybrid-containing structure called R-loop. In tumor cells, R-loop formation is closely linked to gene expression and the alternative lengthening of telomeres (ALT) pathway. Dysregulated R-loops can cause stalled replication forks and telomere instability. However, how R-loops are recognized and regulated, particularly at telomeres, is not well understood. We discovered that ILF3 selectively associates with telomeric R-loops and safeguards telomeres from abnormal homologous recombination. Knocking out ILF3 results in excessive R-loops at telomeres and triggers telomeric DNA damage responses. In addition, ILF3 deficiency disrupts telomere homeostasis and causes abnormalities in the ALT pathway. Using the proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) technology, we mapped the ILF3 interactome and discovered that ILF3 could interact with several DNA/RNA helicases, including DHX9. Importantly, ILF3 may aid in the resolution of telomeric R-loops through its interaction with DHX9. Our findings suggest that ILF3 may function as a reader of telomeric R-loops, helping to prevent abnormal homologous recombination and maintain telomere homeostasis.

    Xinmin Qian, Meiyi Tong, Tianqing Zhang, Qingqing Li, Meng Hua, Nan Zhou, Wenwen Zeng

    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a prevalent inflammatory skin disorder in which patients experience recurrent eczematous lesions and intense itching. The colonization of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) is correlated with the severity of the disease, but its role in AD development remains elusive. Using single-cell RNA sequencing, we uncovered that keratinocytes activate a distinct immune response characterized by induction of Il24 when exposed to methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Further experiments using animal models showed that the administration of recombinant IL-24 protein worsened AD-like pathology. Genetic ablation of Il24 or the receptor Il20rb in keratinocytes alleviated allergic inflammation and atopic march. Mechanistically, IL-24 acted through its heterodimeric receptors on keratinocytes and augmented the production of IL-33, which in turn aggravated type 2 immunity and AD-like skin conditions. Overall, these findings establish IL-24 as a critical factor for onset and progression of AD and a compelling therapeutic target.

    Nini Wang, Shangda Yang, Yu Li, Fanglin Gou, Yanling Lv, Xiangnan Zhao, Yifei Wang, Chang Xu, Bin Zhou, Fang Dong, Zhenyu Ju, Tao Cheng, Hui Cheng

    The maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) is a complex process involving numerous cell-extrinsic and -intrinsic regulators. The first member of the cyclin-dependent kinase family of inhibitors to be identified, p21, has been reported to perform a wide range of critical biological functions, including cell cycle regulation, transcription, differentiation, and so on. Given the previous inconsistent results regarding the functions of p21 in HSCs in a p21-knockout mouse model, we employed p21-tdTomato (tdT) mice to further elucidate its role in HSCs during homeostasis. The results showed that p21-tdT+ HSCs exhibited increased self-renewal capacity compared to p21-tdT HSCs. Zbtb18, a transcriptional repressor, was upregulated in p21-tdT+ HSCs, and its knockdown significantly impaired the reconstitution capability of HSCs. Furthermore, p21 interacted with ZBTB18 to co-repress the expression of cKit in HSCs and thus regulated the self-renewal of HSCs. Our data provide novel insights into the physiological role and mechanisms of p21 in HSCs during homeostasis independent of its conventional role as a cell cycle inhibitor.

    Sipeng Wu, Yiqi Cai, Lixiao Zhang, Xiang Li, Xu Liu, Guangkeng Zhou, Hongdi Luo, Renjian Li, Yujia Huo, Zhirong Zhang, Siyi Chen, Jinliang Huang, Jiahao Shi, Shanwei Ding, Zhe Sun, Zizhuo Zhou, Pengcheng Wang, Geng Wang

    One of the basic questions in the aging field is whether there is a fundamental difference between the aging of lower invertebrates and mammals. A major difference between the lower invertebrates and mammals is the abundancy of noncoding RNAs, most of which are not conserved. We have previously identified a noncoding RNA Terc-53 that is derived from the RNA component of telomerase Terc. To study its physiological functions, we generated two transgenic mouse models overexpressing the RNA in wild-type and early-aging Terc−/− backgrounds. Terc-53 mice showed age-related cognition decline and shortened life span, even though no developmental defects or physiological abnormality at an early age was observed, indicating its involvement in normal aging of mammals. Subsequent mechanistic study identified hyaluronan-mediated motility receptor (Hmmr) as the main effector of Terc-53. Terc-53 mediates the degradation of Hmmr, leading to an increase of inflammation in the affected tissues, accelerating organismal aging. adeno-associated virus delivered supplementation of Hmmr in the hippocampus reversed the cognition decline in Terc-53 transgenic mice. Neither Terc-53 nor Hmmr has homologs in C. elegans. Neither do arthropods express hyaluronan. These findings demonstrate the complexity of aging in mammals and open new paths for exploring noncoding RNA and Hmmr as means of treating age-related physical debilities and improving healthspan.

