Ultrasensitive plasmonic sensor based on MDM waveguide containing Persian Orsi window cavities for refractive index and blood plasma sensing
Mohammad Ghanavati, Mohammad Azim Karami
Ultrasensitive plasmonic sensor based on MDM waveguide containing Persian Orsi window cavities for refractive index and blood plasma sensing
We developed a plasmonic refractive index (RI) with a metal-dielectric-metal (MDM) structure that utilizes two Persian Orsi windows-like separated cavities with a high figure of merit (FoM) and ultrasensitivity. The simulated and optimized Ag-air-Ag MDM sensor for surface plasmon resonance (SPR) offers high RI sensitivity (S RI) and the ability to detect blood plasma concentration (BPC). The results verified that structural parameters have an effect on S RI, full width at half maximum (FWHM), FoM, sensitivity of blood plasma (S p) for right and left peaks, whose values are 1 345.45 nm·RIU−1, 32 nm, 42.04 RIU−1, 0.26 and 0.19 nm·L·g−1, respectively. The proposed design opens a new horizon in sensor development.
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