Implementation of all-optical tristate Pauli X, Y and Z gates based on two-dimensional photonic crystal
Snigdha Hazra, Sourangshu Mukhopadhyay
Implementation of all-optical tristate Pauli X, Y and Z gates based on two-dimensional photonic crystal
In this paper, we have designed and simulated all-optical tristate Pauli X, Y and Z gates using 2D photonic crystal. Simple line and point defects have been used to design the structure. The performance of the structure has been analyzed and investigated by plane wave expansion (PWE) and finite difference time domain (FDTD) methods. Different performance parameters, namely contrast ratio (CR), rise time, fall time, delay time, response time and bit rate, have been calculated. The main advantage of the proposed design is that all the Pauli gates have been realized from a single structure. Due to compact size, fast response time, good CR and high bit rate, the proposed structure can be highly useful for optical computing, data processing and optical integrated circuits.
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