    Mengxue Zeng, Kun Wang, Qingcui Wu, Jingjin Ding, Dan Xie, Xiangbing Qi, Feng Shao

    Caspase-2, a highly conserved member of the caspase family, is considered an initiator caspase that triggers apoptosis in response to some cellular stresses. Previous studies suggest that an intracellular multi-protein complex PIDDosome, induced by genotoxic stress, serves as a platform for caspase-2 activation. Due to caspase-2’s inability to process effector caspases, however, the mechanism underlying caspase-2-mediated cell death upon PIDDosome activation remains unclear. Here, we conducted an unbiased genome-wide genetic screen and identified that the Bcl2 family protein BID is required for PIDDosome-induced, caspase-2-mediated apoptosis. PIDDosome-activated caspase-2 directly and functionally processes BID to signal the mitochondrial pathway for apoptosis induction. In addition, a designed chemical screen identified a compound, HUHS015, which specifically activates caspase-2- mediated apoptosis. HUHS015-stimulated apoptosis also requires BID but is independent of the PIDDosome. Through extensive structure–activity relationship efforts, we identified a derivative with a potency of ∼60 nmol/L in activating caspase-2-mediated apoptosis. The HUHS015-series of compounds act as efficient agonists that directly target the interdomain linker in caspase-2, representing a new mode of initiator caspase activation. Human and mouse caspase-2 differ in two crucial residues in the linker, rendering a selectivity of the agonists for human caspase-2. The caspase-2 agonists are valuable tools to explore the physiological roles of caspase-2-mediated cell death and a base for developing small-molecule drugs for relevant diseases.

    Hao Wang, Junbo Yang, Yihong Cai, Yang Zhao

    Direct conversion of cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) to cardiomyocytes (CMs) in vivo to regenerate heart tissue is an attractive approach. After myocardial infarction (MI), heart repair proceeds with an inflammation stage initiated by monocytes infiltration of the infarct zone establishing an immune microenvironment. However, whether and how the MI microenvironment influences the reprogramming of CFs remains unclear. Here, we found that in comparison with cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) cultured in vitro, CFs that transplanted into infarct region of MI mouse models resisted to cardiac reprogramming. RNA-seq analysis revealed upregulation of interferon (IFN) response genes in transplanted CFs, and subsequent inhibition of the IFN receptors increased reprogramming efficiency in vivo. Macrophage-secreted IFN-β was identified as the dominant upstream signaling factor after MI. CFs treated with macrophage-conditioned medium containing IFN-β displayed reduced reprogramming efficiency, while macrophage depletion or blocking the IFN signaling pathway after MI increased reprogramming efficiency in vivo. Co-IP, BiFC and Cut-tag assays showed that phosphorylated STAT1 downstream of IFN signaling in CFs could interact with the reprogramming factor GATA4 and inhibit the GATA4 chromatin occupancy in cardiac genes. Furthermore, upregulation of IFN-IFNAR-p-STAT1 signaling could stimulate CFs secretion of CCL2/7/12 chemokines, subsequently recruiting IFN-β-secreting macrophages. Together, these immune cells further activate STAT1 phosphorylation, enhancing CCL2/7/12 secretion and immune cell recruitment, ultimately forming a self-reinforcing positive feedback loop between CFs and macrophages via IFN-IFNAR-p-STAT1 that inhibits cardiac reprogramming in vivo. Cumulatively, our findings uncover an intercellular self-stimulating inflammatory circuit as a microenvironmental molecular barrier of in situ cardiac reprogramming that needs to be overcome for regenerative medicine applications.

