A nano-plasmonic HMIM waveguide based concurrent dual-band BPF using circular ring resonator
Miriyala Sridhar, Surendra Kumar Bitra, T. S. N. Murthy, Koppireddi Padmaraju
A nano-plasmonic HMIM waveguide based concurrent dual-band BPF using circular ring resonator
This article analyzes the transmission line characteristics of plasmonic hybrid metal insulator metal (HMIM) waveguide, circular ring resonator (CRR) based dual-band band-pass filters with two transmission poles in both pass-bands in the optical regime using coupled line feed. The transmission line characteristics of an HMIM waveguide, such as characteristic impedance (Z PV), effective refractive index (n eff) and propagation length (L spp), have been obtained by using full wave simulation. Using basic HMIM slot waveguide, a CRR with periodic loading of double- and triple-ring CRR is numerically analyzed. Two input ports have been used for excitation, which are located at the separation of 180° positions along the CRR, and are coupled with the ring by parallel coupled lines, producing the dual pass-bands with the synchronous excitation of two transmission poles. The proposed double-ring dual-band band-pass filter (DR-DB-BPF) offers 35 dB extinction ratio (ER), 299.69 nm free spectral range (FSR) and narrow band full width half maximum (FWHM) of 78.057–112.43 nm. The triple-ring DB-BPF (TR-DB-BPF) has 22.5 dB ER, FSR of 292.18 nm and FWHM of 42.751–59.58 nm. The proposed filters are very useful in the development of dual-band filters for electronic photonic integrated circuits (EPICs), as the optical signals are filtered at two wavelengths simultaneously.
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