Study on the properties of solar cell under bias condition by using impedance spectroscopy
Wenbo Xiao, Ao Li, Bangzhi Xiao
Study on the properties of solar cell under bias condition by using impedance spectroscopy
This paper investigates the properties of silicon cells (SI) and perovskite solar cells (PSC) under bias condition by using impedance spectroscopy. The parallel resistances R p of SI and PSC are found to decrease with increasing bias, but the capacitance C p shows the opposite trend. Comparing R p with C p, bias has a greater impact on the C p of both cells. However, the bias has little effect on the series resistance R s of both cells. Compared with SI cell, the bias is seen to be a greater impact on the R p and a smaller impact on C p of PSC. The carrier lifetime τ n in SI and PSC first increases and then decreases with bias, and the carrier diffusion length L d increases almost linearly with bias. Compared to SI cell, the bias has a greater impact on PSC’s L d.
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