    Yinghui Li, Xingchen Liu, Xue Sun, Hui Li, Shige Wang, Wotu Tian, Chen Xiang, Xuyuan Zhang, Jiajia Zheng, Haifang Wang, Liguo Zhang, Li Cao, Catherine C.L. Wong, Zhihua Liu

    Scavenger receptor class B, member 2 (SCARB2) is linked to Gaucher disease and Parkinson’s disease. Deficiency in the SCARB2 gene causes progressive myoclonus epilepsy (PME), a rare group of inherited neurodegenerative diseases characterized by myoclonus. We found that Scarb2 deficiency in mice leads to age-dependent dietary lipid malabsorption, accompanied with vitamin E deficiency. Our investigation revealed that Scarb2 deficiency is associated with gut dysbiosis and an altered bile acid pool, leading to hyperactivation of FXR in intestine. Hyperactivation of FXR impairs epithelium renewal and lipid absorption. Patients with SCARB2 mutations have a severe reduction in their vitamin E levels and cannot absorb dietary vitamin E. Finally, inhibiting FXR or supplementing vitamin E ameliorates the neuromotor impairment and neuropathy in Scarb2 knockout mice. These data indicate that gastrointestinal dysfunction is associated with SCARB2 deficiency-related neurodegeneration, and SCARB2-associated neurodegeneration can be improved by addressing the nutrition deficits and gastrointestinal issues.

    Ding Ma, An Xie, Jiahui Lv, Xiaolin Min, Xinye Zhang, Qian Zhou, Daxing Gao, Enyu Wang, Lei Gao, Linzhao Cheng, Senquan Liu

    Developing an intracellular delivery system is of key importance in the expansion of protein-based therapeutics acting on cytosolic or nuclear targets. Recently, extracellular vesicles (EVs) have been exploited as next-generation delivery modalities due to their natural role in intercellular communication and biocompatibility. However, fusion of protein of interest to a scaffold represents a widely used strategy for cargo enrichment in EVs, which could compromise the stability and functionality of cargo. Herein, we report intracellular delivery via EV-based approach (IDEA) that efficiently packages and delivers native proteins both in vitro and in vivo without the use of a scaffold. As a proof-of-concept, we applied the IDEA to deliver cyclic GMP-AMP synthase (cGAS), an innate immune sensor. The results showed that cGAS-carrying EVs activated interferon signaling and elicited enhanced antitumor immunity in multiple syngeneic tumor models. Combining cGAS EVs with immune checkpoint inhibition further synergistically boosted antitumor efficacy in vivo. Mechanistically, scRNA-seq demonstrated that cGAS EVs mediated significant remodeling of intratumoral microenvironment, revealing a pivotal role of infiltrating neutrophils in the antitumor immune milieu. Collectively, IDEA, as a universal and facile strategy, can be applied to expand and advance the development of protein-based therapeutics.

    Sadaf Hasan, Nabil Ghani, Xiangli Zhao, Julia Good, Amanda Huang, Hailey Lynn Wrona, Jody Liu, Chuan-ju Liu
    Protein & Cell, 2024, 15(9): 661-685.

    Obesity has a multifactorial etiology and is known to be a state of chronic low-grade inflammation, known as meta-inflammation. This state is associated with the development of metabolic disorders such as glucose intolerance and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease. Pyruvate is a glycolytic metabolite and a crucial node in various metabolic pathways. However, its role and molecular mechanism in obesity and associated complications are obscure. In this study, we reported that pyruvate substantially inhibited adipogenic differentiation in vitro and its administration significantly prevented HFD-induced weight gain, white adipose tissue inflammation, and metabolic dysregulation. To identify the target proteins of pyruvate, drug affinity responsive target stability was employed with proteomics, cellular thermal shift assay, and isothermal drug response to detect the interactions between pyruvate and its molecular targets. Consequently, we identified cytosolic phospholipase A2 (cPLA2) as a novel molecular target of pyruvate and demonstrated that pyruvate restrained diet-induced obesity, white adipose tissue inflammation, and hepatic steatosis in a cPLA2-dependent manner. Studies with global ablation of cPLA2 in mice showed that the protective effects of pyruvate were largely abrogated, confirming the importance of pyruvate/cPLA2 interaction in pyruvate attenuation of inflammation and obesity. Overall, our study not only establishes pyruvate as an antagonist of cPLA2 signaling and a potential therapeutic option for obesity but it also sheds light on the mechanism of its action. Pyruvate’s prior clinical use indicates that it can be considered a safe and viable alternative for obesity, whether consumed as a dietary supplement or as part of a regular diet.